Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:49 PM

Jacoby 2NT - Matchpoint Vesrion




          BJ Trelford has devised a matchpoint version of Jacoby 2NT. It is based on the premise that although you have a 5-4 major suit fit , you may want to play 3NT as an alternative contract. Therefore 3NT suggests duplication of value opposite shortness and a willingness to play the contract. Even in IMPS, with extreme duplication of value , a 9 trick game might succeed where a 10 trick major suit game might fail.


          He suggests that a direct 3NT bid be a club singleton and partner may pass with extreme club duplication and no slam interest. This avoids having 3 as an either/or bid ( singleton in either minor). A 3NT bid by responder opposite the splinter bid is a suggestion to play that contract. 3 takes over as a “serious” slam try to avoid the principle of fast arrival.


          So a quick review after 2NT , 3♣ is any minimum , 3 of your major is a good hand originally taken as a serious slam try , 3 & 3 of other major is a good hand with a stiff diamond & stiff in that major respectively. 3NT is of course a stiff club with a good hand as mentioned previously. A jump to the 4 level is a 2nd suit. After 3♣ , a 3 bid by responder asks about the nature of the minimum.  A bid of 3NT shows a balanced minimum and just bid your stiff naturally. A return to your trump suit can show a stiff diamond if you wish.


          BJ feels that a 5-4 major suit fit does not mean that 3NT is still not a viable contract. He is willing to sacrifice the serious 3NT as a Q bid in these auctions. In match points , probably a good idea but in IMPS  I still feel the serious 3NT with all its ramifications is just too valuable to replace. It’s not just the serious 3NT but the fact that you did not use the serious 3NT that defines your subsequent Q bidding. Partner has to know that you are Q bidding for real as opposed to Q bidding as a courtesy. 3NT is nice that once you bid it as a serious slam try, you do not have to bid your hand again. You have indicated that you have serious slam interest so over to you partner.


          Playing Jacoby 2NT the BJ way , you have already made the “serious slam” try decision when you choose not to bid 3♣. Q bids by responder should show interest as opposed to a courtesy. The principle of fast arrival by responder still should be in effect. A leap to game should show the limit raise or no interest at all in slam. In other words , Q bids are not forced as in “serious 3NT” theory. You do not have the serious 3NT Q bid to fall back on.


          Matchpoints & IMPS are two entirely different games with different objectives. You should gear your system to the type of game you mostly play. IMPS is geared to games & slams. Matchpoints is geared to accuracy & a plus with NT paying out more than a major or a minor .contract. In Dallas , BJ & Chris got all the matchpoints for playing a 5-4 major fit in 3NT.