Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:03 AM


Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( The 4 Level )




            The 4 level has special status in Bridge. I like the generalization that the 4 level is reserved for Q bids & KCB ( Kickback for minors also) . The default understanding for any new 4 level bid is that it is not natural . Natural bidding ends at the 3 level. If you are still floundering & have not found a fit by the 4 level , change your bidding system. Forcing NT auctions are the most common examples of the 4 level principle. Partner opens a major , makes a jump rebid or a jump shift after your forcing NT , a 4 level bid is a Q bid or just implies a fit .


            There are many 4th suit auctions where the 4th suit is introduced at the 4 level for the first time. This bid is a Q bid or a singleton implying a fit. No , it does not mean I am too strong to bid 3NT. Jump to 4NT quantitative , with hands that are too strong to bid 3NT with your 4th suit & strong hand. Do not bid a 4th suit as natural ever at the 4 level.


1♠-P-2-P                              1-P-1♠-P                              1-P-1♠-P                 

2♠-P-3-P                              3-P-3♠-P                              1NT-P-3-P

3♠-P-4  ( implies ♠’s)         4♣ ( implies spades)            3-P-4♣  ( club shortness for ’s)            


            OK with this partnership understanding re the 4 level , you have a new negative inference. If you did not bid the 4th suit at the 4 level , you deny a control or singleton in that suit.


Kx AKxxx AKQx ♣xx      1-P-1♠-P


                                                4  ( no club control )


Same hand but with 3 spades & a stiff club , you bid 4♣.which implies spades with a club control.


The 4 level defines whether a bid is KCB or Kickback. When a  minor fit is just confirmed by the 4 level it is the agreement & not the ask. At the 4 level , Kickback  or 4NT must be used as KCB.




4     Kickback for clubs


At the 3 level , the bid can be ambiguous either a Q bid or a suit to be clarified later. The default understanding at the 3 level is a suit however.



3♣-P-3*-P           * Breaking relay


Axx x AKJxxAQJx  or


x  Axx AKJxxAQJx             


OK for you skeptics who insist that you can still have a natural bid at the 4 level.


 ♠x AKQxxx x ♣AKxxx


Partner opens 1♠ , you bid 2. Partner reverses to 3 so bid 7♣ take your pick at the 7 level. Big hands can take of themselves so you can always find a better bid than bidding naturally at the 4 level.