Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS;   Vul: NS;   Dealer: North



























Dbl  Double, COOPERATIVE - Consider partner's hand. No 3S bid  or X  . I wonder if it is reasonable to play support x's to the 3 level against preempts.  I think partner's shape can easily be xxx xxxx xx xxxx or xx xxxx xx xxxxx or x xxxx xx xxxxxx but xxx xxxx x xxxxx is unlikley . Odds are if partner passes no over tricks and they will have only an 8 card fit and can easily be in a 4 4 fit.


Kiz Fung


Dbl     Cooperative. Partner's pass shows a minimum, however there doesn't appear to be diamond waste. 


Duncan  Smith


Dbl     Best way to tell Pard "It's our hand ". Not a penalty double , but pard can (rarely will) pass. Waiting for help from pard.


Doran Flock


Dbl    My double is based on partner having a singleton diamond ... in which case my two aces are huge and J hearts figures to work. Ptnr distribution should be 3415, 3316 or 2416. (ptnr would bid 3S directly with 4 spades) In first two cases 3 or 4 spades, in third case 4 or 5 Clubs.


Excellent analysis  & well said.


Vince Nowlan


3S  Looks like the only convenient invitational bid. Partner "should" have a few spades, since very short in diamonds. Double is too dangerous for me, since I think it is primarily for penalty.


Doug Deschner


P   Maybe going too quietly, but pretty sure we are not missing a game. Partner is likely 2416 or 2425. No fit. We probably are setting 3D, I'll lead a small trump, but I'm not sure enough to double.


Karen Kilworth


Dbl            Must be self evident to Karen  with no comments !


Vince Lambert


Dbl    Cooperative, showing that it is our hand. Partner is likely to have a singleton diamond on this auction and therefore has three card spade support or a six card club suit. If partner assumes it is penalty I will lead a diamond and get whatever plus we can get!


Tom Gandolfo


Dbl     Pass is bad....pard still might have three spades. Most play that one spade could only be a four card suit. Most likely though he is 2416



In the English language , there are ambiguous words. The meaning of these words are defined "depending on the context" in which the word was used. Bridge bidding is no different. Duncan Smith said that this double is not a penalty double. Why  ? because the auction told him so. An overcall and a jump raise in that suit occurred so the double is obviously not penalty. The opponent’s competitive bidding can put you in a straight jacket if you do not have a double to assist you in competing. The panel explained this double quite well as co-operative , card showing anything but penalty. My choice is a double as that gives partner the most options.


VOTES : P (1)          Dbl (8)            3 (1)



Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   North























2S     Partner rates to have a stiff Spade but 8 tricks are likely the speed of this hand. I prefer this over 3C which should be a better hand. PASS before 3C. The problem with PASS other than I am reluctant to pass is that they have 8-12 hearts. Passing 2C will fetch 2H. Now the QJ xx of spades gets to double you. One last point, I bid 4S over a raise. 


Kiz Fung


3C   Where are the hearts?  Either partner is 1-4-4-4 and opps have an 8 card heart fit or partner has 9 cards in minors and they have a nine+card fit. 


Duncan  Smith


3C    Prefer the known fit to rebidding spades. Spades still a possibility after raising clubs , the inverse less likely. Will pull 3nt by pard


Excellent . Give preference to get preference and bring partner into the picture !


Doran Flock


P    My ptnrs rarely have the perfect hand which would allow 4S or 5C to make. Once ptnr shows at least 9 cards in minors my spades, which need some support, become unappealing.We may occasionally miss 5C (or less likely 4S) but ptnr expects more from a 3C bid. See problem 5 for a raise to 3 of a minor.


Vince Nowlan


3C   Partner could be quite strong given the absence of opponents' bidding - especially since they own the heart suit. Auction may allow us to reach 4S, e.g., after a 3H bid by partner.


Doug Deschner


2S    Most likely way to get to the right game. If partner passes still may be best spot. I'll bid 3 clubs over likely game try of 2NT. 10-9 of spades is the determining factor, would bid 3 clubs without them.


Karen Kilworth


2S   This shows some extra (no original weak jump shift). With silent opponents , holding lots of hearts, I am going to take a calculated risk that partner is not on a total minimum either. If he takes another call, I am coming to the party big time. If the hand belongs in a partial,2S shouldn't be a disaster.


Vince Lambert


3C   Don’t expect more than 2 spades from partner on this auction as he should have nine minor suit cards and with 3-1 in the majors he might have raised unless he has a strong hand.  If he does this will give him the chance to show spades and get to the spade game.  If not we may shut out the heart balancers.  Hope we don’t get overboard again.


Tom Gandolfo


3C   I would have bid 2 spades going in so wouldn't have this prob. This isn't invitational just shows clubs..



