Thursday, August 01, 2002 3:02 AM

TACTICS - Weak 2's




    Against people who play normal weak two's , the main preparation is just getting your Lebensohl understandings are on the same wavelength . Responsive doubles to 4 apply and double of their game is penalty . Against people who play destructive weak 2's ( Nick Gartaganis and his disciples ) , Jacob/McOrmand ,  I think special counter measures are in order . They think nothing of opening a weak 2 on 9xxxxx  vul against non vul . Against them I suggest that direct doubles are penalty , 2NT is natural , 3♣ is a takeout double , Q bids are strong take out doubles . In the balancing seat everything reverts to normal .


    Against these people only ,  a direct Q bid is a strong 4-4-4-1 takeout double 18+ as we assume partner has 7 HCPs . Therefore 3 clubs is a limited takeout double and can be passed if partner has clubs .


                       3                                                                           3♣

ex     2                      P                                                  2                      P


                     AJ10xx xxx xxxx x    bid 4                               bid 3 as 3 clubs is limited



               3                                                                                                         3♣

 2                      4                                                                            2                          4


               Dbl   penalty   , 5 level bid to make , 4NT Blackwood   This auction is different as the 3♣ bid is a limited T.O. A direct bid may be a sacrifice  against their makeable 4 .



  2                         P                 AKQJ108   x Axx Kxx                  They probably will not make their

vul 2 doubled






    Balancing takes on a different perspective as the chances that the double will be converted for penalty diminishes . You do not have to bend over backwards to double with minimal values to protect partners penalty pass . With this information , balancing doubles are stronger and 2NT is natural .



   2                 4                  As the 4 bid can be re pre-empting I think in balancing auctions using

4NT as Lebensohl makes sense .If partner bids something   she is showing  some values . A pull to 4NT means that she does not want -790 and you must bid 5♣ .




If partner bids 2NT directly or in the balancing are systems on ?   I suggest why not ?



    Anyway , the frequency of weak 2's with horrible suits over  the long run will produce good results. It is a terrorist tactic that works because it muddles auctions and pre-empts opponents out of games. Fighting back means to catch them speeding once in a while . A few +1100's will counter some of the effectiveness of the bid . Just the thought that the opponents play penalty doubles of their weak 2's might deter their effectiveness and frequency. Osama will have no fear though , probably will just spur him on ...