Problem #: 1; Scoring: IMPS;
Vul: Both; Dealer:
Vince Lambert
P We are probably
beating this but we likely won't get rich and we could come back with
-670. Partner is limited to about a
poor 12, as they have a five card major but didn't open. At matchpoints I apply
the axe, here I go quietly
Allan Terplawy
2NT East heard west
pass. I don't expect to get
rich. BUT, with such a good heart
fit I have to bid something J.
Kiz Fung
Dbl I see 4
tricks. Hopefully partner has at
least 2.
Pitbull Pat
P While I think it
likely we may beat two spades I am not going to punish partner for
balancing and pushing them up one level.
Partner is a passed hand and did not reopen with double. They may simply have a 8 - 10 point hand
mainly in hearts. Our best hope for
a plus lies in passing.
Vince Nowlan
P wrong game for a
match-point double This says it best.
P Played with Crosby
too many times for –670 ! No DSIP
here. “Those who can , do .
Those who can’t , are moderators.”
Tom G
P Dbl at mp. Not
imps. -670 upsets most pards.
Stan Cabay
Dbl Having
passed initially, partner is unlikely to have more than five hearts; so, the
hands are not fitting well for both sides. There probably is no game our
way, so it may be right simply to pass and collect a plus by defending;
this is normally good practice playing imps. But, here they may easily go
down by more than a trick (the spade suit is an unexpected, unpleasant
surprise for West) and by passing I will have missed an opportunity (such
seem ever so rare) for a substantial swing our way. The second biggest
danger in doubling is a 3D bid by East, but partner may be able to handle that.
Doran Flock
2NT I think this is
toughest hand of set. I am bidding to allow that 2S could make if they have
a diamond fit ... which could mean 2nt is not great but I will take my
chances. Partner did not open 2 hts so figures to have only 5, what I'm not
sure about is why no 1S double. maybe 2533, in which case should I be
doubling? I hope ptnr bids 3nt.
Doug and Lorna
2NT Close decision between this and
doubling. I like my club spots for NT.
A match points vrs IMPS problem as well as hand
evaluation. Two different bids with the same hand . Pass quietly in IMPS and hope partner
re-opens again with a double. In Matchpoints we double and roll the dice.
Bidding something should turn a plus into a minus in either game in the
moderators opinion.
P (6) Dbl (2) 2NT (3)
Problem #: 2; Scoring:
IMPS; Vul: N/S; Dealer: Wast
Vince Lambert
3H This is forcing, not
an attempt to get to a better spot.
If partner had 4 spades I would have heard about them, and I am not
eager to get to this particular 5-3 fit. I won't be able to get a second
spade bid in anyway (conveniently) so bidding spades won't help a lot. The opponents doubled for
Allan Terplawy
Kiz Fung
4C Surely this is a
cuebid. But are you playing with
surely ? J Yes , the 4 level is
usually reserved for Q bids after a jump rebid.
Pitbull Pat
3H 100% forcing. Our hand has just grown to enormous
proportions. We probably belong in
either six diamonds, six hearts or even a grand if partner has the right
stuff.... e.g. A KQx AQxxxx xxx and
that is just a minimum jump to three diamonds. We can show the diamond fit later depending on whether
partner raises hearts or not.
Vince Nowlan
4D I owe partner a
raise, although 3 NT may be best game
3H I assume 3H is
forcing. Damn right it is …
Tom G
3H Not sure what i'll
do over 4h. But six d. prob has a lot of chances..
