Friday, February 23, 2007 3:28 AM
Playing the Vulnerability – T/O Doubles




            Pre-empt strategy against T/O doubles should change with the vulnerability. When the opponents make a T/O double , a pre-empt to 4 of partners major suit , 3 of partners major suit & a splinter should be vulnerability dependent.


Lets discuss the splinter first. On 3 of the 4 vulnerabilities the splinter should be a good hand & turn on forcing passes. On the terrorist vulnerability , a splinter should just be giving information to partner in case they have a vulnerable game. Forcing passes are not turned on with this vulnerability. You want a lead or you are telling partner how the hands fit for sacrifice purposes.


            A jump to 4 of partner’s major should show zero defense and is the most pre-emptive bid you can make on the terrorist vulnerability. On the other vulnerabilities , the leap to game is a pre-empt with 5 trump & lots of distribution. A jump to 3 of partners major is the same on all 4 vulnerabilities. A pre-empt with 4 trump & possibly scattered defensive values in queens.


            You hold xxxxx Qxx Q109x ♣x . Partner opens 1 , they make a T/O double so what is your bid ? This question can not be answered without the vulnerability given. On 3 of the 4 vulnerabilities , this is a 3bid. Pre-emptive , but a scattered defensive values in queens. On the terrorist vulnerability,  this is a splinter. You splinter to 3♣ and partner bids 4 so the opponents bid 5. Partner with AKxxx Jx x ♣KQ10xx now doubles 5 which goes for +800 !  When you pre-empt on the terrorist vulnerability , be disciplined so partner has some idea how ( when ) to sacrifice. Change partners hand to AKxxx x KJxxx ♣xx and +650 in hearts is cold & 5 goes for +100. Give partner some information to work with on the terrorist vulnerability.