Wednesday, July 13, 2005 1:02 AM

Major Suit Overcalls - Dormer




         Q bids after major suit overcalls are defined as “limit raise or better” . This is “old fashioned” as it withholds valuable information. Does this “limit raise or better” have a 4 card fit or a 3 card fit ? Hand evaluation is easier when we know this information. A limit raise with 4 trump is a better hand than a limit raise with 3 trump.  When was the last time you jumped to 2NT natural when partner overcalled a major ? We can bid a “new minor” as forcing one round if we had just NT on our mind ( bid NT at 1st opportunity after that) or just leap to 3NT . In my opinion ,  the 2NT bid can be put to better use as a Q bid . This “Q bid” would show limit raise or better with 4 trump ( modified Dormer ) . Dormer to an overcall makes sense as major suit overcalls are so variable in strength.


          As with Dormer auctions , you can use your Jacoby responses. We play 3♣ as a “catch all” minimum response and all your other toys ( serious 3NT etc ) that come with the territory. Our overcalls can be very strong and opponents “openers” are so light , slam is not out of the question in a growing  number of auctions. Knowing about the 4th trump , stiffs and voids with overcalls are just as important as with opening bids. This treatment will only apply to jumps to 2NT as the 2NT bid competitively is either “good bad“  or has some other use defined for it.  A jump to 2NT after a negative double would show a limit raise or better with 4 trump (Dormer)  also.


          What a about a 2 overcall after a spade opener ? Would 2NT be a Q bid or natural ? I think the bid should remain natural as the auction is up to the 3 level very quickly as you do not have the luxury of bidding a new suit forcing one round with a plan of  bidding NT to invite. You are already in 3NT with these auctions !! Keep the Q bid for the major suit raise , 4 cards or not.


          When partner opens a major ( not our side overcalling )  and they overcall at the one or two level , I prefer 2NT to be natural. This right sides the NT and the Q bid will suffice to show the major fit.


          The strength of your overcalls vrs making a takeout double and whether a new suit is forcing one round or not will determine how you handle your raises. Opening bids are getting lighter and lighter and overcalls are getting stronger & stronger. Good treatment for openers should also apply to overcalls.  A jump to 2NT after a major overcall is quite lame anyway. How many HCP’s does it show ? You force very minimum overcalls up to the 3 level. Confusion whether bids are forcing or not in these 3 level sequences may lead to disasters. The best solution is to throw out 2NT as natural in competition and an overcall is just another example of a competitive bid where we really do not need a natural 2NT. Leap to 3NT and hope they misdefend J


        This treatment makes the jumps to 2NT consistent throughout your entire bidding system. After a major opener or overcall whether after a takeout double or negative double , a leap to 2NT shows limit raise or better with 4 trump ( Dormer ). Kiz Fung suggests another innovation. If partner overcalls and the opponents have bid 2 suits , pick the higher ranking suit to show 4 and the lower ranking to show 3 card support. These auction you do not need Dormer.