Stan Cabay
3H 3H is either a NT
probe searching for a spade stopper with as few as four hearts (see #7 in
the November problems) or a genuine heart suit (as in this case). We may make
as little as 3N (if partner holds Kx, x, AQxxxxx, AQx, say) or as much as
7H (if partner holds A, KQ, AQxxxxx, xxx, say). If partner bids 3S over 3H
(showing a stopper in spades but not in clubs), then there is very little
wastage and a likely slam somewhere; Ill follow through with a 4C Q-bid
showing diamond support and a genuine heart suit (this is a good problem
for the next solvers club). If partner bids 3N over 3H, I'll probe for slam
with 4D (confirming long hearts with diamond support) but respect a 4N
sign-off. If partner bids 4D or 4H, I will Q-bid 5C. And, so on. But, most
importantly, if partner raises my 3H bid to 4H, a bid of 5D by me is to be
avoided as it not a Q-bid for hearts, but rather a retreat from hearts (the
case where 3H was a NT probe).
Doran Flock
3H It seems somewhat
obvious to rebid a 6 card major that ptnr may have some support for. The
double has put me off spades, which are anemic in any case.
Doug and Lorna
3H No Need to introduce Spades after the
double. Will try to get to the best game. Will support diamonds next if
necessary. Hard to visualize slam if partner doesn't fit my hearts.
of the clues of this hand is partners failure to redouble . With a
defensive 16-18 HCP’s he might have chosen that bid instead of
3 ♦ .
I assume partners hand is bid more on distribution then HCP’s . A 7 card
suit seems a certainty but do not play him for the world’s fair on the
outside. I bid 3♥ as a waiting bid and see what
develops. If he bids spades denying clubs this hand could get interesting.
Partner should bid 3NT over my heart bid with clubs as he has a spade bid
(1) 4D (2) 3H (8)
Problem #: 3; Scoring:
IMPS; Vul: none; Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
2S Partner promises another
bid so I can bid slowly and see where they are headed. Partner has about a
10 count with both minors and is asking me to pick. He can wait for now. I am headed for at
least six diamonds. It appears
obvious that 3D by me would not force partner to bid again as that bid is
not in my bid box. Bidding
box humour again.
Allan Terplawy
And hope partner doesn't pass. J It
might make !
Kiz Fung
2S Forcing to see
where partner is going.
Pitbull Pat
3H Wow another monster
on the bidding given. Clearly we
are in slam zone again. Possibly
in spades but also possibly in diamonds.... partner likely does not have
spades or they might have bid them.
They can bid spades now, or more likely they have both minors and we
can cue bid our way to the diamond slam.
Vince Nowlan
3S I would like to key
card for spades before deciding where to play the hand. 6 or 7 diamonds is
a likely contract. Interesting
Tom G
3H Opener must have
11 pts in the majors for his opener. If pard has only one spade , 7d should
be cold.
Stan Cabay
3S Partner, having
passed initially, should have spade support. Surely, 3S is forcing. If partner were not a passed hand, the
Q-bid would promise another bid so 2S would be adequate (my preference is
that this be so even by a passed hand, but I don’t believe this is
universal), reserving the jump of 3S to show a top-heavy suit. If I have
adequate agreements with partner, I plan to follow with Keycard Blackwood,
followed by a trump-Q ask (or, 5N) to determine the possession of the CK,
and if appropriate followed by an asking bid in diamonds. Otherwise, a
Q-bidding sequence may work better.
Doran Flock
3H I think 2 Hts is a
hand to good to bid 2S, can't imagine a hand without spades bidding 2 hts.
I want ptnr to bid spades so I can bid Blackwood. 6S looks obvious, 7 could
be cold ... do you bid 7 if ptnr shows one key card and King of diamonds? I
think so, but not sure.
Doug and Lorna
3H Getting to 6 spades is a given, but this
hand may belong in diamonds. As long as partner doesn't bid 3 NT, 7 spades
is a strong possibilty.
One of the points of this hand is “does a Q bid promise
another bid ?” . Another theme is ”
does a Q bid promise another bid as a passed hand ?” It should on both counts , so I bid a
quiet 2♠ and see if there is spade support over there. Partner should
not Q bid with a one suiter as he had a jump available as a passed
hand. 7♦ is our ultimate goal as
partner seems to imply the minors. Partner by not raising spades might show
the invaluable stiff spade necessary for a diamond grand.
