#: 1; Scoring: IMPS; Vul: N/S;
Dealer: West
Vince Nowlan
P Not the best spot, but not the worst either; I'm a poor
Tom Gandolfo
4S Long way to 6d. Pard would need very good
d. Most likely to have good h. I'll try for a plus in 4s. Even on 4-3 fit
it should play well. If I get a fast dbl, will ask for undo.. Instead of an undo bail to 5D .
Vince Lambert
Since most of us don’t play negative doubles this high, partner is
showing a strong hand but does not promise four spades. Since we may run into a bad break in
spades, I will take my plus (I hope) and lead my singleton. If partner has a few aces this may yet
go for a number.
Doug and Lorna
4S Will take a shot at a vulnerable game.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
4S Leaving the double
in has some merit with a singleton heart but on balance I think bidding
must be right. We could be on for
game vulnerable and only set clubs for 300. Might as well pull to the contract that is a game rather than
a partial. Club ruff will be taken
in the short hand.
Doran Flock
4S Ptnr may have not
have 4 spades, but my good spades may make moysean okay. Ptnr is most
likely 4531 or 3541, a stretch to bypass spades for diamonds! (Butcher -
Dave Smith) passes to get a plus, not liking his stiff heart and potential
bad splits.
Stan Cabay
4S With shortage in
partner's suit, my first impulse is to punish them by converting partner's
takeout double. This is the winning
action if partner turns up with a big flat hand. Possible. But more likely
partner has a stiff or a void in clubs and any plus we get in
defending (I would guess at most
+300) will not compensate for the likely lost game (or, possibly slam).
Kiz Fung
4S Partner said DSIP, did I do something
4S Partner has shown his good hand with
club shortness...might as well play in game. 5D is too far away opposite my
weak hand.
This is
definitely a match points vrs IMPS problem . In match points I pass and
take my plus. In IMPS I go for bigger and better things. The psychological
effect of bidding 4♠
vul against not might bring a 5♣ sacrifice from the opponents or we
might make
4♠. Lets apply the pressure.
VOTES 4♠ (8) P (3)
#: 2; Scoring: Matchpoints;
Vul: none; Dealer: East
Vince Nowlan
3D It looks like 2H will
play well, especially with a likely spade lead.
Tom Gandolfo
Dbl and I lead q of club. If p has four h this
could get messy.
Vince Lambert
Dbl Partners double showed some tolerance
for hearts as there was no double in the first round. The opps are on at best a 5-3 fit and
may well be on a 4-3 fit. With my
queens I will go for the big plus (100-300) by doubling rather than betting
we can make 3 Diamonds. It won't be
my first -470 if things go wrong and we likely score well if 2 Hearts makes
doubled or not. I am betting on partner having a stiff
or doubleton diamond and 2H X is going to be bad for them . The shortness
in diamonds was the flaw that prevented a double initially in my opinion.
Doug and Lorna
2NT I owe partner a bid. 2NT is natural.
Partner rates to have a fairly balanced hand.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
3D Partner didn't act directly so cannot
expect too much, however we must have a diamond fit here and to sell out at
the two level seems very chicken.
Doran Flock
P It is tempting to double, but I am not
convinced that my ptnr has 4 hts or that we have balance of power. I do not
want to punish ptnr for balance. RHO's unusual bid is likely based on 3325
with fairly weak clubs. Is LHO 4432 or 3532? (Butcher doubles, which could
easily be right at matchpoints, nobody doubles at IMPS.) I can not believe I am
saying this . I agree with the Butcher in a bidding problem ! Nobody
doubles partials into games at IMPS unless the expected set is two tricks
or more . If partners double is to be believed , they wandered into a
hornets nest.
Stan Cabay
Dbl Partner's double of 1N is for
penalties, showing hearts. Indeed, in addition to showing hearts with my
favorite partners I like to play that it also denies values in opener's
first suit (clubs here), the idea being that when we sit over them in both their suits we will usually set them
even if it happens to be their hand (e.g., 23 HCP's). Within reason, there
is then no need to restrict the point-count for the double (lacking values in the opponent's first bid
suit, the doubler's partner often pulls). Partner's double is not for
takeout here because of the failed opportunity to do so on the previous
round. Good understanding here .
