Saturday, February 12, 2005 8:42 PM

Club Two Suiters




          We have club relays to help us distinguish good two suiters and good 6-4’s from bad ones. We follow the Lebensohl principle and if we relay we have the “bow – wow”. A direct bid shows the good 6-4 or 5-5 and is game forcing somewhere.


          There is a fly in the ointment with clubs as the 2nd suit , however. No problem with spades and clubs as you should open 1♣ initially with a weak 5-5 in the blacks. Now if you bid and rebid clubs after  a 2NT invite you show the strong two suiter .  With clubs & hearts you must reverse the Lebensohl principle as you do not have a relay to assist in the auction . A direct bid with clubs is weak after 2NT and use diamonds as a relay conveying a message. You hold  x AKxxx xx AKJxx   and open 1 and partner bids 1NT . You rebid 2♣ and partner bids 2NT . Now what ? 3♣ should be a weak two suiter. If you now bid 3 it’s a signal ( not a relay )  to partner that you have a strong club – heart two suiter. 1-P-1NT-P  2♣-P-2NT-P  3 shows a strong two suiter with clubs and not “patterning out”. x AQxxx xx A10xxx you would rebid your clubs over 2NT as the weak 5-5. Alternatively we can have the understanding that we bid our stiff in these sequences to show the strong 5-5 in hearts & clubs . That shows our pattern ( stiff spade or diamond )  & HCP’s precisely. Comments ?


          No not forget in any auction 3♣ over 2NT invitation is a relay to improve the partial unless you have shown clubs earlier at a lower level. You have x AJxxx KQ1098 Jx  that you decided to open. You open 1 and over a spade overcall partner bids 2NT . 3 is a game force so you must bid 3♣ and pass the relay. What if you have a weak heart-club two suiter ? I think the only answer is to pass 2NT invitational with your two suits . Maybe they will balance J .


        What about passed hand auctions ? With a passed hand ,  I think relays after a 1NT & 2NT invitational bid should not exist. If you have a decent two suiter or 6-4 , Standard American bidding should apply ( just bid game somewhere ) . The bid after 2NT should be “improving” the partial and non forcing as you are a light 3rd seat opener and want to escape 2NT. The frequency of weak two suiters is the norm in 3rd seat and may be really substandard. This seat position does not justify a relay in my opinion anyway. I have an understanding that most systems are “off” as a passed hand. Lets add this one to the list.