Problem #: 1;   Scoring: Matchpts;   Vul: N/S;   Dealer: West

























Duncan Smith


2S   Seems best to show hearts & a minor now , strength shown on next round. To start with double will complicate the auction for partner.


Kiz Fung


2S  Strong Michaels. Over their 4 spades,  I'm bidding 5 clubs


Vince Lambert


2C   I intend to bid both my suits, although I may have to use 4N to show hearts if the bidding gets high before it gets back to me.  This auction is not dying here. Too much of a gamble to depend on the opponents to describe this hand  , in my opinion .



Tom Gandolfo


Dbl   start with dbl. rest will depend on what opps. do. or what pard does???


Raymond Grace


2C   - There is no need to panic here. 2C is not going to get passed out. When I get to bid again I can bid 2H and 3H. Partner will get the picture.6-5 with good playing strength. The other benifit is when it goes 3D or 4H then I get to bid 4H and over 4S I bid 5H. The danger in doubling is that partner leaves it in with AJT9 void Axx xxxxxx. Now you miss the grand. :-)


Doug & Lorna


2S   2 Spades, Michaels....the best way to decribe the hand. Won't stop short of game.


Vince Nowlan


2S    This deal could be a big misfit, since no spade raise by East. 


2    Toyed with doubling but the 6th club swung me to the strong Michaels bid. Why a double ? With only 5 clubs I would double as the defensive tricks could contribute nicely to partners possible plans to punish them. If you can describe your hand in one bid or the hand fits your conventional toy , its usually best to use it.


VOTES :  2♣ (2)         Dbl (1)          2 (5) 




Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   North




















Duncan Smith


Dbl   Penalty double , looking for the magic 200. Partner"s passing will be excellent , pulling , especially via 2nt (long clubs , diamond tolerance) would also be welcomed. Passing feels too pessimistic.


Kiz Fung


P   Partner owes me a bid... I don't like my hand in this auction    Agreed , auction can not die. We cheer for the re-opening double.


Vince Lambert


P    I have a minimum with no fit for partner. I could double trying for 200 to 800 but no guarantee that is right and I think double should be a strong suggestion to partner not to bid again.


Tom Gandolfo


2S   Let pard decide what to do. need diamond fit for nt.


Raymond Grace


Dbl   DOUBLE - I hope this is cooperative. I expect partner to pass with good C short D and 2 or 3 hearts.  I Trust partner to rebid 3c with xxx x xxx qjt9xx. Now let them get to 3H.


Doug & Lorna


P   Pass. Nothing more to say at this point.


Vince Nowlan


Dbl   Since we don't seem to have a game, try for 200.


Pass   According to the book an opener is 13-14  HCP with 2 1/2 quick tricks . This is exactly what I have so let partner be captain of this auction. Partner did not negative double so 4 spades in his hand is unlikely. By bidding ,  I destroy one of my options which is to convert his re-opening double. If his points are all in clubs , I would like to convert the double . Say Qxx x xxx AKJxxx he should re-open with a double . I will convert.  Bidding 3♣ is redundant so a re-opening double by partner is descriptive as a passed hand and says Do Something Intelligent Partner.


Votes :     P (4)         Dbl (3)            2 (1) 



Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   NS;   Dealer:   South




















Duncan Smith


2C  I'll show clubs now , spades later if convenient. To bid 1 spade now probably buries the club suit , but not vice-versa. Second choice would be 3 clubs.


Kiz Fung


1S  Too many points in this deck


Vince Lambert


P   What is going on here, way too many points in this deck. I expect West to run and if not partner will bid the lowest major he can play. I might bid 2D at the table to let partner in on the joke but cant here as it is not in my bid box.


Tom Gandolfo


Not making any of those suggestions. Bidding 2d.When pard bids 2h, i'll bid 3c. should show five or six c and four spades likely short in hearts and around 8 pts. My hand is almost as good as everyone else's. Playing against three Willards(local joke). Sorry about the missing 2 bid . I just did not think of it . Damn , I thought I was infallible.



Raymond Grace


2C    I will follow this with a 2S bid if I am able to do so. Partnerships need to have a clear agreement as to what PASS means. I play PASS is penalty. This treatment is alertable.


Doug & Lorna


2S   There was more than the usual discussion about this hand. Doug says, clearly, 2 Spades. I would bid 2 clubs, then spades later if I got the chance. Hate being in the middle of a he said - she said scenario . However , the majority of the expert Bridge World panel bid 2♣ saying 2 was pre-emptive after a redouble.



Vince Nowlan


P   Lots of points in this deck. We should land in a black suit eventually, but best to wait until opponents are in doubling mode. 


2♣  The panel figured out this problem quickly. I am supposed to have zero HCP's on this auction. I have 8 HCP so how do I tell partner somebody is lying ? Immediate bids over a redouble ( jumping or not ) show nothing. Pass and bidding again shows values. I decide to combine both options . I will bid 2♣ and back in 2 when they bid again. I did not think of a Q bid . A Q bid may say I think somebody is psyching ,  partner ???



