Monday, September 02, 2002 10:41 PM

KCB – Splinters




            Splinter bidding theory has come a long way . Kantar has KCB agreements especially for splinters which make sense to me. The understanding after a belated splinter is if the auction is a game force , 4 of the agreed minor is KCB.

Game Forcing Splinter Sequences

Game forcing splinter sequences frequently attract RKB asks.   After a game forcing splinter, four of the agreed suit is RKB.   If the splinter sequence is above four of the agreed suit, Kickback substitutes for RKB.


Opener                                     Responder 
S. Axx                                       S. KQx 
H. x                                            H. Axxxx 
D. AQ10xxx                             D. Kxxx 
C. Qxx                                      C. x 

Opener                                     Responder
1D                                             1H
2D                                             4C (1)
4S (2)                                       4NT (3)
5S (4)                                       6D
All Pass

(1) Game forcing splinter.

(2) Cue bid. 4D would be RKB ( 4 level Kickback ).
(3) RKB 0314 responses
(4) 2 with


Opener                                      Responder 
S. xxx                                         S. x 
H. x                                             H. KQxxxx
D. KQx                                       D. Axx 
C. AKxxxx                                C. QJxx 

Opener                                     Responder
1C                                              1H
2C                                              3S (1)
4C (2)                                        4H (3)
5C (4)                                        Pass

(1) Game forcing splinter.
(2) RKB 0314 responses-weak hand asking strong (opener limited by the 2C rebid).
(3) 1
(4) High enough.


Opener                                         Responder 
S. AJ9xxx                                     S. K10 
H. x                                                H. Axx 
D. Qxx                                           D. Kx 
C. Qxx                                           C. AKJxxx 

Opener                                          Responder
2S                                                   3C (1)
4H (2)                                             4NT (3)
5C (4)                                             6C (5)

(1) Forcing.
(2) Splinter agreeing clubs.
(3) RKB 1430 responses.   Strong hand asking the weak hand.
(4) 1
(5) On the strong presumption that opener has the CQ or four clubs to justify the splinter jump.

Note: A four level splinter, CLUBS agreed, that will force a 4NT keycard ask guarantees at least one key card.


Opener                                     Responder 
S. AKQJx                                 S. xx 
H. Qxx                                      H. Axx 
D. x                                           D. Axx 
C. AQxx                                   C. KJxxx 

Opener                                     Responder
1S                                             2C
3D (1)                                       3H (2)
4C (3)                                       4H (4)
7C (5)                                      Pass

(1) Game forcing splinter agreeing clubs.
(2) Cue bid.
(3) RKB 1430 responses.
(4) 3
(5) Can count 13 tricks if responder has three diamonds or six clubs.

On this hand it works to be playing splinter jumps.   There is always a question on slam hands as to who should be doing the asking and who should be doing the telling (cuebidding) when both hands are strong. In general, it is right for the hand that has aces and spaces (no intermediates) to do the telling and let the other hand that may have a strong looking suit (king-queen combinations) that help in trick counting do the asking.


Opener                                         Responder 
S. AJxx                                         S. KQx 
H. A10x                                         H x 
D. x                                                D. AQx 
C. AKxxx                                     C. J10xxxx 

Opener                                         Responder
1C                                                  3H (1)
4C (2)                                            4D (3)
4S (4)                                            5S (5)
7C (6)                                            All Pass

(1) Game forcing splinter, typically six card support).
(2) RKB.
(3) 1
(4) SSA in spades. "What exactly do you have in spades, partner?"
(5) KQ(x)(x) The raise of the ask suit shows the KQ(x)(x).
(6) You've got the right hand, partner.

Why not leave this section on a happy note?