Moderator bids 3♣ . This is IMPS so the idea is to get to a vul game if possible. The only vul game would be in spades. So should you rebid your spades ? No because you can have the best of both worlds by raising clubs. If partner has spades and enough to get to game he will give you spade preference. If not ,  3♣’s keeps the heart vultures out who are circling ( as a number of panelists pointed out ) and you play the best partial. Bidding 2 is too single handed and blows your good partial in clubs if partner is very short in spades.


VOTES:  P (1)          3♣ (6)             2 (3) 




Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   NS;   Dealer:   South























6C     Is pass an option? Is it forcing? YES! Too bad partner cannot see my rock. Well on a good day I as the 4D bidder will have AQx Axx QTxxxx x. The problem most people have is that their partners are not the magic card holders that I am. :-)Partner under pressure may have Qxxx KQx Qxxxxx void . Benito Garozzo solved a similar problem by just bidding 6D knowing that the opps would believe him and take the 7C insurance bid. I give the opponents a chance to x and more incentive to sack. If partner has Axx xxx Qxxxxxx void and bids one for the road I am pleased. :-) If the opponents sack in 7C I can then pass it to partner and he can double or run.


Kiz  Fung


6D  Toughest problem of this set.  I'm an optimist. Partner is short of high diamonds so must have one or two major suit cards, and diamond length. 


Duncan  Smith


5D   An underbid? Maybe , but my honour placement is poor , particularly the probable duplication in clubs. Hand not good enough for a "pass & pull" sequence.


Doran Flock


6D   I bid what I think I can make. This hand is impossible to describe given wasted clubs and 3 diamond honors. Hopefully 1 or 2 discards on clubs will help ptnr. If ptnr has hand where we are cold for 7 , I say good defensive bidding by opponents.


Vince Nowlan


6C    Partner probably can't bid 7D even when it's cold, but the least I can do is show interest. 


Doug Deschner


5D    Likely AK of clubs is wasted, but still enough support not to pass or double


Karen Kilworth


5D   This AK of clubs is not as good as it looks. Here's hoping pard with his club void and AK A will go on.


Vince Lambert


6D   Bid what I think we can make, not trying for a grand with possible bad breaks. Partner has bad diamonds for his bid so must have something decent in hearts and spades to come in at the four level.


Tom Gandolfo


6C    Pard prob has a club void so I'll show him some wasted values. Hope he has at least spade ace and kq of hearts with his long diamonds



Moderators choice is 6 but 5 is a close 2nd. This hand is an optical illusion. The opponents have told you that your Ace & King of clubs is severe duplication. If you take those cards away you have a flat 12 for partner. I bid 6 a la Ray Grace to induce a 7♣ sacrifice but I am not sure if 6 can make. This is a real hand ( Kokish & Nagy ) and Eric Kokish bid 7 . The opponents found the winning defense of cashing their heart Ace and Kokish’s team lost the Spingold. Kokish said he had to apologize to his teammates for 2 years who (  by the way )  said 5 was the correct bid !!


VOTES: 6♣ (3)         5(3)              6 (4) 



Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   East






















4NT    RKC for Hearts. I play partner not to hold the Ace of Spades. It is harder for the opponents to sack if they think that you may have a S. I expect pard has xxxx AKxxx QJ xx. Making 7 on a Spade lead.  


Kiz Fung


5H   Is this one of those double game swing hands?   Yup !


Duncan  Smith


P     I think it best to leave the decision to pard. I'm sure this pass is forcing , because we bid a vul game , expecting to make it.


The Bridge World panel discussed this point with World Champions arguing both sides. Is the pass forcing ? They decided since both sides are vul , forcing passes are not turned on. They called this auction a free for all where double game swings were likely.


Doran Flock


5H  Beautiful 12 count. The classic imp bid ... am I bidding to make or saving? Not sure, but to me 5 hts is obvious bid ...


Vince Nowlan


5H    Both sides could make game here.


Doug Deschner


5H   Seems about right on strength and spades. Don't think I'm quite strong enough to pass and pull although we may not have a forcing pass situation here. (I would play it as, but not sure everybody would) 


Karen Kilworth


P   And will sit for a double, since most of my defense is in the shorter suits.


Vince Lambert


P    Forcing, I intend to pull if partner doubles to invite slam, say across from something like xxx, AKxxx,xx,Qxx.  Pass and pull in forcing auctions is the strongest possible action, if I had a singleton spade and one less minor I would bid 5 Hearts immediately.


Go figure . This Vinnie was more aggressive than the other Vinnie.


