Monday, November 25, 2002 2:38 PM
Trump Squeezes
Trump squeezes and their theory . Trump squeezes are basically
just simple squeezes and are not that difficult . Know the conditions and positions
and they are in the same league as simple squeezes. These conditions are
generalizations for the type of squeeze being discussed. Squeeze theory has to be studied not
just glanced at . Knowing the conditions well and all of a sudden something will
click and you are planning and executing squeezes.
I have a theory
on one reason Osama overbids . His
knowledge of squeezes encourages overbiding to try out various squeeze types !
In NT hands , when a long suit is led, one of the opponents is forced to unguard a suit. In a trump squeeze, there is an advantage that by the ability to ruff , an established card of the opponent is ruffed out thereby promoting your card .
Conditions are:
(i) Dummy has 2 cards each in 2 suits controlled by one opponent, and you are out of one of the two suits.
Unique criteria . No one card threat
allowed must be two cards in each of the two suits .
(ii) One of the two suits is accompanied by a master card, in the dummy the suit in which you are holding a menace card.
Bad English by the author . He is saying
that you must have a “split threat” . Threat in your hand even though 2 cards
and an entry in dummy in that suit.
(iii) In addition to the entry through master card in the dummy, there is one more entry in the dummy, either in the same suit in which master card is held or another suit.
Strict entry requirements . Double entry
required in all trump squeezes.
(iv) Two trumps are held in hand and only one played as squeeze card. After the opponent is forced to discard from one of the two guarded suits inthe dummy is established by ruffing.
Like all squeezes count has to be rectified
. Trump squeezes are unique in that the squeeze occurs
on the second last trump .
S:AK10 Hs are trumps
D:95 In 5 card position, dummy has two suits with 2
C:-- cards each. E is controlling both suits S and D.
-------------- Dummy has two entries in S, one of the suits in
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST the dummy. Now you play H8 discarding S10 from
S:83 |||||||||||||| S:Q97 dummy and E is squeezed. If he discards a S,
H:-- |||||||||||||| H:-- you cash SAK and ruff a D and SJ is good.
D:x |||||||||||||| D:Ax If E discards a D, you go to dummy with SA and
C:xx |||||||||||||| C:-- ruff a D establishing D5 for which SK is still
-------------- an entry.
Note split threat of J of spades in your
S:Jx Trumps are D
D:-- There are 2 two card suits in dummy, one
C:Q accompanied by a master card. There is a second
-------------- entry via CQ in dummy. You have 2 trumps in hand.
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST Only W is controlling both the two card suits,
S:Ax |||||||||||||| S:9x S and H. Now you play D6, W throws a C and you
H:Kx |||||||||||||| H:xx discard a H from dummy. Then you play C to the
D:-- |||||||||||||| D:-- Q and W is squeezed. If he discards a H, you cash
C:x |||||||||||||| C:x HA, W drops the HK. Ruff a S, and HQ is good. If
-------------- W discards a S on CQ, you ruff a S, establishing
SOUTH (D) SJ for which HA is an entry.
Split threat of Q of hearts . Q of clubs is
squeeze card rather than a trump.
S:Kxx 7S by S: Lead low D
H:Kxx -------------------
C:AK10x Obviously DA is with E with either DJ or DQ.
-------------- You have one sure C loser. After putting D9
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST from dummy and ruffing E's Q, you have two
S:xx |||||||||||||| S:xx card suit in DK10 and 3 card suit in C,
H:xxxx |||||||||||||| H:xx accompanied by 2 entries in CAK in dummy. You
D:Jxxx |||||||||||||| D:AQ8xxx are void in one suit viz D and your third
C:Qxx |||||||||||||| C:Jxx C may be a menace card. Therefore, take out
-------------- trumps, cash all 4 H and run S.
S:-- Last 5 card position is as shown. You play 1
H:-- more S, first W is squeezed. Say he throws a
D:K10 D, you discard a C and E discards a C. Then
C:AK10 you play a C and pull out DK, ruffing DA and
-------------- dropping DJ of W. Your D10 is good and CK is
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST still an entry.
