Sunday, July 02, 2006 2:10 AM

Kickback - Implied Fit




          In 2/1 auctions & 4th suit forcing auctions since the game force is on , We like a 2NT rebid by either hand to show a minimum or the 18-19 HCP range. We like the leap to 3NT by either hand to show a balanced or semi-balanced ( 5-4-3-1)  15-17 hand. Bidding these hands quantitatively right sides the NT quite often and shows your HCP range exactly. The 3NT bid comes with a price though as you have shot up to the 4 level , you make finding secondary minor fits difficult.


            There is a cure . 4NT by either partner says I have no interest in your minor and I am attempting to play this contract. Any other bid other than a previous bid suit is Kickback . There is no Q bid at the 4 level saying you just like the minor. You either signoff in 4NT or accept partners slam try with Kickback . This is an implied minor fit just found at the 4 level.


          This hand from the World Championship . KQx AKxxx Q10xx ♣K  and they opened 1 partner bid 2♣ and declarer decided to right side the NT and show her points by leaping to 3NT. Partner bid 4 so you should discourage the diamond slam or take control with Kickback. 4 in this auction should be Kickback with diamonds as the implied suit. In any auction where 4NT would be to play and you are just agreeing your minor at the 4 level , you have no choice but use Kickback for KCB. Partner held xx Jx AKJx ♣ AQ109x  and 6 is cold.


          Lets try another auction . ♠AJxxx AKxx void ♣AJxx  and you open 1 and partner bidding 2 . You reply 2 and partner leaps to 3NT . You bid 4♣ as a slam try and partner holds x QJx AKxxx ♣KQxx . Partner felt that the lead should come up to her hand so she bid 3NT to describe her 15 HCP.

I think 4 is an impossible bid when partner shows a stiff or no diamonds so playing it as Kickback on this particular auction makes sense. Q bids at the 4 level after 3NT – humbug.  You get to your 6♣ or 7♣.


          A rule for making slam tries in partners minor , your minor or a new minor is can you play 4NT as a contract and make it ? if the answer is yes go for it.