Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS;   Vul: Both;   Dealer: North




















* Transfer










           This is hand from the Bermuda Bowl involving Hammon & Wolff.  Wolff bid 3S and Hammon bid 4 and got doubled for +790 . 3Hx went for 200 at the other table . The moderator bids 4S since the opponents have been kind enough to map out a void in hearts in partners hand. Not too many vul 2 spade bids with a void in hearts will be in trouble when I have the spade King , diamond Ace and club King . Panel ?


Stan Cabay 


4S  It seems like partner is void in hearts. We can probably set 3H, but not enough to compensate for our spade game (all partner needs is something like  QJxxxxx,-,Qxx, QJx). A 4H cuebid may be right since slam is on if partner holds AQxxxxx,-,Qxx,QJx, say, but it's impossible to diagnose.



Doran Flock


4S   Figures to make, ptnr will like my hand.


Vince Nowlan


P    Partner should have QJ-7th and out.   Only if playing with Osama . Bob Hammon actually held QJxxxx - Kxx QJxx . Not a one bid and he did not like opening 2S vul with weak spades & an outside void  & a 2nd suit. +990 makes with a 3-2 spade break.


Pitbull Pat


Dbl  Seems like West is broke and partner has got us off to a good lead.   Don't think we can make more than a partial.


Kiz Fung


Dbl  Partner didn't bid 3 spades which suggest values and not just lots of spades. We are vul.


Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


Dbl   East has competed with a heart fit, while partner has about 10 HCP with a five card spade suit. Therefore West is broke and I can expect to get 2 Hearts, a Diamond, and a Club, with partner contributing a few more tricks. Since game our way is uncertain at best, I am taking a sure 200, 500 or on a good day 800




Dbl   Partner may pull but hopefully not....




Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   NS;   Dealer:   East

















           Partner is under pressure in these auctions . Bidding 4S over 4H can be done on almost anything including an advance sacrifice and I want to encourage partner to continue doing so . The best way to do so is to pass and give partner lots of leeway. I realize there are many hands that 6D could make but there are many hands where 4S is the last makeable spot. Over to the panel …


Kiz Fung


P  Call me a woos but partner may be under pressure


Stan Cabay 


P  Partner may have stretched to bid 4S. Bidding again may convert a likely plus into a minus. "Well done, opponents".


Vince Nowlan


5D   Pass is close; but maybe partner has a hand which can bid 6D.


Pitbull Pat


5H   I like my hand!


Tom Gandolfo




Doran Flock


5H   I don't know what to bid. might make 4 might make 7.  4 is no longer a possibility J


Vince Lambert


5H   Partner was under pressure for his bid, so I will give him a chance to get out. This bid shows a heart control, and invites a spade slam.   Original pass gives him a chance to get out J


Maurice & Susan


5H   A good hand for spades.


Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   EW;   Dealer:   North




















           Excellent hand . E/W are having fun but they gave partner an opportunity to describe his hand . He did not double 4NT !  He should double with some semblance of defense so his 4H bid was based on distribution rather then defensive values. This makes a 5H bid clear cut in my mind as it might make and partners pass is a signal that he prefers a bid rather then a double. Partner did bid game freely suggesting distributional values but forcing passes are not on with this vulnerability. Lets hear from the panel ..


Doran Flock


5H   Am I saving or bidding to make? either way I'm taking out insurance.  Good point - it is IMPS ..


Tom Gandolfo




Pitbull Pat


Dbl    West was willing to play 4NT so they must have at least Qxx of hearts.....  we cannot play at the five level.... hopefully we have at least three tricks cashing....AK spades and ruff, or AKA.   Only four IMPS if they make it and they will not be redoubling methinks....


Kiz Fung


Dbl   If 5 Hearts makes, then 5 Clubs is down.  Looks like lefty has the Qxx of hearts, in which case we are a long ways from 5 hearts.


Vince Nowlan


P  Feel fixed, but have some chance to beat this.


Vince Lambert


Dbl   We settled in game once and the five level belongs to the opponents.  Partners pass should be forcing, so he has one or two clubs at most, and I expect that west is fooling around.  We may not get any heart tricks but I expect two spades and one or two diamonds in that case.


Stan Cabay 


P   Since we're favorable, partner's game bid does not create a force. East's pull to 5C suggests a void in hearts, so 5C could make. But, maybe not (partner may have a trick with as little as Jx in diamonds). So, I won't sacrifice in 5H which could go for 500 and usurp partner's good 4H call. And, teammates seldom appreciate huge phantom saves. My close second choice is "double" since we might get an unexpected spade ruff, or a heart or diamond trick, in addition to two spade tricks. 


