Friday, January 20, 2006 12:15 AM

Hand Evaluation – Toys & Doubling ( ownership )




         Doubling a suit in a forcing auction can not be penalty except when partner has pre-empted or bid a pre-emptive toy ( captaincy considerations ) . One of the rules of D.S.I.P. theory is whenever one of the partners has pre-empted , old fashioned trump stack doubles apply. When partner makes an unusual 2NT bid or a Michaels bid even though its an either/or bid it is assumed to be a pre-empt in the initial instance. The double must be reserved by the “pre-empter” to show the strong hand ( either / or) . The double by responder is deemed to be always penalty ( captaincy ) .


            My partner held this hand .Jx Kxx AKJxxxxx  nv vrs vulnerable opponents with the auction proceeding 1-2NT-3-?   . The 2NT is a two suiter which is either very strong or weak but never intermediate. Partner  can not double 3 as the bid is forcing. A double here should be competitive as they own this auction.


            This is 3rd case D.S.I.P. theory . The vul opponents own the auction so we are the intruders. The pre-empter is allowed an “action double” with an extraordinary hand in light of her bidding ( violating captaincy ) . With my hand , I would love to sacrifice to 5 after partner has bid hearts but I should not do it single handedly.  As I am the pre-empter , I  should make an “action” double saying I want to bid 5 but I have defense that I normally would not have. Partner happily converts so we get +500 instead of –500 .


            In any of the other 3 vulnerability situations , the pre-empter is only allowed to double ( violate captaincy ) , when she has the strong hand. This one vulnerability ( the sacrificing vul ) gives an opportunity for an action double as the auction has shown the pre-empter can not have the strong hand.


            What if partner had ♠xx xx AKJxxAQxx  ? He would bid always under the assumption that we have the weak hand for bidding our toy. If he has strength , he should Q bid instead of leaping to game .This describes the nature of his game bid , puts me in the picture so I do not do something stupid if they bid again. In rare cases , I may hold the strong hand for the toy so leaping to game with a good hand should be avoided.


            Say I had the strong hand ♠KQ AQ10xx void ♣KQJ10xx , they open 1 so I bid 2NT strong & they bid 3♠ non forcing. Partner has ♠Jx KJxx J10xxx ♣Ax  so he should not just bid 4 as that may be bid on nothing. He has an obligation to Q bid first in case I have the “or” hand .  I jump to 6♣ which gets converted to 6 so we get to our slam. In auctions where the systemic toy is either / or,  a Q bid by responder should describe the defensive hands. This is catering to the trump stack penalty double. Jumping through hoops I believe it is called J


            The reason why responder must make the Q bid in these systemic auctions is because the ambiguity of the toy as being either/or .AKQxx AKJxx x ♣xx  the auction goes 1-2-3-?   Jx Qxxx AxxAxxx  . What is a 4 bid ? Should partner move because he has the stronger hand ? Maybe partner assumed you had the weaker hand so are bidding pre-emptively with nothing ♠xx Qxxxxx x ♣xxxx. Responder should always make a Q bid going in, then bid 4with a good hand. You may get to grand slam in hearts despite their interference.