Tom Gandolfo


5H    I know Bob wants us to dbl with these hands meaning he wants to bid five hearts but if pard has a lot of waste in spades(QJ10x) he can pass.   ( Knows his stuff ! )





The most popular bid in the original Bridge World was 5 . Since forcing pass theory does not apply ,Tom and I play D.S.I.P. doubles. A double says I have defense, shortness in their suit and want to bid 5 very badly. Tom would bid 5 after my double unless he has something ridiculous like KQ10 of spades. Bobby Wolff deviated from the rest of the panel and said he would bid 6. He said it might make and he expected 6 by the opponents.


VOTES: 5(5)       P (3)       4NT (1)        Dbl(1)




Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both ;   Dealer:   North























3C    3C lets force to GAME. May get a lucky 3d or 3s .May get a chance to RKC in D and find 3 keys. I expect partner to be 1543 or on a good day AQx Jxxxx AQxxx void ;-) I am passing 3NT over 3C .


Kiz Fung


3C    I'll game force this hand. I want to get to game in either no trump or diamonds. Over 3H/3S, I bid 5 diamonds, and I pass 3NT.   


Duncan  Smith


3D  Seems clear ,too much to pass , not enough for more aggressive action.


Doran Flock


3D   3D seems descriptive ... when one of your "features" is a void in ptnr's suit, go slow! Still this hand is too good to give up at 2. Fifth diamond upgrades hand.


Vince Nowlan


3D   If we stay in a partial, diamonds should score better than NT.


Doug Deschner


3D    Heart void could be a negative. One of my kings rates to be wasted. Both these reasons to slow down a little.


Sound logic


Karen Kilworth




Vince Lambert


3D   It doesn’t pay to get excited at matchpoints, plus scores are essential. If partner has a lot of values in hearts this hand wont go far.  I am willing to settle for the potential 150 or even the occasional 170 rather than end up with a minus.


Tom Gandolfo


3C   Fourth suit game forcing. suddenly you have a great hand. Pard might be stuck for a bid but thats his problem. Not sure what 4d would mean. For Ray it's key card...so I'm not doing that.



I took this hand as more of a IMPs vrs Match Points problem . I think 3 is clear in Match Points. If partner can not bid again you are in the best partial and you get a sure plus. A void in partners suit ( as pointed out by the panel ) is not a good thing. In IMPS I might try 2NT and when 3NT gets doubled for a heart lead I leap to 5 J


VOTES: 3 (6)          3♣ (3)       2NT (1)    




Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   E/W;   Dealer:   North




















Dbl    Is double penalty take out or cards? Pass maybe right at this vul playing match points. +200 is a top .  If they make , we can discuss if the double is only a card showing double or penalty.


Kiz  Fung


Dbl    Should be take out/cooperative.  This is matchpoints.


Match Points is a bidders game they say …


Duncan  Smith


Dbl    Not takeout , as some would play. I'll go for the magic +200 at mp's.


Doran Flock


Dbl  Seems reasonable to dble asking ptnr to do something, we have balance of power although C Queen dubious. Probably too much to ask ptnr to hold some clubs and pass. My ptnrs bid 2 hts ... but they become good at playing moyesians (4/3 fits).


Vince Nowlan


P      It's unusual for 2C to be natural in this auction, so we're already different from the field. I'm happy to defend whether we can get or -90.


Doug Deschner


P   Where am I going? 


Karen Kilworth


P   Partner either has a minimum or some clubs. I'll take my chances at a plus score this way.


Karen brings up a good point. The NT opener is allowed to bid again with exceptional hands. Usually the over/under rule applies though. If LHO bid the double is takeout and if RHO bid the double is penalty. Karen based her decision in part on the fact that the 1NT bidder took no action.


Vince Lambert


Dbl   Will try for 200 here even though Peter Jones says I need trumps to double at low levels. This double doesn’t show more than three trumps and that 3 of spades looks like a club to me.  Incorrect . Peter Jones says you need specifically AKQJ10 of trump for a penalty double. J


Tom Gandolfo


Dbl   Hope we land on our feet. in front of the bidder it's for takeout.


Most of the panel decided to be aggressive as it was Match Points . They did not know if the double was penalty or takeout though. Tom and I play D.S.I.P. doubles when they balance. If we are behind the balancer , the double is penalty . If we are in front it is takeout. I would double with this hand expecting Tom to pull unless he wants to try for the magic +200.


VOTES :   P (3)        Dbl (7)



Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   none;   Dealer:   South






























4NT   .Partner is pissing me off. I hate these sequences. Sometimes partner has AKQxxxxxx  Other times QJT9xxxx . It seems that the 5 level is safe. I bid 5NT over 5S


Kiz Fung


6H    Partner had many options over 3 clubs.  Could have bid 3 hearts and then 4 hearts.  This should be something like KQJxxxx(x) and an outside card somewhere or just solid hearts.  