                        VOTES  :  2♣ (3)      2 (1)    P (2)    1 (1)    2 (1)




Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   South




























Duncan Smith


3S     Best I can do with this potential slam hand. Will pull 3nt to 4 diamonds. May prefer 3d on round 2 vs. 2d.


Kiz Fung


3S   Cue bid. If partner bids 3NT, I bid 4C. I want to hear the heart control


Vince Lambert


3S   Partner has shown a stiff spade, so I am willing to cooperate in a slam search.  I will bid 5D over 4 clubs to key in on the heart suit.  Not sure where my three spades will go on a diamond lead but will worry about that when and if I get to six. Hopefully partner has decent clubs that I can set up or the ace of diamonds so that I can score the ruffs quickly.


Tom Gandolfo


5D   Hope I don't get a diamond lead. If pards hand is that great he'll bid again.


Raymond Grace


4D     RKC for D. Partner has better than a 3NT rebid. Lets see if partner has 3 key cards or 1. I will try 6D opposite 2 KEYS. If he has 1 KEY, 5 D is our speed. My partner is going to be 2425 or 1426. The advantage of bidding 4D as RKCD is to be able to tell partner that we have all the keys when he has magic and play in 5D opposite 1 key. What is partner to do with xx axxx ax akqxxx and you jump to 5D. Bid 1 for the road? 


Doug & Lorna


4D   4 Diamonds. Seeking a Heart cuebid.


Vince Nowlan


3S   Pard should have a stiff spade, but I need to hear a Heart cue bid from him to consider slam.



5   Agree with Gandolfo ( go figure ) . Can not bid 4 as its KCB and too aggressive with a void in partners suit. 5♣ exclusion Blackwood should be attempted only with the most expert partnership. A 5 bid is not perfect but partner may get the message I am long in diamonds and very short in clubs for not going slower. Fast arrival still alive and well in some auctions.


VOTES:     5(2)      3 (4)    4(2)





Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   E/W ;   Dealer:   South
























Duncan Smith


P   Believe partner has clubs , not a cue for diamonds. Need reverse round suits to bid the club slam. Why 4d instead of 3d at our second turn?


Kiz Fung


P   My hand sure went downhill quickly. 


Vince Lambert


P   I showed a big hand already, pard is not cuebidding in support of my suits with no control in three suits.  He has a bunch of clubs. Wondering why I gave myself this headache, why didnt I bid 3H over 2H, then I could bid 4D over 4C or 3N, and know that we were on the right track.


Tom Gandolfo


5H  Help pard out, show the heart control. May be all we need for a grand.


Raymond Grace


5D - NICE BIDDING - what was the matter with 3D? If partner cannot bid over 3D maybe we are high enough. 4D is a splinter in support of your own Spades. What would you do with Akqjxxxx a5 x xxx? this is clearly the time to splinter in support of your own suit. Now 5C is a cubid showing slam interest.4C in this sequence is just looking for a minus. The last time I saw a similar sequence the 5C bidder had x xxx x went 1S P 1N 3D        4H P 5C P        5H with the 55 -- 5C made 


Doug & Lorna


5H  Cuebid 5 Hearts and await developments.


Vince Nowlan


P   If a bid can be natural, it is. My clubs aren't good enough to try 6.


5   A partnership should have certain default understandings to distinguish a suit from a Q bid. My default for a Q bid is the 4 level & beyond and also after partner has shown a strong one suited or two suited hand. 1-P-1NT-P   3-P-4♣  is a Q bid simply from the understanding that it is at the 4 level ( 3 level natural ) . 1-P-1-P  3-P-4-  4 is a Q bid both by partner showing a long good suit rule and the 4 level rule. In this hand ,  opener can be 6-6 in the spades & diamonds . He is not interested in your silly club suit. If your club suit is that long,  bid 5♣ over 1 or cheat on your 2/1 !!! Tom & I play 2♣ 2/1 & then 3♣  rebid non forcing because of auctions like this one !!


VOTES:  5 (1)         5 (3)        P (4)         





Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   North

















Duncan Smith


P    If I had to guess a final contract , I'd guess 6h , but a forcing pass involves partner , giving us a better chance of bidding a cold grand. Will pull in the unlikely event that partner doubles. A mediocre solution to a difficult problem.


Kiz Fung


P     With a partner I trust I pass.  This is a forcing auction. I am pulling partner's double to 5 hearts, the strongest I can make to invite slam.


Vince Lambert


5H    If and it is a big if , the opps can be trusted pard should have a stiff spade with long hearts.  Partner bid 4H freely so this should have a play. Unlike the previous hand, here where partner has shown long hearts, 5C should be a cuebid and not an attempt to improve the contract.  However I would want to be playing with a very familiar partner before trotting that bid out.


Tom Gandolfo


5H    Everyone has different ideas on this one. I think if I think we can make five , pard might look at his spade control and diamond king and bid six. I think six diamonds by him should show spade ace and king wanting me to decide where to place the contract.????


