Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:42 AM
Openers New-suit Rebid
after openers
new-suit rebids should be thoroughly understand by an established
After a one-level
new-suit response and opener’s simple new-suit rebid:
(a) two notrump or three of openers suit is invitational;
(b) a fourth-suit bid that is either a reverse or a
three-level bid is forcing to game;
(c) a fourth-suit
at the two level is forcing to game . There are no invitational
sequences with a new suit.
(d) a bid one level above
a game-forcing fourth-suit bid is a splinter;
(e) Responders jump rebid is forcing to game and shows a
good suit
are no one round forces or 4th suit
invitational sequences. Responder either gives a simple preference or bids an
invitational 2NT.
Axxxx KQxxx 10x x 1♦-P-1♠-P
Responder gives up on the heart
suit and just bids 2♦
Axxxx KQJx xx Jx 1♦-P-1♠-P A 2NT invite is bid rather than 2♥
which is a game force
all new
suit jumps are splinters .
Axxxx x Axxx Kxx 1♦-P-1♠-P This
would be a splinter as 2♥
2♣-P-3♥-P would
show hearts.
4th suit forcing by responder
is a catch all bid . It can be three main types of hands 1) natural and game
forcing 2) A forcing to game belated preference 3) too strong to jump to game
in NT
Kxx Axxx KQx AKx 1♦-P-1♥-P We bid 2♣ first because we are too
1♠-P-2♣-P strong to bid 3NT
Jumping in responders suit is “recovering the strong jump shift”
and shows a forcing to game hand with a good suit.
AKQ10xx Axx Kx xx 1♦-P-1♠-P Do not need 3 spades to be
2♣-P-3♠-P invitational
Jump preferences are invitational and jump to game shows no slam
interest . Jump to games are usually done on distributional values as HCP’s
usually bring about 4th suit forcing.