Sunday, July 31, 2005 7:31 AM

Inverted minors - Relays



Inverted minors apply only as non passed hands and not in competition. If we have 5 of partners minor and a game forcing hand we suppress a 4 card major in favour of an inverted minor bid. If limit raise values ,  we will respond a 4 card major.  Inverted minors are fit showing bids limit raise or better .

Inverted minors also include all balanced NT hands of game going strength. Rather than playing a jump to 2NT or pre-empting partner by bidding 3NT or making a shaky 2/1 in a 3 or 4 card suit , we bid an inverted minor with balanced hands. In addition ,  if the hand is NT suitable with queens & jacks and tenaces to protect , we will bypass a 4 card major in favour of an inverted minor bid.

How do we sort this out ? A simple relay does the trick . An inverted minor becomes a relay. A 2 inverted minor becomes a relay to 2. A 2 inverted minor becomes a relay to 2♦. Balanced hands are shown by bidding 2NT , as the opener is forced to take the relay 99 % of the time. In order to keep the inverted minor as “limit raise or better” , we work these hands into the structure .The jump raises will remain as pre-emptive ..

Besides handling the NT hands very well , this inverted minor treatment has an unexpected benefit. It allows the partnership to differentiate between an inverted minor with 4 trump as opposed to 5 or more. The relay allows some sequences to check back for majors , stiffs and minimums. An excellent way to handle the minors & flat hands !!


. Adding structure to inverted minors , assist minor suit auctions where IMPS can be picked up in bushels.


1♣-P-2♣*-P     * relay

 2-P- 2 limit raise in clubs – 3♣ ends auction.

                        2 is forcing and asking for more info.

            2nt is minimum with bad clubs

3♣ minimum with good clubs

2nt is invitational to 3nt

            Pass is minimum with bad clubs

            3♣ is minimum with good clubs

2 inverted club raise GF with 5 or more clubs

2NT natural – 3 cards ( min )

3♣ waiting ( 4 or more clubs)

3 - asks for stiff ( step responses )

3/3 - natural

3NT - 4 clubs or more – no 4 card major , minimum

4♣ - KCB

2NT game forcing and may have a 4 card major

3♣ constructive

3♥/ natural

3 Stayman

3♣ inverted club raise GF with 4 clubs

3/♥/♠ are natural

3NT to play

4♣ - KCB      

3   clubs & diamonds 5-4 or 5-5 game force      

3NT 15-17 doubleton club



1-P-2*-P     * relay

2-P-2♠       inverted diamond raise GF with 5 or more

2NT natural – 3 diamonds (min )

3♣ asks for stiff ( step responses)

3 waiting , 4 or more diamonds

3♥/ natural

3NT - 4 diamonds or more – no 4 card major , minimum

4 - KCB

         2NT game forcing and may have 4 card major. Opener is now allowed to bid 4 card major

                and major fits found that way (reverse Kokish)

3♣ Stayman  

3 distro & minimum

3♥/ natural

3NT to play

        3♣    Limit raise in diamonds. 3 by opener will end the auction.

                     3♥/ asks for a stopper in the bid suit.

3NT to play

                     4 - KCB

        3     Game forcing diamond raise with 4 diamonds

3♥/ natural

3NT to play

4 - KCB                                           

        3NT 15-17 doubleton diamond



*Break relay with distro 6-5 etc or with 18-19 bal 5-3-3-2 , 2-3-4-4 , 3-3-3-4 - bid 3NT

 ** Break relay  with 18-19 flat with 4 card major(s) – bid 2NT


2nt should be 18-19 with 1♣ opener 4423, 4324, 3424 or 1 opener 4432, 4342, 3442 hands. We need 2nt to find the 4 card major fit if possible. Over the 2nt partner should bid 3 of the minor with 6, 3nt or a 4 card major if he has 1 (or take control). Any subsequent bid to a major is a q-bid in support of the major (or the minor if 6). If partner pulls 3nt to 4 of the minor it is KCB for the minor (he will place the contract).



          With this solution , this leaves the one of a minor 3NT jump response to be a picture bid. A 15-17 HCP hand with 4-3-3-3 distribution is almost impossible to describe anyway.