Saturday, January 06, 2007 12:35 AM
Playing the Vulnerability – Pre-empts
Playing the vulnerability
is a Standard Bridge tactic. Your bids do
change depending on the vulnerability. Partner has been trained to
give you leeway
on the terrorist vulnerability & take you for your values on all the others. When the opponents pre-empt how does this strategy work ?
Again partner allows you to get in earlier
on the terrorist vulnerability because sacrifices are way more common. In fact
, if you do not come in early you may have to take a single handed sacrifice
later & leave partner out of the picture.
have ♠AKQJxx ♥xx
♣Qx , they open 3♥ .
This hand is not strong enough to come into the fray at the 3 level if you are
vulnerable or if both sides are
nv. On the terrorist vulnerability this is a clear cut 3♠ overcall. Why ? because
partner will not punish you on
this vulnerability so a 4♠
sacrifice might be excellent against their vul 4♥ game.
you do pass , they bid 4♥
vul so back around to you. Now you must make a single handed decision for the
partnership. If you guess wrong and go for –300 or worse against a +100 it is a
double digit IMP disaster. Is it not better to overcall light initially and
bring partner into the picture ? . It turns out partner has two defensive
tricks so after a 3♠
overcall will just let them play it there for +100.
is a partnership game.
The more times you just guess & leave partner out of the decision , the
more times you will be in trouble. Bid the vulnerability when the partnership is prepared for it !