Saturday, July 19, 2008 9:00 pm

 Hand Evaluation - The 4th Trump


           Every Bridge player knows the importance of the 4th trump. The "law of total tricks" was based on this obvious Bridge fact. Bergen raises were invented to show the 4th trump. Bridge bidding revolves around the importance of  showing  the 4th trump.  Another  important time to announce your 4th trump to partner is after a  systemic  toy showing two suits. Why ? because you introduce  ambiguity to partner  if you do not . Partner has no idea of the extent of  the fit as he forced you to bid . The systemic toy bidder does not know whether to take another bid or not to invite or compete again. If you are on a misfit , bidding  again is not a very good idea. Responder with some cards should announce your nice fit ( 4th  trump )  the usual way by jumping. This action shows some values also but is not highly invitational. If the toy was bid  after a strong  NT , a "2NT Q bid" shows a very strong  invitational hand.


         Herer is an example that occurred in Las Vegas . Kiz Fung held  KJ9x AQxxxx xx x & they opened 1NT . Kiz bid 2 for the majors & I held Q10xx xx AJ9 Q10xx . One player suggested  that this is a 2 bid & if the opponents give you a chance by  bidding again you "St.Albert" to 3. This , of course , is pathetic  Bridge logic. You do not misdescribe your hand the first time &  then "St.Albert" to correct your first bid. If you feel your hand is good enough to compete twice , get it off your chest by bidding 3 initially. You confuse partner by hiding your hand  from her by bidding two spades. Your 2 bid was forced so it could have been no HCP's & a doubleton ! If you have a good hand , you will bid  game by yourself. If you have a good invitational hand,  you would bid the "2NT Q bid" . This 2NT Q bid cannot be a  slam try as they opened 1NT & partner shows distribution & not strength with the systemic toy. By jumping to show the 4 card fit originally , you jam the opponents to compete or worse still finding a fit themselves & on to game their way. The St . Albert style of bidding seems to encourage pushing the opponents into game or allowing them to find their fit.


        By the way , Kiz Fung carried on to 4 which I feel is an excellent bid. 68 % of the time I would have made 4 but could not handle the 4-1 heart break. Bidding 68% games is considered good Bridge. Maybe they think differently in St. Albert.