November 17, 2006 2:15 AM
Wolffe relay - Club hands
flat strong club hands are a problem
in standard bidding. There are no forcing to game bids that described a nice 6 card
club suit with a balanced hand. Club slams can be easily missed by concealing
your nice 6 card suit with a 2NT
rebid. A 3NT rebid should be a gambling 3NT in your minor with an outside card.
Most experts do resort to a 2NT rebid with these hands as a way out. Playing
Wolffe relays , there is a way to
describe these hands. When partner relays to 3♦ , break
the relay with a 3NT bid
. This shows these hand types.
main purpose of the Wolffe relay is to show a flat slam try in partners minor , by relaying & bidding 3NT by
responder. This excellent treatment is too valuable to waste by not playing Wolffe
relays. The next main advantage of
Wolffe relays is the negative
inference of not using the relay. This means all natural bids are strong and slam invitational. This is a
great advantage for slam hands.
Wolffe relay also allows you to bid a 4 card major with a 5 or 6 card diamond
suit & bailing out in diamonds
after partner bids 2NT. The Wollfe relays also describe the 4-4 in the major
hands if partner bypassed a 4 card spade suit after rebidding 2NT. Wolffe
relays also show solid major slam tries and broken suit slam tries. Wolffe
relays are far superior to NMF.
to the strong club hands. I held this hand tonight . ♠Qx ♥AJx ♦Kx ♣AKQ10xx which I opened 1♣ and BJ bid 1♦. Bidding 3♣ non forcing and invitational
makes no sense at all so you rebid 2NT. Breaking the relay shows this hand if
partner does decide to relay, but
what if she does not ? Of course she has a good hand because she is bidding naturally, so a 3NT bid by opener at
her first opportunity should show
this hand type.
out in partners club suit is difficult playing Wolffe relays. You must subside
at the 4 level which may be another one down but it
is still better than being in 3NT down 4 vulnerable or doubled. Partner must
relay and after the 3♦ bid , 4♣’s ends the auction. This is the 2NT rebid forcing to 4 of a minor part of our system J.