Problem #:
1; Scoring: IMPS; Vul: None; Dealer:
Vince Lambert
Although my king of spades is likely to be useless we may still have
a game. This leaves all
possibilities open.
Doug and Lorna
LHO did not raise spades. Partner probably has a decent hand with 3
or 4 spades. Hope she can raise hearts or bid 3 NT.
Kiz Fung
3NT is a more likely game than 4H. Western Cue is a little bit of a
stretch.. but preempts make us do that
Tom Gandolfo
3NT East
didn't raise spades so pard must have something in the suit and nine tricks
may be the limit of this hand. Stiff king opposite jxx will be a stopper.
Vince Nowlan
might bid 3NT at matchpoints; at IMPs, look for best game, or
possibly slam
Duncan Smith
3S Most
flexible. Allows for game , or more , in any denomination , save spades. 3
Hearts on such a bad 5 (?4) card suit does not appeal.
Raymond Grace
3D I
do not want to play in Hearts unless partner can bid the suit. More importantly
I think partner has Spades stopped and the suit that he is most worried
about is Diamonds. If he cannot bid 2NT over 3 Diamonds then I do not want
to hear it over 3 Hearts either. Maybe partner can raise and I can correct
to Clubs unless I am responding key cards. :-)
Doran Flock
plead Bob Hamman's rule ... when you can bid 3nt, do it. Or course 3H might
hit gold, however I don't want partner to raise with honor doubleton. 3nt
could be right sided, and could even be made without a spade stopper!
Like Mr. Gandolfo ,
I think “bidding the table” is in order. Partner did not double which he
would with hearts. RHO did not bid spades giving some length in spades in
partners hand. I am afraid of getting past 3NT with other bids so I bid it
! We may just need a partial spade stopper for our 9 tricks .
VOTES : 3NT (3)
3♦ (1) 3♠ (3) 3♥ (2)
Problem #:
2; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
None; Dealer: East
Vince Lambert
Partner would struggle to reopen with a double here with short
hearts. Since he didn't he must
have a relatively weak hand. He
could have balanced with a jump to 3 Spades to show a good hand with
Doug and Lorna
Pass because there's no other sensible bid. Any other action would
be just as much of a guess.
Kiz Fung
Tom Gandolfo
tough one. pard is prob already bidding my hand so i'm looking for a
plus and passing.
Vince Nowlan
P hope to make it
Duncan Smith
P I'll
miss a non vul game rather than chase moonbeams. If I had to bid , I guess
3 hearts.
Raymond Grace
Maybe partner can bid 3D or 3H. I will raise to 4 over 3S. Partner
may have a stiff Heart or even 3 and may bid 3H or 3N. Over 3H I will bid
3N and hope partner has JT or something to give me a stopper opposite 9
Doran Flock
P Why
didn't partner double??? Did they stretch to balance with long, soft
spades? Are they protecting something like Kx of hearts? Partner should not
have a good hand, I don't like my spade or heart holdings, and I don't want
to bet on winning minor suit finesses.
Ray Grace and I are
in a minority here but I think bidding 3♣ is a good pot odds gamble.
Its only a one round force and if partner bids 3♦ or bids 4♣ we have
hit a home run. I can not stand going down in 2♠ cold for a slam in either
minor. Partner has 10 HCP Axxxx x Kxxxx Kx or Axxxx x Kx Kxxxx and we make slam in either minor. What
are we gambling to make one try ? If partner bids 3♠ he is playing it there (
he did not balance 3♠ ) . So you are gambling a partial ( 3♠ might make anyway ) for a possible minor suit game or slam (
great pot odds) . The 4 small hearts signifies shortness in partners hands
which increase the likelihood of a minor suit in his hand. Passing 2♠ is far to unilateral for
my liking especially in IMPS where the idea is bidding games & slams.
The fact that he did not bid 3♠ originally also helps in divining that he has a minor ( maybe
fewer spades ).
VOTES: P (7) 3♣
Problem #:
3; Scoring: Matchpoints; Vul:
None; Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
After my two level response I owe partner a bid. Double here under the bidder shows no
clear direction but a willigness to defend. A classic co-operative or card showing double. No Bob it is not a D.S.I.P. double.
Doug and Lorna
Shows values. "Still here Pard....just not sure where we
Kiz Fung
DSIP.. hopefully the emphasis here is on the "I"
Tom Gandolfo
Lots of defense. Let pard decide.
Vince Nowlan
Double is close second; might only get 300 versus game in 3NT or 5D.
Duncan Smith
It's our hand pard, do something intelligent, including pass.
Raymond Grace
Double - Card showing or cooperative. Let partner know that it is
our hand and that I do not have a clear cut bid. I am happy to defend. It's
only 470 if it makes.
Doran Flock
Dbl Not
a clear cut penalty double if only due to my position in front of heart
bidder.With my 3 quick tricks I am happy to play 2 hts doubled if partner
Times have changed .
