Monday, November 28, 2005 2:34 AM

Q Bidding vrs Kickback




          Minor suit slam bidding is worth its weight in gold in IMPS. As Kantar has mentioned many times,  when you just establish your minor suit fit at the 4 level , it is the agreement and not the ask. One of the basics of Bridge is to establish your fit early and then Q bid. The ambiguity of advanced Q bids or implied Q bids are silly. Partner does not know if your bid is natural or you are Q bidding. Support partner’s suit first !


          Here is a hand that experts screwed up badly by making advanced Q bids .♠ A10854 AJ8 KJ ♣ J10x . Partner ones 1♣ and you respond 1. Partner bids 3♣ and I feel you have a simple bid. You support partner’s clubs by going past 3NT . This bid must show slam interest. You did not leap to 5♣ , bid 3NT or grope for 3NT. You are now at the 4 level so what is the use of initiating a Q bidding auction at this level ? if partner does bid 4 of a major,  it is because she lacks a diamond control in order to bid 4 Kickback KCB. You do not need 4 as a Q bid . There are many auctions where you want 4NT to be natural to escape or describe a balanced 3♣ bid with softer values. Partner has pushed you by 3NT , so 4NT might still be the best contract.  4NT as KCB is dangerous with a minor as trump as you go past 5♣/ rather quickly.


          Kickback with the minors takes getting used to but just think 4 level is the agreement and not the ask as Kantar advocates. 4NT is virtually never Blackwood with a minor fit unless every suit has been bid and there is no Kickback suit. Partner on this hand bids 4 and you bid 4NT showing two with no trump queen. Partner has ♠Kx x Axx ♣AKxxxxx  . Coming with the territory of minor suit KCB is keeping the bidding low so you can use neat bids like suit asking bids. Partner bids 5 which is a suit ask in diamonds. You still have 3 steps under 6♣ so you can bid 6♣ with the death response in diamonds. 5 is 3rd round control , 5 is Kxx and 5NT is Kx & 6 is KQ & 7♣ a stiff diamond !! . Partner bids 7♣ which is cold .


          Kickback has all the modern KCB advantages of keeping the bidding low & progressing into suit asking bids or specific king ask. Starting Q bidding at the 4 level with a minor agreed is lame anyway but you do have that option. If you bypass the “kickback” suit it is an obvious Q bid. Therefore in almost all cases you have the best of both worlds. You just can not Q bid the Kickback suit. However , if you do not use Kickback , partner has the obvious inference you do not have a control in the Kickback suit.


          Kickback for the minors is defined for the 4 level. If you make you minor agreement at the 3 level or lower in a forcing auction,  4 of the agreed minor is KCB .  Kickback is reserved for the rarified 4 level.  In a non forcing auction , you might want 4 of a minor to mean I have nothing more to say. Kickback apples in those limit raise or better auctions if the game force switch has not been turned on.  Kickback , do not leave home without it !