Thursday, May 22, 2003 12:30 AM
Improving Partials
“You do not try to improve partials” is a IMP
phenomenon. In match points , partials are as important as Grand slams so you
do improve partials in that game. In IMPS , if you do not pass an invitational
2NT , it means that you have accepted the game try somewhere . With 2/1 non
forcing to game if suit rebid , you can improve partials as you can not have a
single suited hand with invitational values and not have bid 2/1 in the first
are a number of hands in IMPS where you do
want to improve partials . These are the weak 5-5 hands and the weak
6-4 hands. In IMPS , if you bid over the 2NT
invitational after a forcing NT , you have accepted the game invite.
So how do you get to improve the 2NT partial ? Relays to the rescue . Natural
bidding is strong and says I want to get to game . If you have
A |
Q |
x |
x |
K |
J |
x |
x |
10 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
you bid 1♠ and partner bids 1NT . You bid 2♥ and partner bids 2NT so you bid 3♣ and partner
relays to 3♦. You now bid 3♥ & partner gets the message that you are weak and
passes. Similar to Lebensohl so very easy on the memory.
A |
x |
A |
x |
K |
K |
x |
x |
J |
x |
x |
x |
x |
You bid
1♠ and
partner bids 1NT . You bid 2♦ and
partner bids 2NT . You can now bid
3♦ and as you did not relay partner gets the message
that you are very strong for a 2♦ rebid.
A |
x |
x |
A |
K |
x |
K |
x |
J |
x |
x |
x |
x |
You open 1♠ and partner bids 1NT . You bid 2♣ and partner bids
2NT . With a weak 5-5 in clubs and spades you open 1♣ so this sequence
Is strong.
A |
A |
x |
x |
K |
K |
x |
x |
10 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
You open a spade and
partner bids a forcing 1NT . You bid 2♥ and partner bids 2NT . You can now bid 3♥ as that is now game forcing Some partnerships ( Tom
& I ) play a jump shift to 3 hearts as invitational so we do not need this
can be weak or intermediate and bid exactly the same. It is good policy to
always bid your 4 card suit if it is biddable so you do not miss close games. AJ10xxx AQxx xx x you should rebid 2♥ and not 2♠ . Partner can have 5 hearts and a stiff spade with
enough scattered values to make 4♥ and still
pass 2♠ . With AJ109xx x AKxx xx it is better to
rebid 2♦ over a
forcing NT as partner can have a
stiff spade and diamonds and pass 2♠ . 5♦ can be cold with these 6-4’s.
solution to show these weak 6-4’s is again the relay . You bid a spade and partner bids 1N. You bid 2♥ with your weak 6-4 and
partner bids 2NT . You improve the partial by bidding by now bidding a 3♣ relay
and convert partners 3♦ to 3♠ to show your weak 6-4. What if you have a good 6-4 .?
Then just bid naturally over 2NT
with 3♠ .
bidding over any invitational 2NT in IMPS is
forcing to game unless you have a tool like relays to get out. You do not improve partials in
IMPS unless 2/1 are not forcing to
game or you have relays to assist you.
You hold x xxx QJx QJ109xx and partner opens 1♠ . You bid 1NT and
partner bids 2♠ so do you
improve the partial ?. Why not ? Partner has an inference that you would bid 2♣
followed by 3♣ as non forcing so you must have a real dog where your suit might
have some use. Playing 2/1 forcing to game you must not improve the partial and a pass of 2♠ is in order.