Saturday, November 23, 2002 12:02 AM
Simple Squeeze
a simple squeeze takes some visualization and a knowledge of the conditions
necessary for a squeeze to operate or you can just fall into them .
Squeezes come about
due to the nature of the game of Bridge . The Bridge elements important to
squeezes are 1) declarer plays with two hands hers and the dummy and 2) Bridge is played in a clockwise order .
The two hand advantage for squeezes to operate is that these two hands can “gang up” on one hand and
like a sandwich or vise , squish
or squeeze the single hand.
Normally its declarer and the dummy that gang up on one victim for a
simple squeeze but there are defensive squeezes where two defenders can
contrive to squeeze declarer !!
The clockwise
order of the game of Bridge is
important in that it determines who can get squeezed . Lets review the simple
squeeze conditions with my comments thrown in for good measure
1) There should be a 1 card menace and a 2 card menace. A menace is a card that
is lower than the opponent's card, which if he discards will cause a trick to
be won.
Menace or threat are used
interchangeably for the same thing . 2 card menace means a threat card and an
entry and the one card threat means just that . The winners in that suit should
be cashed so its down to just one card . It is good practice to isolate the one
card threat but not necessary in simple squeezes. For more advanced squeezes
its is imperative.
2) Entry to 2-card menace is necessary
for a squeeze to operate .( exception is the criss-cross squeeze)
The threat in the 2 card menace can be
“split” between declarer and the dummy . Anyway , an entry with the 2-card
threat is necessary.
3) Same opponent should be guarding 2 suits.
This is a simple squeeze meaning only one
defender is the victim .
4) Count should be rectified i.e. If 'n' tricks are required and 'n-1' tricks
are certain then 13-n tricks
should be conceded before squeeze can operate.
is a law for all squeezes . For simple squeezes you must be just one trick
short of your goal and your losers given up before the squeeze can operate .
5) If both 1 and 2 card menace are in the same hand only the person to the
of that hand is squeezed. If they are in opposite hands ( yourself
and dummy ) either opponents
can be squeezed.
This is the clockwise order thing …
6) Squeeze card must come from the hand opposite the 2 card menace ( yourself
or dummy ).
This is important in slams where you have lots of
tricks to be cashed first . Be sure you end up in the hand opposite the 2 card
menace with your last squeeze card .
7) To squeeze either of the opponents holding a guard in 2 suits, a master card
is cashed and 1 card menace is created in hand opposite the 2 card
menace it
is called "VIENNA COUP"
To execute a
squeeze you must be able to visualize and “read” the cards . This is done by
(you guessed it ) patterns . You apply a pattern to the opponent that you want
to be squeezed and throw in the appropriate honour cards and play on that
assumption. If she has to be 5-4-2-2 for the squeeze to work than play on that
basis …
On the play
e-mails ( simple squeeze ) I sent out previously , go thru them and recognize
the squeeze conditions that makes it work . In the example below its
recognizing that the squeeze card has to be opposite the 2 card threat ..
6C by S: Lead S8
E had opened the bidding with 1S. E takes
SJ with SK and backs a C. Now you have
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST(D) 2H(with a finesse), 3D and
6C=11 tricks.
S:863 |||||||||||||| S:AK1092 To make 12, you have to concede
|||||||||||||| H:KJ10
trick which the opponents have already
D:10973 ||||||||||||||
D:J65 taken. Your
only chance is if E is holding
C:43 |||||||||||||| C:102
HKJ10 so that only he can guard against A9
with you. Thus HA9 will be the 2 card
menace. SQ will be the 1 card menace. The
point to remember is that the squeeze card
has to come from the hand opposite the 2
card menace i.e. from N's hand. Therefore
C in S's hand cannot be the squeeze card,
but DK in N's hand will be the squeeze
card. Once this is clear, the line of
play is simple. Take CJ, finesse H, cash
DAQ, cash all C's. Now 3 card position
is as shown. Now you play D4 and DK becomes
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST the squeeze
card. E is squeezed and you
S:-- |||||||||||||| S:A
get either SQ or H9.
H:76 |||||||||||||| H:K10
D:10 |||||||||||||| D:---
C:-- |||||||||||||| C:---