Another issue to be resolved is does partners Q
bid show spades as a passed hand ? I do not think so as 99 % of the time
the doubler will have spades over a heart opener. The passed hand can
simply jump in spades. If he is too strong to jump in spades he should have
opened. I play a jump to 3 spades as a good suit (5 long min ) and a jump
to 2 spades ( usually 4 ) both as 9+ invitational. The doubler may not have both minors
however , so partner can use a Q bid to say pick one of them as well as
showing the point count.
I agree with Tom G’s analysis. Opener should
have 11 HCP in the majors . KQ ♠ & KQJ ♥ .
VOTES 3S (2) 2S (3) 3H
Problem #: 4; Scoring:
Matchpoints; Vul: N/S;
Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
Its only one zero after all. Although my spades are not strong
they may be sufficient to allow us to tap out declarer's six card suit. I
expect that partner is 1453 or 1354.
In either case the hand won't play particularly well for us given
the potential bad breaks. At Imps I
pass but at matchpoints we have at least half the deck, so I will try for
my plus this way. Plus 100 may not score all that well if we can make
something but 300 will if we can get it.
If we cant make anything 100 or even 50 will be fine. On the other
hand, I never score well when they bid and make 2 of a major so my double
shouldn’t cost too much when it is wrong. Don't try this without an
understanding partner.
Allan Terplawy
P Toy with the double
card, then pass. Then maybe East
won't bid 3S which probably makes. You sly fox .
Kiz Fung
P I don't like pass but
what are my options? For options see Allan
above .
Pitbull Pat
P Partner who we know
is short in spades was forced to reopen with double, but that does not mean
they have anything extra. We know
that east has extra however....
points are likely divided 19 - 21 in their favor and they hold the
spade suit....Where can we play without getting doubled?
Vince Nowlan
2NT scrambling for 3 of
a minor
P Partner's double
could be protecting me. I have a very bad hand for any strain.
Tom G
P Again trying for a
plus . If p dbls again , I'll try 3s looking for nt game .
Stan Cabay
P If we have no spade
wastage as it appears, then my cards fit well with partners and we should
do well in our best fit. Although it hurts not to act with all these cards,
defending is more likely to yield a plus than trying to guess our best
fit. If we do beat 2S, it probably
will not be by more than one trick, so there is little point in doubling
for penalties on this vulnerability (unfortunately a double is not DSIP
here). But the worst effect of doubling is that it may inhibit partner from
bidding again with a good distribution hand with which it is surely right
to do so.
Doran Flock
3C Gambling a bit at
matchpoints. My hand should fit ptnr pretty well, hopefully if he doesn't
have clubs will correct to diamonds. would pass at imps. Interesting . Over 50 % of the experts in the Bridge World bid
3C when these hands first appeared. It was the most popular bid. The key
understanding is that partner should convert to diamonds without good club
support ( pass or correct mentality ).
Doug and Lorna
P Partner's re-open was basically
forced looking at my spade length. I am not willing to commit this hand to
the 3 level even though I have some working cards.
If I were forced to bid I would try the “scrambling 2NT”
to see if partner can
find us a spot. However , 2NT would be a free bid so I pass and I hope
he can double again. Then I would try the scrambling 2NT bid and raise his
suit. I have good cards playing with a 30 pt deck . It hurts to pass the
first time with no spade wastage.
3C (1) Dbl (1) 2NT (1)
Problem #: 5; Scoring:
IMPS; Vul: N/S ; Dealer: East
Vince Lambert
P Not because I expect
to beat it, although we may. At unfavorable vul, we are more likely to get
a big minus if I bid. Against 2H, we
may score 3 spades, an uppercut for two trump tricks and a few minor suit
tricks. At least that is what I am telling my understanding partner.
Allan Terplawy
2S Bid 2S, then put
your hand face down on the table. Director – ethics committee !!!
