Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:48 AM
Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Terrorist Vulnerability )




            Combating modern bidders requires some ammunition. One way of self preservation is having a different set of understandings when we are vul & they are not. One such understanding I like , is a sandwich 1NT to be 16-18 when playing against the terrorist vulnerability. Another , is that 2NT after they make a pre-emptive bid at the two level to be natural. 1-1-2♠-2NT is natural as Goren would have bid it . 1-P-2-2NT is also natural if you are vul vrs nv as is 1♠-P-2♠-2NT against NV forcing club players. These understandings apply only on the terrorist vulnerability . On all the other vulnerabilities , these understandings have the more common systemic meanings for the bid.


            I do not like playing negative doubles & trap passes when we are vulnerable & they are not. Therefore, partner does not have to protect me on this one vulnerability. 1-2♣-P-P  P should be a common auction when vul against not. If I had a penalty double of 2♣ , I would bid some number of NT directly preferring my +630 rather than trying to get them for –800 at the two level. It is just not worth it on this one vulnerability. This means when I re-open , I am bidding my own hand . In other words,  I have extra as I am not protecting partners penalty double.


            I think balancing understandings should change on the terrorist vulnerability also. They open nv so vul partner will not trap if she can help it. She will manufacture a bid or otherwise get in there if possible. There are some hands that you do not want to bid vul against not , because your suit is not good or your hand has another flaw so you pass. Partner re-opens with a double & they rebid their suit. This is the classic penalty double situation. You are behind the suit so this is why you did not bid in the first place.


            The exception though is the terrorist vulnerability. I think a double in this auction should be D.S.I.P./Responsive so you can get to your best spot vul rather than a nv set. Nancy held this hand ♠xx KQx xxx ♣AQ10xx , they opened 1 nv vrs vul. This was passed around to me who balanced with a double. Opener rebid 2 so what do you bid ? Competing to 3♣ does not show your 11 HCP & 2 ½ quick tricks with no diamond wastage. Of course , a pass is absurd. I think this is a time for a strength showing double. Turns out partner will bid 3 so you get to your +620. If partner bids 2♠ , you bid 3♣ so partner gets the idea that you have a defensive oriented strong club bid. She has the inference partner did not Q bid to show the majors. A double should show one major ( tolerance )  & clubs on this one vulnerability.


            This is one other spot that the terrorist vul should affect your bidding. This is when you make a punitive XX vul against a nv  T/O double. Again this is anti-intuitive as you are behind the bidder.



 X                         should be T/O . Are you really behind the club suit when the clubs could be on the board ?. This double should show a stiff club with a good hand so you get to your vul game. If partner has a club stack for her XX , she converts for penalty. Partner with short clubs re-opens with a double if you pass. Again this understanding is for the one terrorist vulnerability. A double would be penalty on all the others.


            Playing the vulnerability seems to be standard among modern bidders. Time to fight back so you get to your vulnerable games they are trying to prevent you from bidding.