Friday, April 21, 2006 3:00 AM

Hand Evaluation – HCPS ( Wasted Values )




            A common method of hand evaluation is shown quite nicely by splinter theory. If you have duplication of value opposite shortness , the offensive potential of the hand diminishes and the defensive value increases. This is a common theme for hand evaluation so not just applicable to splinters. The concept of balancing , trapping and D.S.I.P. theory is based on wasted values in the opponents trump suit. Take these two hands ♠Jxxx Qxxx AKQxx , they open 1 to your right . What do you bid ? 99 % of Bridge players will pass as they do not have a good bid with the bulk of their HCP’s wasted  in the opponents long suit. Change your hand to AKxx AQxx xxxx ♣x and you have essentially the same HCP’s but this time no wasted values in diamonds. I believe in trapping when you hold the opponents suit with wasted values . However , when you do not have wasted values , I would double with this hand . Playing equal level conversion , I would scramble to 2 if partner bids 2♣.


            A Tormentee held a hand that everybody was getting into trouble. AQx AKQx void ♣Jxxxxx , you hear 1♣ to your right. This is the wrong hand to trap as you do not have wasted values in clubs. You do not have a book bid , but passing should not be an option. The reason why you can get away with trapping with big hands is that you have wasted values . Generally your side can not make anything & they go down a bunch. With this hand , partner may not balance with hands that can produce a major suit slam & they still can make 1♣ their way. Give partner ♠J109x xxxxxx xxx ♣void & you have a shot at +1430 or even a grand slam in hearts . Give partner ♠Kxxxxxx xxx xxx ♣void & you have the same slam opportunity as they are making 1♣ !!  Passing & backing in later is not the way to describe this hand . You may not get a chance to back in as 1♣ can get passed out or they find their diamond fit so get the auction up to high levels too quickly for you.  Passing and backing should show a club suit trap i.e. wasted values in clubs not just length in their suit.


            The Tormentee overcalled 1 , I made a negative double so they bought the hand in a heart partial. We lost 13 IMPS as everybody was getting into trouble with contracts ranging from 5♣ in their 6-0 fit to 4XX for –1000. Sometimes you must manufacture a bid when passing is a poor alternative. This is hand evaluation pure & simple. You do not trap without wasted values in the opponents suit. A heart overcall was the best & winning bid by the Tormentee. Fixed again J .