Duncan  Smith


P    Feels inadequate , but no safety at 5 level. I'll take the valuable plus score at mp's.


Doran Flock


P    Let's see; 3 hts is forcing so what is 4 hts? Sounds slightly preemptive to me. (although shows solid suit if my ptnr bids this) And what is 4 hts over 1S? And does ptnr have 8 tricks to go along with my 4?  Not positive of any answers so will take my plus.


Vince Nowlan


4NT   Not sure why I bid out of turn, but it seems to have been accepted. Partner needs solid hearts for slam, so I might as well check with RKC. If he shows AKQ, I'll bid 5NT to show all key cards.


Doug Deschner


P   Too many ifs.


Yes , aggressive slam bidding and match points are not a good mix. Most partnerships do not have an agreement about showing solid suits.


Karen Kilworth


5H    Just want to know how good the hearts are.



Vince Lambert


4NT   The jump should show a solid suit and be forward going but not forcing. If partner has an outside king we should have a play for seven. Most days I would likely just bid 6 hearts expecting to get most of the matchpoints anyway. I assume this is a top flight event today.


Tom Gandolfo


4NT   I want to know how good his hearts are. Might be a grand in hearts.



Will take a cue from Sherlock Holmes for this auction. "Why did the dog not bark ? " I bid 5 which has to be a slam try  in hearts. Why did I not use Blackwood and chose to go this particular  route ? If partner connects the dots and figures out that I decided to shun Blackwood because I was void in hearts , he wins the prize. He bids 6 with his solid hearts and happiness !  Unfortunately a direct 5 bid by me would not ask partner for good hearts but a diamond control ( unbid suit ). Therefore a diamond control bid should ask for very good hearts. What else could it mean in this auction ? 4NT is taking control when I do not want to. Does partner have AKQxxx , AKQJxx , KQJ109xx AKQJxxx  ?  Need him to make the final decision not me.


VOTES : 5 (1)        P (3)        4NT (4)       6 (1)       5 (1)




Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   North



























 * Transfer  

    What is your opening lead ?








HJ    Someone was looking for 7.One has to hope that the Spades are 5323 and the Hearts are 5431 with partner holding a stiff Heart. The only alternative thinking is that clubs are 3361.  Hearts appears to be the better chance . Lead a Heart, win the 1st Spade and lead another heart.



Kiz Fung


D9     South must have a solid outside suit in order to grand slam force. Rates to be the club suit. Also should have both red suit aces in a 2-1 distribution.  So... my job is to find the doubleton red suit.  More likely to be diamonds.



Duncan  Smith


HJ   I'll play for the miracle where pard has 1 heart & 2 spades . Don't like our chances, but I would give a negative score for a trump lead. (Waitng to see the actual hand where a trump is necessary).



Doran Flock


C5   Why would South bid Clubs and then grand slam in spades? Looking for a club raise I think.Red suits look hopeless so I'll bet on lots of black cards on my left and a doubleton spade and singleton club with ptnr.



Vince Nowlan


C5   It's hard to construct a hand where South can use the grand slam force. If I trust his or her bidding, the only chance to beat 6S is a club ruff.


Moderator agrees and your partner agrees. Not sure about Hoy though.



Doug Deschner


HJ    I don't feel the need to do anything fancy


Karen Kilworth


HJ   Nothing to say they don't have 4-3 heart fit.



Vince Lambert


CJ   Seems like south has about 5 spades and five or six clubs, if he has six the odds are good I can give partner a club ruff.  Please don't let Hoy see this answer.  Why not ? It’s not a hoyiable lead on your part !!  Better to lead a small club though just in case partners club is the singleton queen along with a stiff trump.



Tom Gandolfo


C5    I think the only hope here is pard with a stiff club and two spades??????




Desperate people do desperate things. Chances are not good when they try for 7 and stop in 6. Use the bidding as your only clue to give partner a club ruff . RHO must hold something like QJ109x void Ax AKxxxx  or  QJ109x void Axx AKQxx  to figure he has seven if partner has the spade Ace & King. If they have 9 cards in clubs , partner has only one so lead it. Bounce with the Ace of trump and give him a ruff.


VOTES:   CJ (1)          D9 (1)          C5 (4)             HJ (4)




The panel was very accurate with their bids. No not forget that as moderator I am giving my own view of the proceedings not the correct bid. There is no “correct” bid except for what the majority of this expert panel come ups with. Bridge bidding  is an inexact science and the hands chosen for these panels have a strong degree of judgment involved.  How these experts arrived at their bids is the most interesting part and offers maximum learning value for the readers.