Kiz Fung
Dbl We are holding half the deck, and with
partner probably holding four hearts an obvious trump lead should kill this
Good point . A trump lead
is my choice also.
The point of this problem is to analyze partners double.
Partner passed the 1♣ - P - 1♥ auction so he does not have the two unbid suits. Yet he
balanced over a 1NT with a double which implies he has hearts and defense
! With my HCP’s I will have the
honour of doubling . Partner has spades , clubs and hearts so this contract
should be very ugly for them. The flaw that prevented the initial double
was probably shortness in diamonds which is where my strength lies .
Responder probably bypassed diamonds to bid hearts because his hand was
only strong enough for one bid if he had a response at all. I was going to
lead a ♥ against 1NT X if
left in ( playing partner for 5 of them )
VOTES P (2) 3♦ (3) Dbl (5) 2NT (1)
#: 3; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
none; Dealer: North
2 *
Strong Jump Shift
Vince Nowlan
6D If I could unambiguously ask for aces,
I would. Partner has shown his hand and implied a good diamond raise (no
3NT bid).
Tom Gandolfo
4H Again trying for the easiest plus. If p
has d void a suit will prob. play better. Wow ! Two Moyseans in one set !
Vince Lambert
4H Is
partner asking for a spade stopper, or cue bidding with diamond support?
Having shown nine cards in his first two suits, I think this should be
looking for a stopper with poorish spades and short diamonds. Pard could bid 4 Diamonds with short
spades. In any event I do not like
3N in either case and will offer up the 4-3 heart fit. I know a 4 club cue
bid can't be right, as that card is not in my bid box.
Doug and Lorna
3NT This may not be a good spot if partner
is void in diamonds, but there's no clear alternative.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
4H Half my hand may be useless opposite a
diamond void. I do have a useful hand
for a heart contract however and having already denied four hearts, I feel
I must show three good ones.
Doran Flock
3NT 6D figures to be on a finesse at best,
my ptnr's never have AK in majors and club A so I take the sure plus. 3D
shows a good hand after bypassing weak jump shift, 5D should also make but
I am worried about 6. (Butcher bids 4D, ... this would be key card in our
system. I don't like this as we are surely off one key card and now what do
you do?)
Stan Cabay
3NT When a partnership has forced to game
but no fit has been found, attention turns to arriving in 3N. The bid of
the fourth suit in such situations is best reserved as a directional asking
bid. This typically shows some length in the suit (usually 3 cards) but
lacks a full stopper (with a full stopper, just bid 3N). I expect partner
to hold something like xxx,AKxx,A,AQJxx or Jxx,KJxx,A,AKQJx. How else can
one describe such hands? No, 3S should not be an advance Q-bid for
diamonds; with support partner should instead bid 4D to avoid any
subsequent confusion. Who says I don’t agree
with Cabay ??
Kiz Fung
4NT We are assuming 3D is forcing as we do
not play this system...does Lebebsohl apply over strong jump shifts? We
like the sensible auction of 1C-1D-1H-3D to show this hand. Forced to use
this system we make the quantitative bid of 4NT.
Implied or advanced Q bids are the theme of this
problem . I hate advanced Q bids with a passion as they screw up so many
auctions. These Q bids are very rare and should only occur in pre-discussed
auctions. There is no reason that 3♠ should be a Q bid implying a diamond fit . We are
under game so groping for 3NT should be the main objective. I am playing
partner for something like Jxx in spades and he wants me to bid 3NT with a
spade card. I comply with partners request and bid 3NT. When we are under
3NT and all other suits have been bid , the unbid suit is an asking Q bid.
If partner has spades he would have bid 3NT himself.
