Thursday, July 17, 2003 1:47 PM

Hand Evaluation - Weak NT Defense




         The debate about which is a better system : weak NT’s vrs strong NT’s will go on forever. However, quoting Gordon Campbell “people do not know how to handle weak NT’s” so therein lies their effectiveness. The opponents are taking a risk opening 1NT with those values so do not rescue them.  Play the vulnerability. A double of a weak NT is penalty & shows the maximum for their range in HCP’s. Just because they open with 11 HCP , do not double with 11 HCP. You need their top end range to double.


          There are many 2 suited “toys” now that allow you to describe your hand after a weak NT . There is more to it then that though – you must play the vulnerability with those bids. If the opponents are vul & you are not , bend over backwards to double as opposed to your systemic toy. If you are vul & they are not , use your toy to find your vul game so forget the double. What do you bid with this hand in the balancing after a weak 1NT ?


























      You should double with all vulnerabilities except one. If you are vul , they are not ,  trot out your systemic bid to show the majors & raise partner. Go for the vul  game rather than the non vul set.





Forcing pass theory comes into play against weak & strong NT’s . You make the assumption that when partner doubles & they are running , you own the hand thru the two level. This allows you to play the best defense against weak NT’s which is partner’s first double is always showing cards rather than a trump stack.  This card showing double allows the opponents to remain in trouble from both sides of the table as the original doubler can now convert for penalties ( do not rescue opponents with cards ) . If responder does have a penalty double of their runout , she makes a forcing pass & partner will double with shortness so the hand gets converted.






















          1NT   x  2  pass !        You can not double 2♠ initially as that shows

                                                 shortness ( cards ) so you pass .Partner re-opens so

                                                 you know what to do.


          pass X pass pass                                                                  























           1NT   x   2♠   x             You double showing shortness but partner

                                                 converts with ♠KQJ10 Qxx AKxxKx !


            pass pass pass 



            Beware the balancing spot with weak NT’s . You have the inference that partner took no initial action & that RHO usually runs out with nothing. A double in the balancing spot shows a good hand against weak NT’s because you are no longer “protecting “ partner who might have an opener. If you do double , hit partner with nothing & no long suit to bid there is the “automatic 2♣ bid” by partner. This is a signal to start running yourself and partner does not necessarily have clubs. The SOS redouble is used in conjunction with this run out , if you do not have clubs.


            The opponents open a weak NT & everybody vul . Partner doubles in the pass out seat & you hold ♠xx Q10987 K  K987x  what do you bid ? This is an offensive hand but you must broadcast your 8 HCP somehow. Therefore,  you pass & they enter into their rescue sequences . Their best spot hovers on +800 in 2X but if you pull to 2 , you get +650 as partner bids game.


            The double of Stayman just shows cards against weak NT so is not lead directing. The double of artificial bids after partner doubles is penalty & not shortness. In these  artificial “run out “ auctions its best that all doubles be penalty so there is no misunderstanding. One of the disadvantages of weak NT’s is that they are susceptible tor some pretty bad sets. Not so though , if opponents are not geared to take advantage of this. Since you outgun them pretty badly in these auctions , the lead is most often a trump.


With the above , your arsenal is not quite complete against the annoying weak 1NT. Lebensohl from the defenders side should be standard. You may have hands that fall in the cracks between a double & a pass. You , of course pass with a good hand but what if they run with the vulnerability in their favour. Play a new suit as absolutely forcing as per Lebensohl so you can grope for the best game or even slam. With distribution & a lack of values ,  bid 2NT Lebensohl  so partner must relay to 3♣ and you can compete.


1NT-X-2♠-?   ♠x xxx KJ10xxxx ♣xx bid 2NT Lebensohl . ♠x xxx AKJxxxxAx you bid 3 forcing  a la Lebensohl inference. Still another place where Lebensohl simplifies difficult auctions. You do not need a natural 2NT as the  double shows that hand ( cards ) .