2007-10-13 04:10
Hand Evaluation – Triggers (
Patterns )
the opponents pre-empt or use a
systemic toy , they have established an automatic trigger for hand patterns. It is common knowledge , for example , that a pre-emptive jump overcall
shows a 6 card suit. Think
of hand patterns as golf clubs in
your bag. When they make a jump overcall , ask your
caddy for your 6 iron. These are the 6 series of patterns you are
going to use for this particular defense. ♥Kxx of trump on the board
& you have ♥A10x & partner leads
a trump against 4♥X which heart do you play ? 6 iron please
. 6-3-3-1 so partner has a singleton so may as well go up Ace & cash
all our tricks. +300 instead of –590 is a 20 IMP swing.
is an example of partner’s golfing ability . He has ♠xx ♥void ♦AKQJxx ♣xxxxx & with everybody vul
opens 1♦. Osama bids 2NT which I double with ♠A109 ♥A987x ♦xxxx ♣x . They end up in 4♥X so I lead a
diamond. Board hits with ♠KQJxxxx ♥Q10 ♦xx ♣10x so partner turns
to his caddy & after some thought asks for the 6 iron. It sounds from the bidding that Osama has 6♥ , so let’s go with
that assumption. Osama bid a toy
so the rest is relatively easy. Give him 5 clubs for his bid & he followed
to the 1st diamond. 6-5-1-1 or 6-5-2-0 . OK
you now ask your caddy for the 5 iron
to get the club situation . 5-5-2-1 so partner has a stiff club. He did not lead it of course as
he has 5 trump. Therefore ,
it is best to get declarer down to the same length as partner as you know the trump
are 6-5-2-0 from your 6 iron. Partner
returns a diamond & Osama ruffs. Osama leads a heart to board & I duck
& he wins his ♥queen . I take the 2nd
heart & now as I am the same trump length as Osama ,
disaster for their side. I lead another diamond & Osama has lost control of
the trump suit. He leads clubs & I ruff so I get as many trump
tricks as I have diamonds to lead
for +800. Say partner
does not play golf
& returns a club to my known
singleton. Osama has 6♥ to my 5♥ so we just beat the
contract 1 as I get my two natural heart tricks.
opens & they overcall 3♠ . This gets passed
around to opener who doubles. You leave it in with you flat hand ♠Axx ♥xx ♦Qxxxx ♣xxx & the board hits with ♠xx ♥xxx ♦xxx ♣AKQxx . You ask your caddy
for the 7 iron due to the trigger of the 3 level pre-empt. You win your spade
Ace & you now know from using your 7 iron
that declarer has 9 tricks if you do not cash the reds in the right order. 6♠
& 3♣ = 9 . Help partner make the right club
selection by leading your doubleton heart. This suit is easier for partner to
plug into a pattern than an ambiguous low diamond. You know that cashing the
reds in the right order is huge.
Patterns are just
another tool in the bag
to be used when the situation calls for it. It would be absurd if a golfer did not use
the appropriate club in his golf bag for a shot. It is absurd for Bridge
players to not utilize
all the clubs in her golf bag.
The wrong shot is usually the outcome , so fire your caddy.
It is fun in
Bridge to use the correct iron in your bag as it is in Golf.
Correct shots are what both games are all about.