Maurice & Susan


P  Forcing partner a chance to cue bid 5D. Slam still a possibility.




Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   West















            Take away your diamond King and you have 13 points for partner. Best to protect your diamond King and bid 3NT . An interesting bid by you would be a “quantitative 4NT” . All partnerships should be forced to Q bid to confirm a fit before launching into Blackwood. A direct 4NT should be an Ace above a 3NT bid  &  partner can make a move on that basis. Panel ?



Pitbull Pat


6NT   Three spades by partner shows a good hand and there must be some play for slam.  However have to protect the king of diamonds from the opening lead.  Matchpoints rewards NT. 


Kiz Fung


4S  Don't like my king of diamonds    Team mates at the opposite end of the spectrum.


Stan Cabay 


4NT  an immediate 4N is quantitative; 4D followed by 4N is Blackwood. 4N will usually be safe even opposite a light overcall (e.g., KQJxx,Kx,xxx,Axx)and 6N will usually make opposite a sound one (e.g., KQJxxx,KJx,xx,Ax). Partner responds Blackwood if accepting the invitation.


Vince Nowlan


4NT  Heading for 6Nt if off one key card. Hope West cashes A of D to rectify the count. A direct 4NT should not be Blackwood without partnership agreement or you are Peter Jones J


Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


3NT   In 4 spades we likely lose the first two diamonds and potentially some spade tricks with a third round of diamonds. In 3 No even if the spades don’t run, the clubs may come home and I will likely come home with 10 or 11 tricks to beat the spade games. If they find a club lead to the ace and a diamond back, then I will have egg on my face and some tough explaining to do. (This is always a silly bid when it does not work.)


Doran Flock


3NT   bid 3nt when it seems reasonable. hopefully ptnr will bid 4s if we belong there.


Maurice & Susan


4C   Keep the auction open....hand is too good to simply bid game.




Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   EW ;   Dealer:   South













          A very underused bid in Bridge is the redouble . This hand is not strong enough for one in my opinion but there is an inference by failing to redouble . All bids other then a redouble are not forward going and should be used to help out partner in case the opponents bid . 4C is where you live and a lead director in case they bid hearts . Partner is now better placed to make a decision . Panel ?


Pitbull Pat


P   Don't want to take them off the hook by bidding before partner has a chance to double their bid.They are vulnerable after all.


Kiz Fung


4C  lead directing on the way to 4 spades in case they bid.


Vince Nowlan


4D  If Pard wants to crack 4H, I prefer a diamond lead.


Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


4S  This auction is very confusing, I have been south all day but now I am north.  Even though south is the dealer I get to open. Oh well, I will do the best I can under unusual and unfamiliar conditions.  I don't really expect the opponents to find a five heart sac at this vulnerability, and if they do a trump or spade lead by partner will be fine. However, against four hearts we may have difficulty coming to more than four tricks or even three, so will let the opponents out of this one.  Here is a guy whose daughter says directions never confuse him , being confused because he is north J


Doran Flock


XX    I am stretching due to good defense & wanting ptnr to double 4 hearts if they can. Will bid 4S if 4 hts not doubled.  P.S. looks like north dealt.  So the moderator is not perfect L



Stan Cabay 


XX   I assume 3S is some poorly defined limit raise. Even if it reserved for hands with four-card support (with 1N forcing followed by a jump raise showing 3-card support), the bid remains terribly space consuming. I think 2N serves much better to show a limit raise (rather than the more common Jacoby forcing raise convention) since the 3-level now becomes available for game/slam tries. Some partnerships use 2C or 2D artificially to show invitational hands. Having got that off my chest, this preamble is totally irrelevant here. The problem is to get partner involved in determining whether to play in 4S or to defend their 4-level contract. The xx sends exactly that message; I will then pass if partner doubles 4H, and double any other contract. 


Maurice & Susan


4S   Game has a shot and makes it more difficult for them to come in.




Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   NS;   Dealer:   East















          What is 4NT ?  I double with 3 suits as it is a defensive hand as well as takeout . 4NT is any two suits not just the minors . Partner could hold hearts but it does not matter . I think a double of 5D should tell partner you have some stuff and it should help in his decision. A 5H bid is a bit presumptuous so let partner be captain of this auction with a double. Views from the panel ..


Pitbull Pat


Dbl   Show partner we are alive without committing us to the six level


Kiz Fung


Dbl  Just in case east is throwing in a lead directing bid, I want partner to know that I have values in diamonds. 