In the original Bridge World , they were just arguing which Q bid is
correct spades or hearts . The point of the hand was supposed to be which
is a telling Q bid and which is an asking Q bid. Bidding has progressed
since those days. A double is far too valuable a bid to mean I have a 100
honours in their suit and you must obediently pass partner. As Vince
Lambert points out it is not a D.S.I.P. double as you have made a 2/1 and
you own the hand. However you are in front of the suit so
partner can not reasonable expect heart honour cards. Why not give partner
the option of passing with a double ? He could have a stiff club and Ace x x of hearts and 2♥X gets murdered. The
opponents have chose to enter your auction where you have game going
values. This could spell disaster so why rescue them if they are in trouble
VOTES: Dbl (8) 2♠ (1)
Problem #:
4; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
Both; Dealer: East
Vince Lambert
2NT Even
though partner may be only balancing and therefore somewhat light, one of
us has to show our values, especially at IMPs. The other option is 2 hearts but 2N moves us toward the most
likely game with the least complications.
Doug and Lorna
1NT Don't
know which minor to bid so will settle for 1 NT. Partner may have a good
hand and bid again....then life is grand. Holding K 10 3 of hearts, might
have ventured 2 NT.
Kiz Fung
slight underbid, but partner with a nice 16 will take another call. Give
partner some latitude for being light in the balancing seat.
Tom Gandolfo
once again pard is balancing and my one nt shows 7-bad 11.
Vince Nowlan
trying to get to 3NT from right side; East will be endplayed on
opening lead, and when he gets back in. Need fewer than 25 HCP when we know
where all the points are. Good point
Duncan Smith
2H Maybe
hanging partner , but vul game bonus is too enticing. 2nt over 2 spades ,
3hearts over 3 of a minor. Could you hide this poor answer? No can do but will
concede this is a tough hand.
Raymond Grace
will cuebid and go to game over what ever partner bids next.
Doran Flock
think 1nt gives us the best shot at reaching game ... I may be underbid,
but am showing some constructive points. With only one heart stopper and no
5 card suit I start slowly.
Moderator under bids
1NT. Not great but nothing else fits. Like Ray , I will Q bid to make up
for lost time if partner makes a noise.
VOTES: 1NT (6) 2NT (1) 2♥ (2)
Problem #:
5; Scoring: Matchpoints; Vul:
None ; Dealer: North
Vince Lambert
This type of problem seems to be especially common in this forum. I
double Penalty!!!, not seeking partners opinion, not D.S.I.P. Bob. Partner can pull with significant
distribution. If it is not D.S.I.P. ,
your penalty doubles are pretty light. Expect a lecture from Peter Jones J.
Doug and Lorna
Doug opts for an underbid of 3 Clubs. Lorna makes an overbid of 2 Spades,
looking for NT.
Kiz Fung
2S I
would like partner to bid 2NT or 3 hearts. 3D is game forcing so I can't
bid that and I will pass 3C. Partner has not denied 3 hearts.
Tom Gandolfo
Again looking for a plus. p. didn't bid three clubs or a spade over
a heart we should be safe at the three level but I don't think they are.
I'm doubling 3d. They may still have a big spade fit and 3c will put a lot
of pressure on opps.
Vince Nowlan
2S North
can't have 4 spades, so I make a one round force. Will pass 3C or 2 NT.
raise 3H to 4
Duncan Smith
Matchpointitis. Should have better diamonds, since this double is
penalty , not the modern takeout.
Raymond Grace
Double. The double is card showing or cooperative. Initially I answered
3D looking for game. Partner Rates to be 3136 and the Jx of C may be enough
to bring in 9 tricks. The problem is partner is entitles to bid 3N on A9a
or even K9x and if the C suit is not solid ther is no play for 3NT Let
partner decide and not at the 4 level. I think that I will give up over
3C. The bad number is only 180 this
time :-)
Doran Flock
Dbl Not
perfect by any means but a general "we own the hand" double. I am
concerned about my weak diamond holding behind the bidder, partner could
well play me for better diamonds ... however I have a good hand and no
obvious bid.
Can not stand it ! I
have been agreeing with Ray on every bid thus far J. I double as I play it as D.S.I.P. saying I would like to
compete to 3♣ but I have defense. I have my points exactly
where partner expects them ( hearts ) . So If he has a stiff heart , he
might want to convert. Axx x xxx AKxxxx
3♣ is iffy and 2♦X is 300 or better
(2) Dbl (5) 2♠ (2)
Problem #:
6; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
Both; Dealer: West
Vince Lambert
Partner will expect a much different hand for 4 spades. This may be
a double game swing hand. We may
beat 5 hearts but I will take out insurance at IMPs. If partner actually has enough to beat
five hearts I shouldn't be down more than one and may make.
Doug and Lorna
Cooperative Double by Partner. I don't expect to take a trick on
defense. Could be a double game swing.
Kiz Fung
Partner said "don't bid any more" so I won't.
Tom Gandolfo
5S Don't
think pard can cover all my losers.
