Monday, October 13, 2003 2:37 AM
Art of Trapping
you have a big hand with the opponent’s suit it is usually good strategy to “trap”
and await further developments . This is because you give them an opportunity
to hang themselves and get into
serious trouble . Balancing doubles of their NT bids are penalty and describe
your “trapped hand” . Direct doubles of rebid suits are penalty & also
describe your trapped hand. Another reason you trap is adding discipline to your takeout doubles so that you do not
advertise suits you do not have. Belated doubles can describe your hand.
should not be overdone though . Play the vulnerability
. If they are vul and you are not
, always trap . If you are vul and they are not , get in there
somehow even if you have to manufacture a
bid. Equal vul its your call what action you want to take . I favour
trapping on equal vul while others
prefer to bid.
Barton held KQJ109 AQ109x A xx and I opened 1♠ vul in front of him today. He was not vul so he passed . The balancer held x Jxx J10987x AKx and with this
vulnerability bidding 2♦
is just rescuing me. Bend over backwards to make a double and 1♠X goes for 800 to 1100 depending on the defense .
If the vulnerability were reversed , I would double
directly and bid hearts at first opportunity.
Fung held AQxx KJ9x AQJx x and
heard her RHO open 2♦ .
You are vul and the 2♦ bidder is not . Do you trap ? No , Kiz
manufactured a 2NT overcall as it is too
dangerous to pass on this vulnerability.
She hit partner with xx x xx AKQJ10xxx and
6♣ or 6NT makes with the favourable diamond and heart location. If the 2♦ bidder were vul and you not it would be a clear cut pass . 2♦ going down vul enough tricks to compensate
for your non vul game if partner does not balance with scattered values.
Trelford held AJ Kxx KQJ10x 10xx
and you are vul and they are not. This is the vulnerability that you should
avoid trapping. Opponents will try any
tactics to talk you out of your vul game and you do not get rich at
50 a pop. I would “manufacture” a bid of 1NT even though I have only 14 HCP .
if you pass , responder psyches a 2♠ bid and around to you
again. Do you now come in vul forcing partner to the 3 level ? It is not better
to risk a bid at the one level rather than the 3 level ? You are cold for +630
but not getting in the auction traps yourself. On other vulnerabilities I would
trap going in but not this one.
You hold x Jxxx AKQxx Q10x and LHO opens 1♠ . Do you trap because you
do not have a suitable bid ? I feel you should double going in . If you pass
originally , partner is always going to play you for spades and no hearts . Say you back in 2♦ later in the auction and get doubled.
Partner is never going to rescue you with her 6 card heart suit as she is
playing you for spades and
diamonds for not bidding initially . You could be cold for 4♥ and 2♦ could go for –300.
Trapping is an art . Avoid giving the show
away with hesitations . Make up your mind in advance and pass smoothly . Let the opponents walk a
dangerous tight rope until it is time to
strike. A trapped hand
usually would rather defend then get into the fray initially . Balancing by partner or a penalty double by
you unleashes the weapon .