Wednesday, February 09, 2005 5:48 AM

Hand Evaluation  Signaling ( Story Telling )




            Most defenders are not very skillful in the art of defense. Therefore,  their discards “tell you a story” that assists you in making a great many hands that otherwise would go down. In most cases , the defenders are “too honest” so give accurate count & attitude signals for you. The information is intended for their partners but you are allowed to intercept their signals. In addition , these defenders do not “think ahead” . If they have Qxx in front of AKJ on the board they wait until the last minute to plan their discards . This is quite apparent often with a lot of discomfort & hesitating that is obvious to the whole table. Expert defenders would see this coming at trick one , plan their discards smoothly & without any apparent pain.


            When you are running a suit , it’s a good bet the opponents first discard is from a 5 card suit. This causes the least amount of discomfort for them & then they decide what their discarding plan might be. Sometimes one partner is oblivious to what is going on that you are trying to find a queen sod make discards that give the show away. Sometimes they feel they are squeezed when they are not , but in some cases they actually are squeezed. If you can afford to run a suit before finding a key queen , its really to your advantage to do so . Even experts slip up on occasion.


            Here is a hand which should have been made by a Tormentee if he “read” the opponents discards properly.




















































            1st the bidding . The tormentee opened 1& I pre-empted 4. Just for the record, no partner of mine has ever made a slam opposite one of my jump to game pre-empts,  but undaunted partner bid 4NT. I had an Ace so I showed it. We reached 6 so Steve Willard led a club with the Ace winning on the board. 






















































            The Tormentee has only one line of play & that is to run all his trumps , pitch his spade on the long heart & try to steal the contract. He start running trump & Sue on his right signals a high spade. As the hearts keep coming , Sue eventually lets one diamond go & then continues to discard black cards. Steve does not discard any diamonds. How many diamonds do you think Sue has for discarding one & then stopping ? Patterns can help again . If Sue had 5 diamonds , the pattern is 5-4-3-1 so Steve had a stiff diamond which he might have led. OK let’s give her 4 diamonds . Did she have Q10xx and decide to let a diamond go ? Not likely as might have kept all her diamonds with that holding. Sue was indeed down to Qxx & Steve had his original 10x of diamonds. The opponents are never going to discard down to a doubleton queen for you so banging down the AK of diamonds is futile & anti-percentage. You now lead the diamond jack , Sue covers with the queen so on the next diamond , the 10 comes tumbling down . You chalk up +980 turning a zero into a top. We refer to these slams as getting “Ray Graced .