Vince Nowlan




Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


5H   Partners bid is takeout for three suits and the five diamond is lead directing to help west on defence or a sacrifice.  We may lose a diamond, diamond ruff and a spade on the go, but if that is the case, we may not be able to beat 5 spades.   I think 4NT for 3 suits is old fashioned – a 3 suiter is a defensive hand described by a double .


Stan Cabay 


5NT    If 4N is takeout for 3 suits (standard treatment, I think), how is a 2-suiter announced? I prefer a double to show a defensive hand (including a 3-suiter) and 4N to show any 2-suiter. 5N tailors to both agreements by requesting partner to pick a suit. If partner thinks we have a shot at a contract at the 5-level, then with my values we should have a shot at the 6-level. Since partner now becomes declarer, East's lead directing 5D is neutralized. 


Doran Flock


Dbl   once again I'm not sure where we are going. Ptnr bid for minors at 5 level so I'm trying to show some stuff. Both the minor kings look great for ptnr.


Maurice & Susan


5H   Hope to find a good sack? Against 6 I lead a low club.




Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   none;   Dealer:   South















Dbl **






* Insufficient Bid - Director !



** Infraction condoned




            O.K. we have a wiley partner condoning a bid . There must be a method in his madness . He is either looking for a huge set or conserving room for Q bidding . He knows what he is doing so I pass to get out of his way .  Some opinions from the panel ..


Pitbull Pat


4D  Might as well get a cue bid in below game level


Kiz Fung


P   Waiting for a double from partner. He let the opponents in for a reason.


Vince Nowlan


P   No reason to interfere with pard's plan.   Good way of putting it ..


Maurice & Susan


4D  Partner shows extra by condoning the insufficient bid and conserving room.


Stan Cabay 


P    Not many partnerships have agreements here. Partner has condoned 3H because doing otherwise would allow the opponents to escape the hook by giving West the opportunity to change 3H to "pass" (barring East, of course). That is, partner wants to defend, perhaps with something like AJxx,xxxx,x,KQTx, which is fine with me. I intend to pass partner's double of 4C, and lead a club. 


Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


4NT  Partner has good hearts and slam interest, or he might have condoned the bid and just bid 4 Hearts to keep east out. If we are not off two aces slam should be easy.  Blackwood will provide the answer.


Doran Flock


P  Ptnr sounds like they know what to do. I expect 4C to be doubled.



Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   EW;   Dealer:   West


























If partner has something in clubs and the spade Ace , a trump lead will murder this hand . He gets in with a club and another trump and the spade Ace for another trump . With good heart spots over there 800 to 1100 is possible. O.K. what if partner has nothing in clubs and no Ace of spades . There is a 100 honours 5 long in clubs and the Ace doubleton of spades to knock out. With a stiff heart also and all the heart spots for them,  5Dx can make if you do not get your spade before losing it on the clubs . I lead a spade and if partner has a club card and the spade Ace a trump will come back and we only get it for 500. Panel ?


Pitbull Pat


D9   Double and lead trumps was taught to me by the moderator of this panel about 35 years ago and has stood me in good stead since then. I am not THAT old …


Kiz Fung




Stan Cabay 


D9  East is likely 6-5 in the reds with spade shortage. It would be sweet to see partner overruff dummy when declarer ruffs a heart, to lead yet another diamond.


Vince Nowlan


CA  I expect to give pard club ruff(s) if I'm still on lead at trick two.


Tom Gandolfo




Vince Lambert


D9  West is short in hearts, while east has one or two clubs so this will eliminate some ruffs. I hope that I can win the first heart and get partner in with a spade for another diamond.


Doran Flock


S10  Heart is out, diamond doesn't look right, Club A might work ... I think I'll lead ptnr's suit!


Maurice & Susan


D9  Trump leads seem correct when we have control of all suits. Hopefully partner will get in with a spade to lead a second trump.







Very entertaining and informative effort by the panel as usual . The key to our enjoyment and a factor in building our bidding expertise is they “think out loud” while bidding . Bidding is an art form but it is logic based . I have had many people telling me that this panel is far more entertaining then the Bridge World panel . I think I have to agree with them !!The Deschners are cavorting in Spain with Peter & Llyoda Jones . I asked for their answers in Spanish but they declined . They will be back next month . Mr. Terplawy took the month off due to a hectic December . Vince “Osama” Lambert had computer technical problems and had to submit his answers twice. He said he changed his answers the second time around so he quipped “no wonder Nowlan has trouble with my bidding !! “.