From: Bob Crosby []
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 1:35 AM
To: Bob Crosby
Subject: Returnable Honour



            Signaling is of course “depending on context:. In other words , the partnership must read the situation correctly before the signal can be interpreted. In defending contracts like 1NT thru 3NT , it is standard signaling practice to lead a low card when breaking a new suit ( nothing on the board ) when you can stand the suit returned. This normally means you have the King or Ace of a suit. In fact,  this technique is how you steer partner to return a first led suit.


          You are defending a NT partial and partner hits with a fantastic lead of the  diamond 8 . There is Kxx on the board and you have AQ109x so you put in the 9 and declarer wins the jack. You get in with another suit so you want to put partner in return another diamond. She does not know she was so brilliant with her opening lead so how do you tell her ? You have Q832 of hearts and partner has a possible entry in that suit. You return the 8 of hearts saying do not lead a heart back. You do not woodenly lead back a 4th best heart as partner might return that suit ! Partner will work out to continue diamonds.


          When there is something like a stiff Ace on the board a low return of that suit virtually guarantees the king. Count is not important in these situations. A player was in 2NT the other day and partner returned a low card with a stiff Ace on the board. I was so convinced that partner had the King , that I claimed down one for the declarer when he had the King !


          BJ & I play 3 & 5th best , present count . I led 5th best from K10543 of diamonds against their 3NT contract and a singleton 8 appeared on the board. BJ won the Ace and returned the deuce and declarer played the 9 and you win your 10. Now what ? The deuce in our system should show 3 or 5 present count. However,  in this context , it could also mean the suit is returnable. To unblock the diamond suit,  I lead back a low diamond and BJ won his queen ! The diamond suit is now unblocked and we ran our 5 diamonds.


          In other words , you should lie with your signaling sometimes when it might be dangerous for partner to return a suit. Do not fall into a trap of just leading 4th or 5th best from a suit. Think in terms from partners perspective who does not want to hand declarer a trick she does not deserve !!