Raymond Grace


P    PASS - this is forcing. I expect partner to x with 2-3 Spades and bid with a stiff S. My pass implies Heart support similar to what I have. Over 5D or 5H I will bid 6C and then 6H.


Doug & Lorna


5C    The best bid would be to put out the stop card and bid 5 Hearts to ask about a spade control. However, will have to settle for 5 Clubs. Clever use of the stop card !!


Vince Nowlan


P    Invites 5H or 5D. Not sure that pass is right if pard doubles but I will anyway. 



5    It is trivial for an expert panel like this one to know that this is a forcing pass auction . What is not trivial is judging which forcing pass option to take. There is a pecking order in forcing pass theory based on the strength of the hand. The order is thus : double is the weakest saying do not bid as I am weak or do not fit you or have too many losers in their suit. A pass & leaving the double in is the next weakest bid . The pass says I do not mind offensive action if I had my druthers. Next is the direct bid . It says I think we can make this contract , partner. A Q bid is next on the totem pole. This is obviously a slam try. The biggest hand of all is shown by the pass and pull which is normally a grand slam try ( please Q bid for 7 ) .

            I was close to the Deschner’s Q bid but I felt I needed a 3rd heart. I hate the double or pass because the opponents have broadcast a possible 7-3-2-1 distribution in spades. You know what that means - a singleton in partners hand. I do not want to leave the double in with my controls. A pass and pull is too steep for this hand so its down to a Q bid or a direct bid for me .


VOTES:     5 (3)     5♣ (1)     P (4)                       




Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   none;   Dealer:   East




















Duncan Smith


3NT   Giving up on a possible (new scoring) penalty , & bidding what I think we can make.


Kiz Fung


Dbl   I like to play that a double in this circumstance shows a trap pass of the first bid suit.  Yup !


Vince Lambert


Dbl   East has a big two suiter but he will have to play out of his hand.  They likely have only seven hearts between them and the opps may well retreat to 2 spades which will make me real happy. I double and lead trumps. Sorry Peter Jones, I know -470 is a lousy number.

If they make this one , partner better brush up on his balancing doubles.


Tom Gandolfo


3NT   Pard may be a little light but looks like the cards should be sitting great.  Spade cards anyway .


Raymond Grace


Dbl   Double and lead the HK. I am not sure that we have game but if partner passes they are in a 7 card Heart fit with 3 S losers and assorted other losers. Double also confirms the Spade trap.


Doug & Lorna


2N   2 NT if they lead a heart. 3 NT on a spade lead. Soft values, don't want to hang partner.


Vince Nowlan


2N   Pard should have 4 hearts, but may only have 10 HCP's. Against some opponents, trying for a big penalty would be automatic. I assume in this forum that opponents are solid bidders!   Yes , your assumption is correct. The opponents are solid bidders because most of the "semi-solid" bidders are on this panel   J


Double  . This confirms the spade trap and right sides the NT contract. The double does not demand partner to pass.  Partner must do something intelligent by leaving the double in with the appropriate number of hearts and pull to NT without suitable hearts . I will bid 3NT over partners 2NT and lead the heart king if he converts. Partner playing the NT might mean the difference between success and failure with a heart lead by the opponents.


VOTES:    3NT (2)   2NT (2)       Dbl (4)  




Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   East
























    What is your opening lead ?


Duncan Smith


D2   A diamond combines safety & aggression. A spade is impossibly bad , hate stiff trump , & if partner's clubs are good enough to warrant that lead , he might (small inference) have doubled Stayman.



Kiz Fung


H7  I don't like leading from a stiff trump, however, in a invitational auction, I really don't want to be too aggressive. 



Vince Lambert


C2    They have marginal values and are running into a 4-1 trump break. I am on a guess as to partners minor suit holding, but this is least likely to give away a trick, and may be most effective to get the tap going.



Tom Gandolfo


H7   Let them find everything. Pard might not like this lead though.  No , I do not J



Raymond Grace


H7   Heart 7 - Normally is wrong to lead a trump against 44 fits but they staggered into 4H and all of my points are sitting obver the NT bidder. I believe that any trick lost by the lead will be regained when partner gets in to lead another trump. This may be the only lead to beat the contract.



Doug & Lorna


H7   Sounds like they're stretching. Hope the trump lead will give the least amount away.



Vince Nowlan


C2   Pard has 4 or 5 HCP which could be anywhere. Since I hate singleton trump leads, I'll try the suit that needs least from partner.


Invitational auction so a passive lead is called for . Hopefully partner will lead out of turn and they condone it. Failing that ,  I lead the diamond 8. Stiff trump leads are not passive. Hooks partner out his J9xx 4th every time . Why the 8 of diamonds ? A little bit of deception in case they have most of the diamonds and hooks partner for his queen again. 


VOTES :    2 (2)     7 (4)    2 (1)    8 (1)




              This panel grasps the point of the problems immediately. Their opinions might differ but that is the nature of the beast. Following their thoughts is both fun and Informative. Again , I encourage readers to try the problems out before reading the answers. You will appreciate more what the panel has to go through each month and learn more   Merry Christmas to all .