VOTES 4♥ (3) 3NT (6) 6♦ (1) 4NT (1)
#: 4; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
N/S; Dealer: North
Vince Nowlan
3S Can't be a 5-card suit. XX on first
round is OK, but not my first choice (1S).
Tom Gandolfo
3S If I started with 5s I would have bid
them. Hope pard knows this :-)
Vince Lambert
3S Partner very likely has a singleton
heart with West holding five. We
likely belong in clubs at the five or six level. Not having bid spades at my first oppurtunity, they shouldn’t
be any better than this, so I can show them and then support clubs. My second choice would be a simple jump
to 5 Clubs.
Doug and Lorna
3S I endplayed myself in this auction. If
partner can't double 3H, I sure can't.
3S doesn't promise more than a 4-card suit and will keep options
open. “Endplayed myself” good
why to describe this auction .
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
3S Unwilling to take a
small profit against 3 hearts doubled.
By bidding spades I get to try for game there, get partner to
cooperate by bidding 3NT with a stopper
(unlikely unless it is stiff ace) or continue on to five clubs. My
11 points are all working. That’s
the key - no duplication of value.
Doran Flock
3S This shows 4S
(didn't bid 1S (forcing)), ptnr is short in hearts so hand will fit very
well. (Butcher bids 3S - the first hand we agree!)
Stan Cabay
Dbl A DSIP double. If
the opponents are to be trusted, partner will allow that I might have
little in hearts (should partner pass for penalties, I expect a trump
lead). I object to the initial xx; it is better reserved for hands more
suitable for defense (shortage in partner's suit and length in 2 other
suits). With such an understanding, partner would be better placed to act
over the DSIP double had I bid 1S on the previous round (we may have a 4-4
spade fit) and implying some support for clubs (by my failure to redouble). Yes , this should be a D.S.I.P. double as the auction shows
the opponents have hearts locked up but I would only try the bid with an
established partnership.
Kiz Fung
Dbl Partner can pull to 3NT with a heart
stopper. Willing to defend showing 2 or 3 rag hearts. Appears to be a D.S.I.P. double.
This hand sort of got away from me with the initial redouble.
The opponents have mapped out a 5-4 or 6-4 fit in hearts so partner has a stiff
or maybe a void. A jump over a redouble is pre-emptive by the opponents .
My points are pulling full weight for offense so a penalty double is out of
the question ( 30 pt deck ). I bid 3♠ and see what partner has to say. If my partner would read a
D.S.I.P. double I would try that. Most partners would expect some heart
wastage though.
VOTES Dbl (3) 3 ♠ (8)
#: 5; Scoring: Matchpoints;
Vul: N/S ; Dealer: South
Vince Nowlan
3S Pard won't sit for 3CX.
Tom Gandolfo
3S Not dbling not passing , not much left.
A good p will have spades or d. a bad p will have 6 or 7 hearts to the ten.
Playing with Klimo no prob, he has 6 spades d ace and c void..bidding 6 or
seven..19 pt grand.
Vince Lambert
P Partner likely has some heart length but didn’t make a
negative double. He is unlikely to
have a trap pass given my three clubs, so I think East has most of the
missing high cards. Bidding is too
likely to net -200 or worse, so I am done.
Doug and Lorna
P I hope we've agreed partner can't have a trap pass at this
vulnerability. Odds are quite good we'll
go minus if I bid so I'll take my chances
that this is our best spot for a plus.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
P Cluck! Cluck! call me a chicken but we have no
guarantee of making anything, and I think our best chance for a plus lies
in defending. If I double partner
will bid hearts (99% probability)
and then what do I do? Partner
isn't trapping and they could have made negative double over 3 clubs with
values. Pass could very easily be
the right action in match points especially with this vulnerability. –200
really hurts in match points.
Doran Flock
3S Will ptnr pass if I
double? Not likely as I have 3C and LHO has 6 or 7 and I don't have to be
this strong. Therefore I bid 3S to protect myself against a 4 heart bid
from ptnr. (Butcher bids 3S, changing his mind from double.)
