Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:53 AM

Maxi - Splinters




          Playing masked splinters over a major opener ,  3♣ for game forcing splinters and 3 needs some partnership agreements. A 3♣ bid was chosen for the game forcing hands as it conserves room for bidding slams. Serious 3NT theory is alive and well with maxi – splinters .  A rebid of the trump suit , not jumping to game is the bid that shows a minimum with no slam interest as partners hand is unlimited. The bid of choice to show slam interest is to ask the location of the splinter with 3. Partner makes step responses to show the 3 possible singletons. 3shows a stiff club , 3a stiff diamond and 3NT a stiff in the other major. You know partner’s singleton by the 3 level so you do not lose anything by having the splinter “masked or concealed” initially. A 3NT bid by opener is virtually a slam force as she is asking for specific information and is not even interested in finding the location of the singleton. A “serious 3NT” is essentially a specific “control asking” bid in these sequences.


          Since the 3♣ bid is a game force , the hand is unlimited. If opener just retreats to her major , a bid by responder shows the splinter and slam interest. AKxxx Axx xxx xx   1-P-3♣-P    3-P-4-P   4-P-4NT-P

Qxxx KQxx x AKxx . A 3NT bid by responder is a serious slam try over openers minimum bid and demands that she shows controls up the line.


          A direct Q bid by opener without asking for the stiff is a rare bid and does not make much Bridge sense. I would suggest it should be a telling bid rather than an asking bid and transferring control of the auction to the other hand . The bid should show a two suiter rather than a Q bid. 1-P-3♣-P  3-P-?      AKxxx AJ10xx xx x

If you had a rock two suiter AKxxx AKxxx A xx , a “serious 3NT” might be the best bid to ferret out a club control.


          How do you handle voids with this splinter system ? We prefer jumps to the 4 level in a minor after a major opener to be exclusion KCB for that minor. What if you are not strong enough to take control in this way with your void ? In that case , you treat your void as a singleton and bid accordingly. You can jump in your responses to the 3 bid to show a void rather than a singleton. You do not show step responses but you actually show your void. A jump to 4 after a heart opener after a 3 query would show a spade void . A jump in the minor shows that void. After a spade opener , you can show all 3 voids naturally by jumping or bidding at the 4 level after the 3 query bid.



           3-P-4-P       xxxx AKxxx Kx Kx     4NT is KCB and partner does not have to show the void as she


already has done so . Partners hand is void Qxxxx Axxx Axxx and good bidding should get you to your 23 HCP 7♥ . The power of a splinter ….