Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:34 AM

Overcalls - Jumps




          The nature of an overcall allows a bidding structure dissimilar to opening bids. The overcall always has the Q bid available as a force to fall back on whereas an opening bid does not. This fact allows bids to be defined as having different meanings after an overcall as opposed to an opening bid. I prefer jump rebids with an overcall to show a good suit rather than lots of HCP’s. x AKJ10xx AJ10x xx 


 P-3   . You make a jump rebid to show your good suit and playability rather than a preponderance of HCP’s. If your hand was even stronger you can resort to a Q bid and then bid your hearts to show your strength. A 2 rebid with this hand is the “death response” . Do you really want to make that bid with this hand ?


          A tormentee had this hand playing with me tonight. AKJxx xxx AKxx Q  and the auction went 1 and she overcalled 1. We all play the style of “shape before strength” so we overcalled to show the suit so how do we now describe the “strength “ part ? A strong jump shift with an overcall is a descriptive bid not a game forcing bid. Q bidding first and then bidding your other suit is a game force. I would bid 3after a 1NT bid with this hand. The tormentee passed 1NT which did not describe her 17 HCP very well. A 2 rebid with this hand is absurd as partner would play you for a weak hand trying to improve the partial and get out of 1NT. A 2NT bid works even with this particular distribution but may lead to the wrong contract. xx Ax Qxxxx Axxx for partners 1NT bid and you have a shot at 7 but you make 1NT though J


          Maurice had a hand in Red Deer where a jump would have saved the day to show the distributional nature of his hand. AQxxx x x  AK10xxx  the auction went 1 and Maurice overcalled 2♣ and it went around to the opener who bid 2. Maurice bid 2 now but why not bid 3 to show the playing strength of his hand and bring partner into the picture ? The opponents reached 4 and partner had no idea of the playing strength of his hand and let them play it there for a double game swing ! The overcall gives you freedom with jumps that openers do not. Jump shifts and jump rebids with overcalls tend to show distribution rather than HCP’s  like in opening bids. When you overcall , borrow a bidding style from kangaroos and jump !!