Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:33 AM

Jacoby 2NT - Serious 3NT




          Playing Jacoby 2NT as limit raise or better which most of us do by now , raises the importance of the “serious 3NT” in Jacoby 2NT auctions. Jacoby 2NT hands are three tier auctions. Limit raise , courteous Q bids and serious slam tries. Failure to use the serious 3NT bid is a very important negative inference in these auctions. You hold ♠Axxx Axx Qxxx ♣xx  and partner opens 1. You bid 2NT and partner bids 3 saying she has a good hand with a singleton minor. You are not strong enough to ask the location of the singleton so you show your limit raise by bidding 3. Partner now bids the serious 3NT so you Q bid 4. Partner bids KCB and you get to your 6. Partners hand is KQJ10xx Kx AKJx ♣x which is a hand she would have made a slam try opposite a limit raise.


          Do not forget that with 3♣ showing all weak hands , a jump to game is a picture bid. This is a distributional stab at game which shows most of your HCP’s in the trump suit with no controls on the outside. If you have a good 14 HCP and no stiffs you bid 3 of your trump suit. Partner has an obligation to bid 3NT as a serious slam try with a super hand , a Q bid to show better than a limit raise or returning to the suit to show the limit raise. With hearts trump , a serious 3NT denies a spade control as you must show your spade control first ( fundamental of serious 3NT theory) .


          Serious 3NT is a tool to assist in bids like 2/1 & Jacoby 2NT bids which have a huge range. Show partner immediately that you have serious slam interest  rather than Q bid. Once you have that bid off your chest , you can give partner leeway as you have in effect done your duty. You do not have to retreat to the trump suit just because you have a limit raise. If you have nice controls , bid them as a courtesy. A good 10 with controls is better than 13 HCP with queens anyway. If you have an atrociously bad limit raise , fast arrival to game would be the bid of choice when partner shows a good hand. Pre-empting partner who has an unlimited hand is a pretty rare bid playing the “serious 3NT” style of bidding.


          I prefer using serious 3NT with voids. Forcing partner to Q bid ferrets out duplication of value if she Q bids your void. If she bypasses your void with a forced Q bid , you have hit gold. A jump to the 4 level is a 2nd suit and not exclusion or a void. Showing a 2nd suit helps partner count tricks for slam and location key controls for slam purposes. A leap to the 5 level would be exclusion Blackwood.