September 13, 2003 1:39 AM
Evaluation - Spot Watching
Most experts in this
day and age play upside count and attitude. The main advantage of this
treatment is not to waste spot cards
to signal. Otherwise all the concepts are the same. Signals are multi purpose as they can show count ,
attitude or suit preference depending on
the circumstances. Signals occur in five primary situations with variations
depending on whether the suit as been bid, a
singleton is on the board , you want a ruff , the
level of the contract etc .
go through the 5 situations in turn .
1) When
partner leads an honour you indicate attitude . Some experts have added a neat twist
. Against a suit contract , If they have the AK
of a suit & they want count they deliberately lead the King . This is
normally done at high level contracts when you want to cash out. The Ace lead
you would normally give attitude. This is reversed in NT contracts.
2) Partner leads a suit ( 4th best or otherwise ) won by the board . You indicate attitude.
Count if NT ( playing Smith echos )
3) Discards Most experts play
odd-even first discard only . Odd means you like the
suit and even says you do not. If even , you can add
suit preference by a low or high even card discarded.
4) Suit
Preference for ruffing purposes and switch purposes
high card means higher ranking suit and low means lower ranking. Middle means
5) Following
suit Count in declarers suit is given when it may
be helpful to partner rather than declarer. The order of your cards played when
you are following suit can signal suit preference to partner when count is not important . Playing them in an unusual order can mean suit
preference or as in Smith echos indicate whether you
liked partners opening lead or not.
What is attitude
? It can mean a number of things. It can mean I want a ruff , it can mean you have hit length in that suit in NT
contracts , it can mean you have honour cards in that
suit or it can mean that you just cannot stand the obvious
switch. When you have determined by the bidding or the way declarer
is playing the hand that count is not important, you should switch to attitude
or suit preference. Partner , by knowing that you have
honour cards in that suit will help her in suit
switches. For example, you have shown your HCP in the auction by making a NT
bid and declarer leads a club to the AJxx on the
dummy just as an entry . You have the KQ83 of clubs.
Play the 3 (upside down attitude) to show partner that you have points
there . Placing cards that way will avoid disastrous switches. Knowing when
count is not important and knowing that partner is on the same wave length as
you are , is
the key.
Deception is also an art form . Knowing when to deceive
is a skill . Deception and false carding is single
handed you vrs declarer. Do not bludgeon partner !
Discards showing that you
like the suit also means that will be the suit you are going to save for squeeze purposes . Way too many pseudo
squeezes occur because both partners are saving the same suit
. An attitude discard means I am holding onto that suit partner so you
hold onto another !
Giving correct count is
important in squeeze defense. If partner leads an honour
card against 6NT ( for example ) the rules change. You
do not give attitude but count. For squeeze purposes it is more important to
know what suit to hold onto then to show partner you liked her lead.
The art form of signaling
is to know when to show attitude , count or suit preference . I had a hand at the
Red Deer tournament where Vish and I were defending 4♥ . I could over ruff
the board in spades but Vish did not know that . Declarer led a side suit which I held KQJ10xx and the board Axxxx . He cashed the Ace and everyone followed low . The next club I played the King .
declarer ruffed and Vish
over ruffed. Why did I play the King when any card would have sufficed ? Back came a spade so I over ruffed the board.
Signals can be over done . They should always
take a back seat to counting tricks , counting HCPs
and distribution. The basics of defense
should be your guide and signals for confirmation
purposes. One partner does not dominate the other in defense so the other just
a puppet to follow signals . Both
partners should be thinking on defense !!