Saturday, September 07, 2002 9:54 PM

Jacoby 2NT & Serious 3NT




          Incorporating “ Serious 3NT” into your Jacoby 2NT should involve redefining some of your Jacoby 2NT bids. The “serious 3NT” concept was not invented when Oswald Jacoby came up with his ideas.  O.K. the first things to throw in the waste basket  are the rebids of the trump suit to show a minimum and maximum . Playing “Serious 3NT” will tell the partnership if the hand is weak or not .  Therefore the jump to game does not show a minimum and the rebid of the trump suit still shows an intermediate hand with no singletons. We will define uses for other bids in a later e-mail.


           My partners play 3♣ after Jacoby 2NT as a catch all for weak hands. All other bids imply some values. They are “telling bids” and the 2NT responder is in control of the auction. If you want to reverse this “master-slave” relationship you bid the “Serious 3NT” . Partner must Q bid his lowest ranking control . The time to take control is when you have a void and lots of distribution and you need specific controls. Another time is when you have a huge flat hand yourself.  Remember a jump does not show a void but a 2 suiter. The “Serious 3NT” can be bid from either side of the table as shown in the first example below.



            The jump to game is still around and should show a dog with no outside controls ( singletons , Kings or Aces )


Q bidding auctions are under the “serious 3NT” structure . They are courtesy Q bids in case partner has the good hand ( Jacoby 2NT unlimited ). Jump to game by the 2NT bidder is a no no .



Kxx               AQx

Axxxxx         J109x                                    1                                        2NT

Ax                  Kxxx                                    3 (good hand no x’s )         3NT   ( serious slam try )

Kxx                Ax                                        4♣ (control )                         4  (Control )

                                                                   4♠  ( control)                        4NT (KCB)

                                                                   5  ( 2 with extra length )     6



AKxxx            QJ10x                                       1                                           2NT

x                      AKx                                          3NT  (taking control )             4

AQJ10x           Kx                                            4NT  (KCB )                            5♣ (1 or 4)

Ax                    xxxx                                        5 ( trump queen ? )               5 ( yes  & K )

                                                                        7NT  ( can count 13 )



Kx                    Axx                                        1                                2NT

AQxxx             Kxxx                                         3 NT (serious )           4♣  ( Q bid )

Axx                  KQxx                                        4 ( Q bid )                  4  ( Q bid )

KQx                 Ax                                            4NT (KCB)                  5 ( 0 or  3)

                                                                         6   ( SSA  )                7 ( 2 of 3 )

                                                                         7NT ( count 13 again )


          One of the purposes of Jacoby 2NT is to ferret out duplication of value. Severe duplication of value is shown by fast arrival as there is no need to play 3NT with a 5-4 major fit ( possibly in matchpoints ) . Using 3NT to show duplication of value is redundant to fast arrival . Jacoby 2NT is an asking bid of opener. If opener wants to turn tables and ask responder , she bid the serious 3NT. Having 3NT to show duplication of value is a terrible waste of a good bid. We all uses serious 3NT with 2/1 after a major fit is found , 4th suit forcing when a major fit is found , splinters when a major fit is found so it is an easy transition to the Jacoby 2NT. We are accustomed to courtesy Q bids when one hand is unlimited . Without the serious 3NT to fall back on , courtesy Q bids are impossible or must be redefined with complicated auctions.  Serious 3NT is an important part of the Jacoby 2NT & even more so if you play the bid as limit raise or better.