Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:09 AM
Hand Evaluation  - Two Suiters ( Rubensohl )




            Rubensohl unleashes the “hidden” power of transfers. Transfers allow useful bidding space as the NT bidder gives information by accepting or super accepting the transfer. Two suiters are shown by the time honoured principle of transferring into one suit & bidding the other. There is no ambiguity as the 2nd bid must be a second suit rather than an ambiguous Q bid.


            Here is a hand from a Spingold where 3NT was reached at one table and 7♣ at the other table. Only a 17 IMP swing. Axx xx AKxx ♣AQ10x  opposite x  AKxxx xx ♣Kxxxx  . The auction at one table went



3NT-P-P-P   +630. At the other table they played Rubensohl so they bid 3 with partner denying good hearts or a strong preference for 3NT by just accepting the transfer ( super accept inference ) . The negative inference of knowing that partner did not like hearts nor having duplication of value in spades , the Rubensohl bidder bid 4♣ over partners 3. This now was super accepted with a 4 Q bid & a 4 Q bid resulted. 4NT brought two aces , a specific king ask showed the heart King. 7♣ was an easy bid by the 1NT opener. Nice auction !


            Transfers as a tool in competition  are very under rated by the average Bridge player. They think it is just to let the strong hand play the hand. Far from it ! The transfer allows super acceptance or denial , saves bidding room & announces your suit immediately in competition. All this in addition to right siding the contract !!


            Experts use the transfer after partners major & the opponents T/O double also. This assists the partnership to handle one suited hands or one suited hands with a fit. Do not just limit the transfer tool to a NT opener , there is more than meets the eye with this bid.