Thursday, January 04, 2007 5:59 PM
Kokish Relay – Clubs
we were getting tired of losing the diamond suit with balanced hands & strong
2♣ openers , we have now reverted to a Goren style 2♦ opener. Open 2♦ first & then bidding 2NT has the advantage
of showing your HCP range and your diamond suit early. What about balanced
hands with the club suit
? There is a fix with these hands. If you play the Kokish relay
( 2♣-P-2♦-P
2NT )
to show the flat 25-27 hands at the two level , you do not need a leap to 3NT anymore. Paul Soloway says use
this bid to show the balanced
club hands. You would be surprised on how handy this bid really
is a hand from the Bermuda Bowl held by Soloway. ♠Kx ♥Ax ♦AQJ ♣AQJ9xx . Soloway opened 2♣ and partner
bid 2♦
so he leapt to 3NT
which shows a balanced hand with a club suit.
Over 3NT , Stayman is silly as the 3NT bid is usually 6-3-2-2 or 5-3-3-2 or
even 7-2-2-2. 4♣ by responder is a slam try
and sets the suit. 4♦ by
the opener is of course Kickback.
partner held ♠xxxxxx
♣K10x and passed 3NT. At the other table they rebid 2NT and they made a Texas
transfer to the spade suit. This was not a success and Soloway won 12 IMPS .
The club suit gets buried by 2NT rebids. “Freeing” clubs in this manner helps
with getting to club slams or the correct game.