Kiz Fung
2NT Lebensohl and I'm
passing 3 clubs
Pitbull Pat
P A reluctant pass
here..... I am not expecting to get rich but hopefully we can get a one
trick set with my five trumps...... what other action can I take with this
hand that won't lead to disaster? See Allan above .
Vince Nowlan
P -470 is better
than -500! My sentiments exactly .
2NT Lebensohl and
unhappily pass 3C. If partner refuses the relay I will bid 3NT.
Tom G
P Trying for a minus?
Stan Cabay
2NT Lebensohl. I plan
to pass 3C if the relay is completed and to convert aggressively other
3-level bids to 3N; if we are missing two aces including the heart ace,
they might be unable to cash more than three hearts (e.g., West or North
may have a stiff honor).
Doran Flock
P Yes I would prefer to
have more but much prefer pass to devining a bid. Also, whatever ptnr has
should be well placed behind dummy.
Doug and Lorna
P Probably our only shot at a plus.
Bidding could lead to a worse disaster. I'll start the Ace and hope to
score at least 2 trump tricks.
is your worry on this hand . He will probably raise you to the –800 level
if you bid. Trying Lebensohl might make matters worse as partner is still a
loose canon and the doubling may commence. –470 might be the least of all
evils and if partner is that good we will get a plus by passing . I pass
and tell partner I did not see his double card ( wiping my glasses at the
same time ) ..
2S (1) 2NT (3)
Problem #: 6; Scoring:
IMPS; Vul: Both; Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
1D Yes, 2D here shows
a six card suit and 11-15. This hand qualifies, but the 2D opener will make
it harder to get to hearts. Since I have reasonable major length and
diamonds are higher than clubs, I am less afraid of letting the opponents
in. Everyone has about 10 HCP, but
we are the likely pair that may have game.
Allan Terplawy
P I think that
partner needs to have Hearts (for offence) AND Spades (for defense) on this
hand to make it right to bid. Even
then we may have only lost a partial.
Kiz Fung
Pitbull Pat
P I seem to be passing more than bidding in
this set. I don't open 9 counts
without spades in fourth position...... Enough Said!
Vince Nowlan
1D Game in three
suits is possible Unfortunately some of those
games are for the opponents J.
P This is only a
problem at matchpoints. We play 2D opener as this hand at matchpoints.
Tom G
P I play with
aggressive pards so pass is easy. Might miss something but so might opps. Not
good enough for 2 or three d. Plus u have 4h..
Stan Cabay
P Bidding anything
is a crap shoot, resulting in a minus score more often than not. I just
can't bear the thought of explaining to my teammates how our opponents bid
their cold spade game on their combined 22 HCP's.
Doran Flock
1D I have some
defence, hearts and tolerance for spades. We could make 4H or 4S with well
placed cards from ptnr (I know, my ptnr never has them either) so I will
push a bit and open. I open 1 to try and get to hearts early.
Doug and Lorna
P Slow players can always use a board to
get caught up
Garozzo says “do not enter a fight that you can not win” . Cards back in the box and go for a beer
as you now have some time.
P (8) 1D (3)
Problem #: 7; Scoring:
Matchpoints; Vul: none;
Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
Dbl Gotta love
matchpoints. If I was not prepared to
double 2H in this situation I should have started with a 1 heart call
instead of redouble. Since I made my decision last round I am not changing
my mind now. The opponents are on a 4-4 heart fit, and my ace fourth gives
me control of the hand.
Allan Terplawy
Kiz Fung
Pitbull Pat
Dbl After we have
opened the bidding and redoubled, pass is not an option. If partner had a distributional weak
hand they would have bid over the two hearts. By passing they are encouraging us to double if our hand is
suitable, and it is..
Vince Nowlan
Dbl Not enough points
for game. Double could win all the matchpoints. Partner is allowed to pull
with a good hand.
Tom G
Dbl l have hearts and
hope we beat it a couple.
