Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:31 PM
Was That a Penalty Double ?
theory simplifies the penalty double . The trump stack double is virtually
extinct in competitive situations
so penalty doubles can be classified into two groups. The 1st group is forcing auctions where its obvious from the
bidding we own the hand
( redoubles & running from penalty conversions are included in this class).
Forcing pass theory takes precedence over D.S.I.P. doubles and
penalty doubles are in accordance with forcing pass rules or just trump stack doubles. Doubles of their
1NT bid or balancing 1NT is punitive and sets up forcing passes thru the two
The 2nd group of penalty doubles is all the rest of the auctions where we can
not tell from the bidding that we
own the hand therefore D.S.I.P.
doubles apply. We are competing
because we do not own the hand. Negative double theory is just a subset of
D.S.I.P. doubles in my mind. Takeout doubles & re-opening doubles &
balancing doubles are what I call “suit disciplined” D.S.I.P. doubles. You do
something intelligent by bidding a suit or converting if you have their suit.
above is far too neat and easy on the memory so naturally there are some exceptions in the D.S.I.P.
group. The following trump stack double exceptions apply
1. After partner pre-empts ( any form weak jump shift , weak 2 ,
3, 4 , Michaels , unusual , 2NT ,
weak jump overcall , jump response to 3 level) . The reason is that partner
does not need the pre-empters input into the penalty double decision as he has
shown his hand within a narrow range
2. The 5 level - The 5 level belongs to the opponents for a reason. At
this rarified level we can tell with the number of their trump we hold whether
they are going to make a contract or not. D.S.I.P. doubles do not apply.
Balancing & D.S.I.P. doubles could
be a good mix so lets
discuss . The very common auction of 1 of a minor & 1NT response is a case in point . They balance with
a major and you are the top of your range for a 1NT bid but you have nothing in
their major , a D.S.I.P. double
would be nice to show your maximum. e .
1♠-p-2♠-p p-3♣-x this to announce a top of
the range 2♠ so D.S.I.P. partner . tool. Balancing doubles bring in redoubles
which makes all doubles of the
trump stack variety. Balancing 1NT
bids brings in doubles to show top of range which is essentially punitive. Re-opening doubles should be a common occurrence
after the opponents have balanced
so partner can convert. Balancing is risky so they must pay the price if they
gambled recklessly .
It would be nice to have all penalty doubles be
either forcing pass critieria or D.S.I.P. criteria but I see no way around a
few for D.S.I.P. doubles. The dinosaur trump stack doubles still have their use
in a few situations in the game of Bridge. I was reading Benito Garozzo’s system and his penalty
doubles only include conversions & after partner pre-empts. All other
doubles are just showing values in his system . Comments ?