2007-10-30 03:05

Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Stoppers )




            If you play a weak NT , the bid shows a balanced hand with 12-14 HCP. The NT bid shows a balanced hand with that HCP range , it does not say that I have all the suits stopped . If you play a strong NT , the bid shows 15-17 & a balanced hand AKxx Jxx AKxxJx  you may have two suits unstopped. Bridge bidding is based on logic but it can only do so much. The bid is giving partner two valuable pieces of information , the balanced hand & the HCP range. Isn’t that enough ?


            The 1NT rebid in Standard bidding is that systems “weak nt” . You rebid 1NT to show your distribution & HCP range. It does not mean that you have 3 of the 4 suits stopped. That is overkill. You hold ♠xxx Axxx AKJ10 ♣xx  a flat weak NT opener. You open 1 & partner bids 1♠. You describe your weak NT hand by rebidding 1NT . Partner bids 3NT & that makes so on to the next hand.


            Natural bidding works best because it is natural . A basic natural bidding rule is that you bid your longest suit first unless you lack the HCP strength to do so This means if you bid another suit next , partner has some idea of your hand pattern. A diamond life master held this hand opposite the above hand AJxx xxx x ♣AKJxx . To the diamond opener he has an obvious 2♣ bid to force to game. He is not going to lose the 4-4 spade fit as partner can bid spades or you will get a chance to bid spades yourself. However , for some bizarre reason he decided to distort a natural bidding system & play canapé . He responded a spade & partner bid 2♠ because he did not have a ♣ stopper. He leaped to 4♠ , the spades were 5-1 so he went down 2 cold for game in NT. Unlucky or atrocious bidding ?


            Say he bid 2♣ ( long suit ) , so is the opener supposed to bid 2 with his balanced weak NT hand because he does not have a spade stopper ? Of course not , so he bids 2NT the either or bid ( 12 –14 or 18-19 ) . You now bid 3 & you have described your hand , a 5-4 in the blacks with 13 + HCP. Partner hears you & bids 3NT . Kokish , one of the best Bridge theorists around,  also thinks bidding stoppers is silly in these 2/1 auctions. He forbids partner bidding 2 with a balanced 12-14 in these 1/2♣ auctions so systemically opener must bid 2NT . Describing all flat balanced hands with a NT bid is the best starting point in any auction. You can find your 4-4 major fits or get to your minor slams later. Natural bidding actually works .


            Here is a silly auction brought about by the bizarre notion that you must distort your bidding to get the 4 card major in first. x  Axx AKxxxxQxx  , opener bid 1. Partner responds 1♠ so that does not improve this hand so you bid 2♦. Partner bids 3♣ so you bid 3NT to show you stopper. Partners hand Axxx xx xx ♣AKJ10x so he passes 3NT hoping the club suit is good for getting up to 9 tricks. Yes , he has 9 tricks for 3NT. Unfortunately the opponents bid 2♣ over 1 & got to their cold slam in clubs. Yes , but you got your 4 card major in at the one level .J