Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:12 PM
Taking Control
The theme today is taking control of a hand . This hand is from Calgary
and involves one of the Pitbulls ( since only one of you went to Calgary it is
easy to figure out who ) . She held ♠AKQJxx ♥Axx ♦x ♣KJx and opened 1♠ vul and heard
LHO overcall 2♦
and partner ( Tom Gandolfo ) bid 3♣ . This Pitbull decided to splinter to 4♦ which describes her hand to partner and
allows him/her to take control of the hand which he dutiful did and leaped to
6♣ . You hesitate a while with your monster hand but you do not want to bid 7
off an ace so you pass . Partners hand is ♠xxx
♥void ♦Axx ♣AQ10xxxx
and you have 15 top tricks in 7NT !
The problem here is the wrong person
took control of the hand ! You do not need to tell partner you have
a singleton diamond as you know
you have the solid spade suit , the Ace of hearts , the club fit . Therefore
taking control with Blackwood is in order . You find out partner has 2 Aces and
the Q of trump and 5, 6, or 7 clubs . You can count 13 tricks in NT and you
claim before the opponents lead .
play serious 3NT , you have to decide who is going to take control of the hand by biddng the 3NT
as a serious slam try . As a general rule the stronger hand takes control but
that is not cast in stone . The decision will be ultimately be made by who needs the information
the most . For example you open 1♠ with
♠QJ10xxx ♥void ♦Ax ♣AQJ10x and partner bids 2NT Jacoby . You would like to
know about partners K of clubs , trumps and controls so lets not tell her about
our heart void right away & take control of the hand. Bid serious 3NT & force these bids from her. Partner bids 4♣ so we have found
the club K ! You can now bid exclusion Blackwood in hearts and hear that she
has 2 aces outside the heart suit which must be the AK of trumps ! You bid 7 spades and dummy is ♠AKxx ♥xxx ♦QJ10 ♣Kx and you have
your 13 tricks .Exclusion Blackwood has
taken the necessity out of showing voids in Jacoby 2NT and splinters . You can
keep the secret from partner and if she has some key cards outside the suit you
can always exclusion Blackwood to find out the Aces . Jumping to show voids
should be very very rare with this new weopen .
Another auction . You hold ♠AKxxx ♥x ♦KJ10x ♣KQx and you open a spade & partner bids
2NT . Your hand is not suited to take control
, so you inform partner of your singleton heart . Partner takes control by
bidding 3NT and you Q bid your club king . Partner bids 4♦ and you bid 5♦ & partner now bids the grand slam
force . You comply by bidding 7 spades and partners hand is ♠QJ10x ♥Axxx ♦AQx ♣Ax . The hand
with no duplication of value in hearts took
control and you reached your lay down 7 spades .
With the serious 3NT if neither side bids 3NT , bells should
start ringing and you should stop in game in most instances .
You open 1♥ with xx AQxxx KJx Axx
and hear partner bid 2NT . You bid 3♥ waiting and partner bids 3♠ . You comply
with 4♣ and partner bids 4♦ . Now bells start to ring . Neither side was strong enough to bid
serious 3NT so there is no slam and you sign off in 4♥ . Both sides were Q bidding in case the
other had a hand strong enough to bid a serious 3NT but it did not happen and
you are still under game . Stay there ...
In 4th suit forcing auctions
sometimes the only way to get to the desired contract is taking control after
being a “good listener” first . Do not take control
too early but try to glean as much information as you can . Sometimes your hand is just plain unbidable so do not
even try . Just lie low and then
take control . Take this hand
♠xx ♥Axx ♦KJx ♣AKQJ10 1♣ by you and partner bids a diamond and you temporize by bidding
a heart . Partner bids 2♠ which you play as 4th suit forcing . Resist the urge
to do something spectacular with this hand as partner has forced to game ! You
bid a quiet 3♣ and partner bids 3♦ . Partner has a game forcing hand with at least 5♦ do you need more to take control of the
hand ? You bid 4♦ and partner bids 4♠ and 4NT by you
is Blackwood . You ask for Aces and then the Q of trump which partner shows
along with the K of spades . 5D + 5C +2S +1H and leads to 7NT .
Blackwood is the most obvious way to “take control” . There are times not to
take control also . I was playing with a Pitbull who held a nice 7-4 in the
blacks . She opened 1♣ and LHO doubled . I bid 1♥ and the Pitbull bid 1♠ . I continued
with 1NT and she showed her nice 7-4 with a 3♣ bid . I heard that I bid 3NT
. The Pitbull perservered and bid 4♣ Blackwood . This is the wrong time to take
control . When you have adequately described your hand to partner and she shows no sign of life then taking
control is redundant. I passed this Blackwood and we made exactly 4♣ . Quoting
the Bard “to take control or not to take control – that is the question”