Stan Cabay
Dbl With length in
opponent's suit the correct decision is usually pass unless holding
substantial extra strength. Indeed, because the values are concentrated
(the Q and J of spades and Q of diamonds
should all be promoted) , the hand has exceptional playing strength and
further action is justified. Note
how well the hand plays if partner holds a stiff club and nothing more than
Kxxx in spades, or KQxxxx in hearts, or Jxxx in diamonds. I intend to
correct 3H to 3S and to sit for 4H; an immediate 3S, rather than double
followed by 3S, should be reserved for more distributional (offensive)
hands. The double may also strike pay-dirt in an unexpected way if West has
made a frivolous pre-empt on favorable vulnerability and partner chooses to
convert. The decision to double will not work well if partner has xxx in
clubs, but this is less likely and
East might have already alerted us to this possibility by impulsively
shuffling the red cards. Readers : Re-opening doubles do not promise the required shape in unbid
suits like take out doubles do.
Kiz Fung
Dbl I'll bid 3S over
3H. If partner jumps to 4H, then partner has 6+ hearts and no points. Don't like any of the options over the
3S No other option comes to mind.
Since this is match points there is a strong case for
passing . Partner is short in clubs and still did not make a negative
double or compete in diamonds. A double is anti - percentage with this
number of clubs as you are not protecting anything in partners hand. But I
can not bring myself to pass so I
bid 3♠ . If partner asks me
why I bid after a negative result , I will reply that I usually play the
cards well J
VOTES P (3) Dbl (3) 3♠ (5)
#: 6; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
NS; Dealer: South
Vince Nowlan
Tom Gandolfo
Dbl Not bidding hearts. Let p decide what
to do. Is this D.S.I.P. or blame
transfer ?
Vince Lambert
Dbl Gee Bob, why can't I stay south for a
whole session. My sense of direction is very poor. My initial double was
balancing and didn't promise a lot of strength, partners 1 NT promised some
values, so I double again to show my extra values, and will live with
partner's decision. I am NOT bidding that five card heart suit.
Doug and Lorna
Dbl Shows extras. Doug says this hand
seems very similar to one played by Vish with either Subhash or Crosby
about 20 years ago when 2S doubled went for 800(vulnerable) and there was
no game for east/west. These
gentlemen are not unfamiliar with 800’s .
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
Dbl Oh here is the
monthly "see if I am awake" problem! I have suddenly become East.I could have doubled initially
with a lot less. I want to show
extra values. Hopefully partner
will be leaving this in.
Doran Flock
Dbl 16 with quick
tricks and so far I have only balanced, so I double. Ptnr has something for
1nt bid, if ptnr passes dble I am happy. (Butcher doubles.)
Stan Cabay
Dbl This is strictly
takeout, showing extra values, but I will be pleased if partner converts.
Kiz Fung
Dbl Scary--they rate to
have a 9 card fit, and there are no guarantees that they won't make,
however, we have the values for game so if 3NT makes, 2S is going for 500+
3H I have denied good hearts by not bidding
2,3,or 4 hearts immediately. 1NT is showing 6-10HCP, and he can now bid 4H
with 3, or 3NT with 2 card support.
Describing a balancing double to partner is difficult . The
opponents have made it easy for me. This hand is all defense & controls
with 16 HCP’s so I double . Bidding 3♥ should show more of an offensive hand . This hand does not
qualify for that. The double leaves options open as partner still may bid
3NT with the appropriate hand.
VOTES Dbl (9) 3♥ (2)
#: 7; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
NS; Dealer: North
Vince Nowlan
Dbl Damn
those pre-empts!
Tom Gandolfo
Dbl Partnership agreement. I like 4n as blwd
for s. U seldom have a h stack unless Willard bid hearts then is def.
penalty. Dbl should be minor suit hand, short in s and points???? eh
bob:-) Playing D.S.I.P.
doubles , then 4NT should be
Blackwood for spades
Vince Lambert
4NT I am going to play the Klimowicz system
as opposed to the Jones system here.