S:-- |||||||||||||| S:-- Suppose W discards a C on your S6, you still
H:-- |||||||||||||| H:-- discard C10 from dummy. If E discards a C,
D:Jx |||||||||||||| D:A8 you cash CAK and come to hand by ruffing a D,
C:Qxx |||||||||||||| C:Jxx and third C in hand is good. If E discards
-------------- D8, you play D10 and ruff the A in hand,
SOUTH (D) establishing DK for which CK is still an
S:6x entry.
Bad example . This is actually a guard
trump squeeze.
6S by S: Doubled by E: Lead H
H:KQ73 -----------------------------
C:Kxx E has overcalled 1H over 1D call by N. E takes HA and
-------------- back a HJ, dummy taking it with HQ. You
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST have 7S, 1H, 1D and 2C=11 tricks. You are
S:xxx |||||||||||||| S:x already in the n-1 position. You could have
H:xxx |||||||||||||| H:AJ109x thought of double squeeze if one opponent
D:932 |||||||||||||| D:K10x is controlling H and D and other is control-
C:Jxxx |||||||||||||| C:Q10xx ling D and C, and therefore, none could
-------------- guard D, but then one of the two 1 card
SOUTH menaces in H and D should be rightly placed.
S:AKQxxxx Here it is known that E is controlling both
H:x H and D and N's menaces are to his right.
D:Jxx Even transferring D menace to hand is not
C:Ax going to help as W is not controlling D, but
S:-- is controlling only C. Thus only hope is
H:73 Trump squeeze, by retaining 2 two-card suits
D:AQ in dummy viz D and H. You already have an
C:K additional entry in CK in dummy. Therefore,
-------------- run S. Last 5 card position is as shown.
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST Now on S6, you throw DQ from dummy and E
S:--- |||||||||||||| S:-- throws CQ. Now you play low C to K and E is
H:--- |||||||||||||| H:109 squeezed. If he throws a H, you ruff a H,
D:932 |||||||||||||| D:Kx and H7 becomes good, DA being the entry. If
C:Jx |||||||||||||| C:Q E throws a D, you cash DA, dropping DK from
-------------- E and then you ruff a H and DJ is good.
7H by S: Lead DJ
H:xxx ----------------
C:Axx N had opened 1C and E had bid 1D. Contract
-------------- depends on S finesse, but with E's overcall,
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST finesse is not going to work. S may be
S:10xx |||||||||||||| S:KJxx protected by both E and W. You take DA, and
H:xx |||||||||||||| H:x start running H, cashing CKQ in between.
D:J10x |||||||||||||| D:K87xxx You will have 2 two-card suits in dummy viz.
C:J10xxx|||||||||||||| C:xx SAQ and DQ9. You are ruffing one of the two
-------------- suits. One of the suits is accompanied by
SOUTH master card SA and therefore, one more entry
S:9x in CA will be required in dummy. If only E
H:AKQJxxx is controlling both D and S i.e. holding DK10
D:x and SKJ10, he will be squeezed. If S is also
C:KQx being controlled by W, then squeeze will not
S:AQ work unless he also has to guard D with D10.
H:-- You play H6, W discards S and you discard SQ,
D:Q9 and E SJ. Now you play low C to A and E has
C:A to throw D in which case you will pull out DQ,
-------------- ruffing E's DK and dropping D10 from W. SA is
WEST |||||||||||||| EAST still an entry for cashing D9. If W had
S:10xx |||||||||||||| S:KJ discarded a S on CA, then you cash SA and come
H:--- |||||||||||||| H:--- to hand ruffing D and S9 is good. Let us say E
D:10x |||||||||||||| D:K8x had discarded a D on H6 and W a S. Now on CA,
C:-- |||||||||||||| C:--- W has to choose again between S and D for a
-------------- discard. If he discards a S, E will be have
SOUTH (D) to retain SKJ and bare his DK. Then D9 is
S:9x played and ruffed and DQ is good.
Also trump guard squeeze .