Sunday, March 09, 2003 7:05 PM

Opponents T/O Double




            When partner is a passed hand , most of the conventional treatments like NMF , inverted minors ,  forcing NT , void showing splinters & Bergen are off. Partnerships may agree to abolish splinters and play fit showing bids instead as a passed hand . You should have these situations discussed as they can be a source of misunderstandings .


            Another fertile source of misunderstandings is over an opponents take out double . Some things should change as the opponents have announced some cards and treatments should change accordingly . One thing that should change is giving the partnership a chance to “right side” 3NT . A jump raise in the minor should be a limit raise so that partner can bid the 3NT from the correct side. This preserves the redouble to show no fit in partners suit and raising to the 3 level keeps the vultures out for lead directing bids. 2/♣ and 4/♣ would be just a bid and very pre-emptive respectively . 2NT over a minor is extinct as you would redouble instead.


            Splinters stay the same except that the void showing splinters either as exclusion Blackwood or just a void should be off . It is better to play the Cabay “flower bid” at the 4 level for the simple reason of frequency and that the opponents have entered the fray . Dormer replaces Jacoby 2NT but subsequent bids should be discussed . Bergen does not apply over a take out double other then the limit raise is pre-emptive. Splinters are more useful in competitive auctions.


            Do not bid for the simple sake of bidding . An opponent bid 2♣ over my double recently with 9 HCP and J10xxxx of clubs. Partner had a void in clubs and stayed out of an excellent vul 4 because of partners bid . If you decide to bid a new suit make it lead directing as LHO might bid and partner has to find a lead . A redouble should be avoided with a fit in partners suit. 2NT over a major even with 3 trump is best if the hand is not suitable for NT.


            I do not like weak jump shifts over the opponents take out double . Just bidding at the one level is fine with me as RHO usually has 4 of them anyway . I may rebid the suit depending on the circumstances. I prefer the jump to be a fit showing bid showing 5 or 6 of my suit and a 4 card fit for partner . Fit showing jumps seem to be more constructive in an auction then a weak jump shift when the opponents are lurking.


            Anyway , convention or treatment management means you must discuss what applies over an opponents takeout double and as a passed hand . This further defines established partnerships.