Sunday, September 14, 2003 12:22 AM

Hand Evaluation - The Language of Bidding




            What is the most important aspect of the game of Bridge : Bidding ,  Declarer play or Defense ? In my mind , Bidding wins by a good margin . Think about it. In a long IMP match with normal probabilities you declare a hand ¼ of the time . With all things being equal you defend 50 % of the time . However, you are involved in bidding in 100 % of the hands . If you are a team of bad bidders, you have no chance.


            Bidding is a language with a limited vocabulary of 1-7 , S , H , C , D , NT , X , XX and pass . With this limited vocabulary , you must convey accurate information so that you both can make the proper decision to obtain the best Bridge result. The language of Bridge parallels any other language . There are rules of grammar, you should not be ambiguous so you should ‘paint a picture’ with your right choice of words or your right choice of bids.  A natural language has to describe all things in our world so we can communicate . A Bridge language is not trivial either as it has to describe millions of possible Bridge hands with its inherent randomness.


            In the English language , meanings of words are determined “depending on the context” in which the word was used. Otherwise , ambiguity would reign supreme. In Bridge , we resolve ambiguity by the context in which the bid or play was made. Interior sequence is an example of an ambiguity. Sometimes the jack from KJ109 shows an interior sequence sometimes just the jack. How is partner to resolve this ambiguity ? The answer is “depending on the context” in which the play was made. If the odds indicate that partner should have the interior sequence , play her for the interior sequence. They make a pre-emptive bid after partner makes a T/O double. Depending on context means that partner is way more likely to have the interior sequence than just the jack. Partner must be at the table to read the difference. Rote rules do not apply in Bridge. 4NT , 5NT , a Q bid & a double rely heavily on “depending on context” as the dictionary has multiple meanings for those “words”.


            Opening 1NT on 19 HCPs is wrong sentence structure or “bad grammar” . Partner will not understand that phrase. You cannot use ambiguous words like overcalling 3 on a distributional 7 HCPs one time & a defensive 21 HCPs the other time . Partner will think you are speaking in a foreign language. Like the English language , words have to interpreted depending on context . Partner will have to ‘read between the lines’ to interpret your sentence properly. In Bridge this is sometimes called ‘bidding the table’. Are the opponents passed hands , who is vul & what bids did they make ? All these situations or context help clarify the language of bidding. You must be disciplined with the rules of grammar in Bridge. Playing the vulnerability means partner will give you leeway with your sentence structure. Different meanings for your words , depending on vulnerability.


            Languages rely heavily on definitions , tradition & local customs. This is called a bidding system in Bridge . Your language definitions usually describe distribution, suit quality or a HCP range. This dictionary must be learned well. Bad communication will be inevitable , if you use the wrong words in your sentence structure. Bad grammar with the wrong choice of words will lead to a disaster. There is logic in sentence structure to convey the correct meaning to partner. To choose the correct structure may require creativity , experience & a good grasp of the language. Languages are best , if they are not too artificial so remain as natural as possible. Unnecessary complications that tax the memory , can lead to poor communication. Natural languages are usually based on a standard that has evolved over a long period so have passed the test of time. Languages can become enriched with new meanings for doubles , Q bids & even new sentence structures like equal level conversion & godfather 2NT.


            People have different levels of skill with the language. You listen in on their conversation but they may not mean what they say . Listening to children describing a situation might mean something totally different than adults doing the same thing. Beginning Bridge players will quite often have speech impediments & stutter.  Bridge is a “partnership game” so you must communicate with that in mind. You involver partner in your decision making so do not fly solo via the soliloquy . You tell partner a story by describing your hand pattern with its HCP range. You start your story via an opening bid which promises defense in quick tricks as well as HCP’s. Do not get the conversation off to a bad start. The conversation deteriorates after that. You do not start the conversation with a boldface lie to “fool the opponents” at the expense of partner.


            Like any language, there are rules of etiquette . If you talk too much , you can get into trouble. You may convey too much information , get too high & get doubled. War time expressions ‘like loose lips sink ships’ is appropriate as you give information to the enemy . There are always spies in Bridge listening also. Choose your words carefully. You give partner captaincy rights sometimes so she controls the conversation. You should not be redundant & bid your hand again. Partner has already heard you.


       Not speaking when spoken to , will also lead to bad results. Partner takes inferences on what you did not say as well as what you do say ! Give your partner a chance to have her say so do not leap to 4NT & jam speaking room ! How an individual express themselves sometimes is based on their personality. Aggressiveness , timidity , gamblers , pessimists , optimists will all be personality factors on how they choose their words or  bids in Bridge. Leave room for partner to communicate also. Do not jump to conclusions or the contract without partner having her say. Be a good listener.


           Single handed talking is rude. Following the rules of conversation, bidding should be a dialogue & not a monologue.  Self centered conversationalists are a bore !  Also single handed talkers who may be speaking properly one time but jam you out of the conversation the next time are dangerous & rude. Overbidding  is single handed & rude. Underbidding is not much better. Remember why you having the conversion & to whom you are speaking . Have a purpose for your conversation & do not just speak to hear yourself talk or just to confuse the opponents.


            Out & out lying occurs in any speech. In Bridge,  it’s called psyching or tactical bids . When we practice to deceive ,we better be sure our aim is right so we confuse the opponents rather than partner. Exaggerating is a bad conversational fault . Partner will not trust you the next time as she remembers that you have a propensity to exaggerate. You should have the self discipline & maturity to speak the truth ! Silence is golden sometimes. Use the green card so as not to goad the opponents into the conversation.


            It is not a good idea to have your conversation so deep that partner cannot comprehend what you are saying. You are an erudite scholar so like to use “big words’ . Do not do it. You may win the post mortem but lose the battle as you caused partner to go wrong. K.I.S.S.  can be an effective way of communicating. Clarity over style works best. Choose words & phases that partner would like to hear. Quite often a definition of a word is just what you & partner decide it to be. Do not get hung up on following the “Standard”. Standards are for the masses so there are many logical holes built in. Your conversation must make sense for the level in which you wish to reach in your sport. The Standard Edmonton accent is just that , a standard , so is not bullet proof. Speech therapy may be necessary if your accent or dialect is too strong as to be only comprehensible locally.


            I have played at the tournament level in Bridge since 1967 , a mere 42 years . I am still amazed on how rich the language of Bridge can be despite its very limited vocabulary . Languages evolve. A phrase I learned 20 years ago has a different nuance today. Grammar & sentence structure changes a bit. New words get added to the dictionary with clever new meanings to enrich the language. However , the purpose of the language in Bridge remains  the same . Speak clearly & accurately to partner so that a joint decision can be made !!  Speak clearly & involve partner in the conversation !