Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:40 AM
 The Redouble




            A redouble is a legal Bridge bid so do not be reluctant to use it . We have discussed the use of a redouble to warn partner not to pull 3NT X in a previous e-mail. The redouble can also be used to clarify auctions. Here is a hand from Japan where the absence of a redouble hurt the partnership .




            Peter making a 2Nd double actually helps Judy describe her hand . She has 12+ pts in support of diamonds so a redouble is in order. Partner will assume no fit initially but Judy will clarify things later with a diamond raise. The 4 bid can never be strong . Partner will always take it as pre-emptive because partner had a chance to redouble and did not do so .


Scott held this hand playing with me in match points 


































1 XX DBl


pass pass



X pass





            In this hand , Scott was taking it easy as I was a passed hand and making a balancing double . However , Scott should redouble to put me in the picture . It is an active competitive auction and the redouble might solicit a penalty double or further action from me .


Another point that should be clarified involving redoubles . What is a pass of a redoubled contract ? This from Eddie Kantar


South (you)    West     North     East 
                       Pass     Pass     Dbl. 

“Before leaving this sequence, assume for the moment that you are West sitting in back of the redoubler.     Without the redouble, you would be forced to bid (unless you had length and strength in diamonds).   With the redouble are you off the hook? 

Not really.    A PASS WHEN SITTING IN BACK OF A SUIT THAT HAS BEEN REDOUBLED IN THIS SEQUENCE IS CONSIDERED A PENALTY PASS.   Unless you have great diamonds, you have to come up with some bid. 

Now put yourself in the East seat in this sequence: 

South     West     North    East (you) 
            Dbl.       Rdbl.     ? 

This time you are sitting in front of the diamonds (the diamonds are to your left as opposed to being to your right).    In such sequences a pass is non-committal perhaps showing a hand like this:  S. Q84  H. J43  D. 10874 C. 1098.     Your pass tells partner to rescue himself; you don't have a decent suit to bid. “  

            Anyway , do not forget the blue card in your bidding box . It can clarify a lot of auctions for partner.