Saturday, September 20, 2003 10:12 AM

Openers Same-suit Rebid


Established partnerships need to thoroughly discuss subsequent action after opener makes a simple same-suit rebid. Understandings are predicated on the fact that we play weak jump shifts and 2/1 not forcing to game if suit rebid.

After a one-level suit response and opener’s simple same-suit rebid:

(a) a third-suit bid that is a reverse or a three-level bid is forcing to game;

(b) a third-suit non-reverse at the two level is forcing for one round;

(c) a non-reverse jump to three of a third suit is natural (five-five or more) and invitational (to force with the same shape, responder bids two and then three of the third suit);

(d) a jump by responder in her suit is forcing to game with a good suit


Some examples

x A10xxx KQJxx xx          1♣-P-1-P           Invitational and natural  


Axxxx KQxxx xx x          1-P-1-P            Invitational and natural


Axxxx xx KQx Axx           1-P-1-P          3 level so game force


Axxxx KQJx xx xx           1-P-1-P           2 level so 1 round force


 xx xx AKQJxx Axx          1♣-P-1-P            Recovering strong jump shift

                                               2♣-P-3               forcing & good suit


Since we play weak jump shifts , responders rebids are invitational so the same-suit jumps by responder are forcing and show strong jump shift hands.

There are some forcing 1NT treatments when partner makes a same-suit rebid .


2-P-?                Normally a suit bid now is constructive . If you play 2/1 as

                           a game force except when suit rebid then this bid is

                           “rescuing the partial” with a long suit.

Kxx x KJ1098xx xx          It should be impossible to have a constructive

                                               hand and not have bid a 2 /1 initially .