4N is takeout for the minors and not Blackwood. I will correct 5
clubs to 5 diamonds to suggest interest in more. However I will not be
surprised to hear some suggest that a direct 5 Diamonds shows the stronger
hand with this auction being the weaker hand, most notably Lee Barton.
Doug and Lorna
Dbl The toughest hand of the set. Double. I
assume partner will pull with distribution. 5D is too unilateral.
4NT might work if it's for takeout (undiscussed), but there's no
guarantee we can make anything at the 5 level.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
Dbl Not showing a
heart stack but general values. I
HATE this E/W pair we are playing tonight in this team game. They have preempted at every opportunity
and left us guessing. If partner
leaves this one in, should go for a number. The E/W pair is Lorna & Kiz J
Doran Flock
Dbl Negative doubles
through 4H, right? J (Butcher doubles)
Stan Cabay
Dbl We may lose a
bushel of imps if they make a minor suit slam at the other table. But,
bidding risks getting a minus and losing a bushel of imps in a different
way. If I were to bid, it would be
4N showing the minors, and for maximum reward (why else would I risk so
much?) follow through with 6 in any minor partner selected.
Kiz Fung
Dbl this hand is why I
play negative doubles to 4H
Dbl This is a hand for partnership
agreement...is 4NT keycard or minors? We play double as a good hand,
takeout. Direct bid of a minor is now a cuebid for spades.
As Tom points out , this hand is a commercial for our style of
penalty doubles . These are not trump stacks but D.S.I.P. doubles. These
show shortness in partners suit , no trump stack in theirs and lots of
HCP’s . I pass the decision over to partner with a military like “request
permission to bid sir“ . These doubles differ from negative doubles is that
there is no
unbid suit requirement or safe resting spot with a mild fit
for partner. Tom calls these
doubles a blame transfer J . For
those without this penalty double understanding , the stiff
spade should encourage a double.
VOTES 5♥ (1) 4NT (1) Dbl (9)
#: 8; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
none; Dealer: North
3NT *
* 15-17 Balanced
Vince Nowlan
DQ Declarer is likely short of clubs, and
may have pitches coming, so need to develop side tricks fast - or an extra
spade on an uppercut.
Tom Gandolfo
has prob. four to seven pts. I am hoping for 2d , a spade and a heart. If Willard
opened forget it , the king is under the ace. No chance for a d ruff
Vince Lambert
DQ Clearly drastic action
is needed to beat this one. The lead of one of my jack suits requires pard
to hold Ace queen with the king in the pocket. I would sooner play for the
weaker holding of Ace Jack or King Jack in diamonds where my nine of spades
might develop into the setting trick.
Doug and Lorna
CJ I'll take the conservative approach and
let declarer find all the cards.
A Terplawy
Pitbull Pat
CJ Why look for
something exotic here? I make what
looks like a perfectly normal lead.
Doesn't look like the time to break trumps away from my king - nine
and opening up a red suit could lead to disaster.
Doran Flock
DQ Ptnr can have 6 or
so points, RHO has 6 spades and probably either 322 or 331 outside. (any
suit combinations) Club J unlikely to set, if ptnr has something in clubs
my length works against us. When they have lots of points will try
aggressive lead & hope to get lucky. (butcher leads Q as well)
Stan Cabay
DQ Partner has at most
seven points, thereabouts, and so the defense calls for desperate measures.
I hope to get a diamond, spade K, a
diamond ruff and some other trick.
Kiz Fung
DQ How can we beat this hand? Partner has
about 5HCP. Holding AJ..orKJ.. of diamonds may beat this hand. Also, if
partner holds the HQ 4 tricks will be had with the ruff.
The Bridge World says that this hand is from the Culbertson –
Lenz match in 1935 . Oswald Jacoby
led the ♦ Queen and found
partner with an Ace , the ♦ King and
more importantly the singleton 10 of spades . The 9 of spades was the
setting trick via an uppercut . The crowd went wild. Uppercuts were rare in
those days I guess J
VOTES DQ (8) CJ (3)