January 26, 2007 4:05 PM
Serious 3NT - Hearts
The following is a quote
from Fred Gittleman in his original
article on the “serious 3NT”. “When hearts is agreed at
the three level, opener must bid 3♠ if
he has a control in spades. Any other bid would deny a spade control (3NT would
be Serious with no spade control).” In effect , in this one situation you can be making a “serious slam try” by
bidding 3♠. I suggest that in this one auction only ( hearts agreed )
, a serious 3NT bid over the 3♠ bid have a specialized meaning. I feel
3NT in this auction should show very good hearts. Why ? because 3♠ is
ambiguous. Instead of a courtesy Q bid , partner could have serious slam
interest but she is just not allowed to bid 3NT as she has a spade control.
A serious 3NT is a Q bid
which must follow the “up
the line” principle of Q bids. NT
is higher ranking than spades therefore as in all Q bidding theory , failure to
Q bid in a lower ranking suit ( spades ) denies a control in that suit.
Therefore if hearts are agreed and partner Q bids 3♠ , care must be taken. Partner could have
a serious slam try and not just bidding spades as a courtesy. If she retreats
to the trump suit at the first opportunity , the 3♠ bid was probably a courtesy.
It is hard to grasp the
concept that 3NT is just a Q bid
as in standard American bidding. You need this bid or else you could not Q bid
as a courtesy. There is no HCP standard for a serious 3NT Q bid. It is just a
hand that is to strong for a Q bid. Quoting Meckwell “If you fail to bid
serious 3NT when you have the opportunity and cue-bid instead, that carries the
following message: "Partner, I do not have serious slam interest, but I am
cue-bidding in case you do."
This understanding takes away the Standard American notion that you can
Q bid with a good hand. If you have slam intentions , the serious 3NT Q bid is used
BJ Trelford & I had a
hand last night. ♠AKxxx ♥987x ♦QJ ♣AK . I opened 1♠ and BJ bid 2♦ followed by 2♥
by me. BJ raised to 3♥. I would love to bid the “serious 3NT”
signaling my slam intentions but I cannot as that would deny a spade control. So I bid 3♠ and
partner has ♠Jx ♥AQJ10 ♦AKxxx
♣xx . I think the correct bid is 3NT saying I have excellent trump. If you do not have excellent trump , just
make a courtesy Q bid of 4♦ and partner may be clued into a trump problem.
In our system after a 2NT opening if you accept the transfer , it shows a major fit. This leaves the door open for a
serious 3NT bid & a spade Q
bid by responder. Same rules
apply as 3NT would deny a spade control
but shows serious slam interest.
3♥-P-3NT serious slam try , no spade
I suggest that in both
these auctions , the serious 3NT should suggest good trump by responder. A direct Q bid could pin point
weakness in trump. If you have both good trump & a Q bid , always bid 3NT
The “serious 3NT” Q bid
is such an important Q
bid in our auctions that show a major fit , I do not know how we bid
slams before. I think slams were just a random stroke of good or bad luck