Friday, January 06, 2006 5:23 AM

Support Doubles




            Being a Bridge “purest” , the thing I hate the most in Bridge is rescuing bad bidding opponents. When an opponent bids in the “sandwich” position ,  she is taking a risk because there has already been an opener and a response. You generally do not want to punish the opponents when you have support for partner which is the basis for support doubles. What about support redoubles though ? I think support redoubles “rescues” bad bidding opponents because the switch is not turned on so partner can start doubling the opponents immediately. A 1NT rebid also rescues bad bidding opponents when the opponent has doubled in the sandwich position . By doubling . she is asking partner to possibly get into trouble into partners nice hand. You open your mouth with no fit and get them off the hook with a 1NT bid. They were about to play the contract vul vrs not - doubled. Pity.


          I feel a “support NT” should be invented. A 1NT rebid after a double in the sandwich position shows 3 card support. A redouble is the way Goren played it and announces a good hand so let the doubling commence. What if there has been an artificial double in the sandwich position showing support for their overcall ? I feel a support 1NT bid can be made in this situation also. You rarely want to play 1NT when they announce a good fit. A redouble here should again be just standard showing a good hand .


          If you want to go whole hog with this idea , play support doubles only at the two level after a sandwich bid by the opponents. A 1NT bid shows 3 card support for partners suit and a double shows the NT hands or penalty orientated hands . This allows partner to pass the double with the right vulnerability and the right hand or bid NT knowing you have the stopper. A D.S.I.P. double rebid at the one level !!


          The down side to the “support NT” bid is wrong siding the NT if even with a fit we prefer 3NT to the major game. With a balanced hand and 3 card fit  for partner maybe a stopper in their suit should also be required. Otherwise have distribution so that you will always refuse 3NT as an optional contract.


          For partners  ( BJ) who do not like support doubles or redoubles per se , I am willing to switch to support NT bids. Bidding NT in these auctions naturally without a fit is just rescuing the opponents or setting yourself up for a penalty double anyway. I miss the redouble as being a strong hand L.