Vince Nowlan
P Pass
- I don't play responsive X this high
Duncan Smith
Thinking of other than pass is a huge misbid!!!
Raymond Grace
I wish partner had passed and I could then double to show AK of my suit. If
5S is making then partner is covering 3 of my 5 outside losers. This means
5H is not making.
Doran Flock
5S Partner
does not promise anything in hearts, and most times on this auction will
not have anything in hearts. So, with his card showing double and my 8
tricks I bid on. Not willing to gamble on slam.
The criteria for
leaving in a penalty doubles is do I have what partner can reasonably
expect for my previous bid ? I could have held many hands where I would
have some outside cards to contribute to the defense. I just have 8 spades
so I take out insurance and pull. Partner is doubling on spade shortage and
outside stuff. I might get lucky and a double game swing scenario might
result. I do not subscribe to the partner doubles so I must blindly pass
methodology. My hand type dictates
the final resting spot. I notice that the panel was split 50-50 on this
VOTES: 5♠ (5) P (4)
Problem #:
7; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
N/S; Dealer: East
Vince Lambert
1H I
hope to get both my suits into the auction and dont want to encourage spades
unless partner has five of them.
Doug and Lorna
Taking a chance partner doesn't have spades. If hearts and diamonds
were reversed, would overcall 1 Heart.
Kiz Fung
2NT I would
like to lead direct with diamonds but that would result in losing the heart
suit probably.
Tom Gandolfo
don't like 2nt with these hands. could miss a good spade fit and i
want a diamond lead on defense. don't have any tricks for a double
Vince Nowlan
Overcall with intermediate 5-5, some spade support - don't like X
with a void, or 2NT with Qxx of spades. First round is safer to bid than
Duncan Smith
1H Ugly
, but if I don't bid now , we'll probably never find a heart game if it
exists. Forget 1 diamond as lead director.
Raymond Grace
1H 1H
followed by 2D and then raising partner’s Spade bid. The hand improves a
lot if partner raises Hearts or Diamonds.
Doran Flock
1D I
bid where I live, vastly preferring my diamonds to hearts. The majors are
not shut out at this point and may be introduced in further bidding.
Ugly choice of bids.
I bid 2NT which Tom and I play as either weak or very strong and never
intermediate. The reason I choose this bid is that this auction is likely
to “take off” as I have a void in the opponents suit. Getting my two 5 card
suits in very early with one bid might help partner out. Contrast that with
a heart overcall and LHO bids 4♣. Partner bids 4♥ with his 3 hearts and
reasonable hand ( being jammed) . Right into openers 100 honours in hearts
with the club tap ( 1700 ? ) . Yes , 2NT loses the spade suit but the spade
suit might be in their hands and at least we find our red suit sacrifice or
game if there is one.
VOTES : 1♥ (4) 1♦ (2) 2NT (3)
Problem #:
8; Scoring: Matchpoints; Vul:
Both; Dealer: North
is your opening lead ?
Vince Lambert
CA The
opponents have shown at least a doubleton club, likely more, in the East
hand and likely a singleton in the West hand. I would typically lead a
trump to cut down on ruffing values but the jump to 4 spades tells me that
is hopeless. I will therefore lead my winner and hopefully can tell what to
switch to, in order to break up any squeezes or end plays. At least at matchpoints I will get our
one trick. It might go away
Doug and Lorna
Sounds like a void of singleton Club on my left. LHO was probably
too weak to splinter. Wouldn't be surprised if Declarer is 5/5 in the black
Kiz Fung
After this auction, you would expect the king of clubs or a stiff
club on my left. Right hand opponent appears to have all other controls.
Hopefully clubs are Kx on my left and Jxx on my right.
Tom Gandolfo
club is the only trick that might go away so i'm cashing.
Vince Nowlan
CA East
asked for 2nd round control, so dummy has stiff or K. Leading the Ace is
unlikely to cost, and our Club trick could concievably disappear.
Duncan Smith
Playing dummy for KJ (or equivalent) in clubs, & a misguess.
Declarer has no club control. I deserve my heroics to unearth a stiff club
King in dummy.
Raymond Grace
Lets see if partner can tell me what to lead now. I love leading an
ACE on this type of slam auction. Usually partner has an Ace too. (My
partners never open Aceless 11 point hands.)
Doran Flock
S3 Okay,
West has a stiff club ... with my 5 points and partner's opener I try to
cut down on dummy club ruffs. Not wanting to speculate on which red suit
might work and club Ace doesn't seem right.
Congratulations to
the Deschners & Mr. Flock. This is a real hand and the trump lead is
the killer. Of course the 5♠ bid meant do you have a club control partner and partner
dutifully bids 6 with his stiff club. You lead a trump and get in
with your club Ace and lead another. Declarer is now one trick short. You
have 5 HCP including an Ace, partner opened and they are in slam. It
is reasonable to think that they will need ruffs to make their contract. 22
HCP slams normally do. Deschners
& Doran you may skip lead school J
VOTES : CA (4) C8 (2) S3