Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:54 AM

Hand Evaluation - Kokish Game Tries




            Playing 3 card simple major raises adds a new dimension to your major game try structure . Knowing that partner always ( usually )  has 3 trump for a simple raise makes 3NT a powerful alternative to a 10 trick major suit contract . Getting to the right game can be considered as well as getting to game period .  I like the Kokish game tries as a good exploratory tool to find the right game . Kokish game tries introduces a new game try concept. Opener asks responder where she would accept a long suit game try . As an option , opener can show responder shortness instead. Quite a powerful game try structure as captaincy changes depending on the hand. This structure is also useful for slam tries as responder shows where she lives with her HCP’s or opener can show a singleton for assessing duplication of value.


1 -2 : 6-9, exactly 3 .


2 : Kokish Game Try, a long suit trial in any suit, asking partner which Game Try suit she would have accepted.

2 NT: Accepts a game try in . Opener now signs of in 3 or 4 , makes a second game-try by bidding the suit or starts to cuebid.

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in .

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in / .

3 : Rejects all game tries.

4 /3 NT: Accepts all game tries.


2 NT: x/- , Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Preemptive, 6 card suit.

3 : 6 4 in majors or extremely concentrated 5 4.

3 NT: 5332, proposal to play.

4 : SO

1 -2 : 6-9, exactly 3 .

2 NT: Kokish Game Try, a long suit trial in any suit, asking partner which Game Try suit she would have accepted.

3 : Accepts a game try in . Opener now signs of in 3 or 4 , makes a second game-try by bidding the suit or starts to cuebid.

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in .

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in / .

3 : Rejects all game tries.

4 :/3 NT Accepts all game tries.


3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Preemptive, 6 card suit.

3 NT: 5332, proposal to play.

4 : SO


The type of information obtained by these bids can lead to 3NT instead of 4 of a major . You are normally bidding values in that suit and that could lead to 3NT.  If you are like Peter Jones , so have a propensity for bad trump breaks then this tool would be very useful.



Kokish game tries are also used when opener  finds your major fit after partner responds a major and you raise to two of a major. The rules are the same but there is a twist.



2♠-P-3♠    this shows a stiff in partners bid suit ( not pre-emptive ). Showing stiffs in partners bid suit is generally not a good idea. Bidding partners suit should show an honour in that suit.  1-P-1♥-P   2-P-3-P is a game try with a stiff diamond. I held ♠xxxx KQJx x ♣K1098  , partner opened 1 on ♠J10 10xxx Axxx ♣AQJ  so we get to a tight 4 due to no duplication in diamonds.