Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:54 PM





          Maksymetz/Jacobs have an elaborate scheme where Stayman followed by a 2 response and then 2 can show all the 4 of a major and 5 or 6 of a minor hands. We do not need this treatment as we play Re-Stayman. When we bid 2 in this Stayman sequence it is a relay to 2NT period showing 5 hearts & 4 spades unless opener breaks the relay due to outstanding hearts.


With 4 of a major and 5 or 6 of a minor , we have two invitational sequences. If partner bids 2 to our Stayman and we raise to 3 , it is invitational showing 5 or more diamonds and a 4 card major. If we bid 2NT it is invitational and may show 5 or more clubs and a 4 card major. Game forcing hands with this distribution must be shown by taking control with Re-Stayman. AJxx x AQxxxx Kx 




 ?                     We are forced to game no matter what the response to re-Stayman . 4 of a minor by responder is always KCB in these sequences as responder is in control.


Back to the Smolen relays. They are now simplified to show the Smolen hand types invitational or forcing to game or in the case of one relay the invitational 5-5’s with spades as the anchor suit. BJ Trelford held a strong 5-4 in the majors hands in a recent CWTC zone final. AQxxx AKxx Qxx x  This hand is shown by the slam try Smolen sequence with the relay. You start with Stayman and partner bids 2. You bid 2 as a relay to spades to show the 5 card spade suit Smolen hand. Partner takes the relay to 2 and you must bid 4 which shows your distribution ( 3 shows an invitational 2 suiter) . Partner bids 4 which confirms the fit and announces minimum duplication of value in clubs. Slam is now trivial as responder takes control with KCB. Even with a spade fit , opener would bid 4NT to play with severe club duplication of value.


What if BJ held the Smolen hand the other way ? AKxx AQxxx Qxx x . After Stayman and the 2 response a 2 bid is a relay to 2NT announcing the heart Smolen hands. You now bid 3 and If partner bids 3NT to show horrible duplication in clubs that ends this auction. If partner bids 3 , slam is again trivial to reach. Jumping to the 4 level in the minor by the Stayman bidder is an unnecessary complication. It could show a 4-5-4-0 and a slam try if you want to have the bid. By bidding the major , the 1NT bidder gives responder the green light for slam and KCB. 4NT is to play or the NT bidder may bid slam in the minor with no duplication of value.


Re-Stayman takes the pressure off these Smolen sequences to do too much. These Smolen sequences are for the majors only and the minors are handled by the re-Stayman sequences. Re-Stayman is a tool for finding minor fits after getting information thru Stayman first.