Stan Cabay
Dbl I don't think
they're making 2H and with a likely bad brake in spades game our way is
unlikely. I'll try for +300 in return for a partial score our way. Who
knows? We may even nip them for 500 (it's possible they're on a Moysian).
Doran Flock
Dbl Matchpoint double.
Hts too weak to try 2nt! Ptnr will lead a heart and they will have trouble
with this hand. (I hope)
Doug and Lorna
2NT On balance, this seems about right. NO
Dormer raise, therefore not great support. Don't like the lack of heart
spots. Would have doubled 2 diamonds.
Deschners win if the field can only
get 2Hx for 100. Very close.
The theme of this hand is matchpoints vrs IMPS along
with straight hand evaluation. In IMPS I bid 2♠ as the double is too
close and the spade queen would be more useful elsewhere for defense. In
match points , I double and hope for the magic 300 as game is not likely
our way. As Vince Lambert says “gotta love match points”.
VOTES Dbl (8) 2S (2) 2NT
Problem #: 8; Scoring:
Matchpoints; Vul: Both;
Dealer: North
What is your opening lead ?
Vince Lambert
D9 The diamond queen
is right if dummy has a singleton jack and declarer four to the king, but I
think that is unlikely. The nine may create some confusion and I would
likely lead the six at the table temporarily fooling partner. However it is not in my lead box, so I
have to choose the nine. Second choice is the heart king but I think that
is more passive, and I like to go for blood. The heart could be very
successful, but it requires that partner find the diamond shift from three
small or Jx(x). Also I know that many pairs will bid 2D with my hand
instead of double, and I don't need a huge number to beat them. Yes, it is
very wrong but it will happen in all but the strongest of games.
Allan Terplawy
D9 I probably lead the
diamond 6. The others are too
confusing. Otherwise the 9 if
playing coded 9's and 10's.
Kiz Fung
Pitbull Pat
DQ Definitely leading
a diamond, the question is which one?
The only time the queen loses is if dummy has jack third and
declarer Kx or Kxx. If partner has
the jack we want to get it unblocked. If partner has the king and cannot
see the jack they will overtake and return the suit, again creating the
Vince Nowlan
D10 Caters to Jxx on
Tom G
D10 S. might be right
but don't want p returning a club when he gets in. Hope he has 2 d...
Stan Cabay
D10 They may have many
club tricks, so we had better get our suits going in a hurry. We must beat
them 3 tricks and the diamond suit looks like the best place to start. If
the opponents possess the diamond K, it is most likely to be with East.
Leading the ten (or, the nine using Kantar leads) protects against Jxx in
West and Kx in East. It also avoids blocking the suit should partner hold
Kx. This argues against leading the DQ. Trying to pick up the entire
diamond suit by leading spades or hearts may give up a crucial tempo in the
case that they have a sure diamond stopper.
Doran Flock
D10 Diamond king
figures to be on my right or across the table. I hope ptnr doesn't have a
stiff diamond.
Doug and Lorna
HK I don't want to give up tempo on this hand.
A liitle worried about the club suit. Perhaps on second club, will be able
to give signal for diamond shift
care and feeding of partner is the theme of this hand . A non diamond lead
puts a lot of pressure on partner to divine your hand . As Tom says a
#$%^%$# club might come back from partner if you try to be perfect. Lead a
diamond but which one . Diamond Ace is wrong as that strips a diamond from
partners hand and you do not have a quick entry.
♦ queen
loses to jxx on the board and does not really help in the stiff jacks as
declarer will be too scared to duck after a small diamond lead. Queen is a
disaster if partner has stiff King.
♦ 10 or 9 will work .
In the original Bridge World , some experts did
not lead a diamond. This puts way too much pressure on partner to figure
out you have a semi-solid 6 card diamond suit. Lead the darn thing !
VOTES HK (1) DA (1) DQ (1) D9 (2) D10 (6)