Friday, July 07, 2006 5:29 AM

The Art of Balancing II




          Balancing is an art form using hand evaluation & an ear to the bidding. You have to know when to “hold them” by entering the fray and know “when to fold them” by passing. Balancing is based on partner making the proper deductions on why her partner did not bid the first time around ? The opponents open 1 everybody vul and you hold

x  10 AQ10xxx ♣ AQxxx so you pass . They respond 1 and partner passes . Opener rebids 1 and her partner raises to 2 . Passed around to you so do you balance and with what ? At the table,  an expert in the Vanderbilt bid 2NT unusual . What an incredibly stupid bid ! Your hand is laden with quick tricks which implies defense. Partner knows you do not make a balancing double for the only unbid suit,  so you must have at least two suits. It is not too hard for partner to infer that you have a two suiter with diamonds and clubs on this auction. Partner is at the table.


          To make matters worse , his expert partner bid 3 over 2NT with Q1094 AK98xx xx ♣x and went for –500 doubled. Of course , you should describe your defensive two suiter with a double and allow partner to convert holding their suits. A heart lead and a club switch only gets  2X  +500 for a 1000 swing. There is no escape when you force partner to bid , but if you give partner options with a double you give the partnership maximum flexibility. Do not ignore quick tricks in openers , T/O & balancing doubles


          If you hand lacked defense , like x ♥x KJ109xx ♣KQJxx then by all means balance 2NT. Use hand evaluation measured in quick tricks to guide your balance. In another match , a balancer vulnerable held QJxx x Kxxx ♣QJ9x and heard the auction go 1 in 3rd seat , pass by him and 2 around to him. Do you balance ? Hand evaluation again . Where are your quick tricks ? Yes you have the right shape and around 10 HCP but they are bad HCP’s. You do not have enough quick tricks to allow partner to convert for penalty which should always be a balancing consideration. He balanced with a double & they went for –800 against +140 in hearts. The person doing the write up was sympathetic saying that most good players would also balance !!  As BJ Trelford says , Oh my God !

I am speechless.